
THE EUCHARIST IN THE LIFE OF ST. FAUSTINA A regular experience for St. Faustina was the vision of the Lord during Holy Mass. Over sixty such visions are recorded in her diary, mostly of the infant Jesus, a few occasions with the Blessed Mother, and at other times, Jesus during His passion and some of His majesty. Some dozen times she records seeing the rays of mercy as in the image of the Merciful Savior coming from the Holy Eucharist, at times covering the world (Diary of St. Faustina 420, 441, 1046). Again and again, Jesus told St. Faustina that He had chosen her period in history to pour out His mercy upon mankind, in preparation for His Second Coming. Thus, she saw that her state of “living host” was a pure, unmerited gift of Divine Mercy. IN AN INDIFFERENT PERSON “Behold, the treasures of grace that flow down upon souls, but not all souls know how to take advantage of my generosity.” (Diary 1687) "It pains Me very much when religious souls receive the Sacrament of Love merel
  The Rosary Overcomes Radical Islam She (Mary) will renew the wonders of Lepanto! Pope Leo XIII A Bishop in Nigeria, Boko Haram, and a Sword In April 2014, Boko Haram kidnapped more than 200 young girls from a school in Nigeria, Africa. Boko Haram is the notorious radical Muslim group that violently slaughters non-Muslims by such means as decapitation or burning people alive. In December 2014, Jesus appeared to a Catholic bishop in Nigeria and instructed him that the rosary was the weapon that would overcome Boko Haram. Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme of the Diocese of Maiduguri, Nigeria, claims that one evening, while he was praying his rosary, Jesus appeared to him holding a sword. During the vision, Jesus extended the sword toward the bishop. When the bishop went to take the sword from Jesus, it miraculously transformed into a rosary! Once the bishop had the rosary sword in his hands, Jesus looked at him and said three times, "Boko Haram is gone! Boko Haram is gone! Boko Haram is go
  Maria Angela Grow · April 11 Saint Gemma Galgani (Flower of Lucca, Gemma Galani, Maria Gemma Umberta Pia Galgani, Virgin of Lucca) Virgin: Life a Continuous Suffering Since Age of Seven. (1878-1903) Patonage: Pharmacists loss of parents those suffering with back illnesses back injury or pain those struggling with temptations those seeking purity of heart students Paratroopers and Parachutists those suffering with headaches/migraines those struggling with temptations to impurity . Saint Gemma Galgani was born at Camigliano in Tuscany, Italy, in 1878. Her mother died when she was seven years old, and from that time on her life was one of continuous suffering. Her afflictions were caused by ill-health, by the poverty into which her family fell, by the scoffing of those who took offense at her practices of devotion, and finally, by the physical attacks of the devil. Through it all, however, she remained at peace and enjoyed constant communion with our Lord, who spoke to her as if He were
David Michael Meliti 4 d · Our Tongue Reveals Our Spiritual Health And Our True Spiritual Condition Where do our words originate from according to Yahshua our Messiah? Does our speech originate from our mouth? Definitely not. Our words originate from our heart. Matthew 12:34b (NKJV) ~ For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The tongue is a revealer of what's inside a person's heart. Your tongue will tell you and others what's really going on inside of you as a person. It will tell on you like a tattletale. The words you speak and the tone you use to speak those words will make manifest to others what's really going on with you spiritually and within your heart. You know what? It's not really our mouth that gets us into trouble. It's our heart that gets us into trouble. The mouth just speaks what's already inside the heart. The tongue reveals what's even in our heart about somebody else. When you hear somebody talk about another person, i