
Visar inlägg från november, 2020

The Truth About: Prophecy for Today and for the End Times (Fr. Chris Ala...

Nedavno sam počela raditi i prvi put sam osjetila što to znači biti zaposlena majka. Mogu vam reći da nije lako balansirati između različitih dužnosti koje imam na poslu i onih koje me dočekaju kada dođem kući. Sve te obveze mogu natjerati ženu da eksplodira i počne vrištati: “Spokojnost sad!” (u izvornom  “Serenity now!” , op. prev.), ako ste ljubitelj serije Seinfeld znat ćete o čemu pričam. Nemojte me krivo shvatiti, volim svoj posao i  stvarno  volim biti supruga i majka, ali između izvještaja o prodaji, čišćenja kuće, e-mailova, volontiranja u školi moje djece, kuhanja, telefonskih poziva itd. shvatila sam da je teško živjeti sadašnji trenutak i pritom ne misliti na sljedeću obavezu koju moraš odraditi. Otkrila sam da mi molitveni život zbog toga pati jer bih uvijek tijekom molitve razmišljala o obavezama koje me čekaju kasnije. Nije lako pokušavati biti u tišini s Gospodinom i misliti na takve stvari. Bilo je ja...

Divine Mercy ~ Trust: Key to God’s Mercy! Fr John Corapi


Live Holy Mass (Latin) - 30th November 2020

The Church has given us a special season in which to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s coming into the world. Advent, or the four weeks before Christmas, is this season. Like Lent (the forty days before Easter) Advent is meant to be a time to retreat from the world and come closer to God as He bends closer to earth to send us His Son, Jesus. Many people do penances during Advent, just as they would during Lent. Others try to add extra good deeds or make special efforts to form habits of virtue. Deus Vult will be observing this season by taking a little pause. Our authors and editor are taking a break this Advent to help us refocus our attention on what matters most, that is, our relationship with God. We will not be posting during Advent so that our authors can keep in touch with this holy tradition our Holy Mother the Church has given us. How about you? What are you doing this Advent? Why not use the time you would normally spend reading our posts to read the Scriptures or the l...