
Visar inlägg från januari, 2020

Dr. Zlatko Miliša liječeći karcinom osjetio sam blizinu Božju

Je li ogovaranje smrtni grijeh? Težina grijeha ogovaranja ovisi o istim trima faktorima kao i težina drugih grijeha Foto: Shutterstock Hvaljen Isus! Je li ogovaranje smrtni grijeh? Negdje sam pročitao da jest i to me je jako uznemirilo, jer svakodnevno sudjelujem u razgovorima u kojima katkad zna biti ogovaranja. Hvala! Uvijeke! Katekizam u broju 2477 sadrži pouku o ogovaranju: Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa “Poštivanje dobra glasa osobâ zabranjuje svaki stav i svaku riječ koji im mogu prouzročiti nepravednu štetu. Postaje krivim za ogovaranje onaj tko, bez objektivno valjana razloga, otkriva tuđe manjke i pogreške osobama koje za to ne znaju.” Težina grijeha ogovaranja ovisi o istim trima faktorima kao i težina drugih grijeha: teška materija, svijest i sloboda počinitelja. O teškoj se stvari radi kada se ogovaranjem nanosi teška šteta osobi – otkriva se nešto što uništava dobar glas osobe općenito ili u tom krugu ljudi ili ga diskvalificira u drugom smislu (npr. osoba dobije otka...


NEVER SEEN THIS ERRRORR ! This morning I read an article ( see here ) that made me laugh, because it relayed a story about a cardinal in the Catholic Church who doesn’t seem to understand some very basic terms. He suggested that Catholics who protest some actions of the pope ought to become Protestants, because that’s what they essentially are. I couldn’t contain myself. I laughed so hard I nearly spilled my coffee. What made this story particularly funny to me was that just yesterday I had an email exchange with a Protestant about this very same topic. Our exchange was cordial and intelligent, unlike the rhetoric I see coming from liberal clergy in the Catholic Church these days. Without getting into the details of the exchange itself, or delving too deeply into the problems with the cardinal’s assertion, I think it’s time to go through some basic terminology. Terms are important because they mean something, and if we use the wrong terms, we tend to create more problems than we solv...