Visar inlägg från maj, 2022
UŽIVO: 13 utoraka svetom Anti - 6. utorak (Pobožnost svetom Antunu, moli...
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UŽIVO: Molitveni susret - Duh Božji daruje jedinstvo (Iz devetnice za bl...
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UŽIVO: Molitveni susret - Duh Božji daruje jedinstvo (Iz devetnice za blagdan Duhova) 262 visningarHade premiär för 83 minuter sedan 32 OGILLA DELA SPARA Zakkhaios 10 300 prenumeranter Uvodni dio molitvenog susreta je devetnica za blagdan Duhova, a zatim molimo zazive, krunice i druge molitve. Musik i den här videon Läs mer Lyssna annonsfritt med YouTube Premium Låt Venkatesananda Artist Jesse Gallagher Album Venkatesananda Licensierad till YouTube av YouTube Audio Library; Audiam (Publishing), Polaris Hub AB och 2 musikupphovsrättsorganisationer 4 kommentarer Standardprofilfoto Lägg till en kommentar ... Mirjana Pavičić. Mirjana Pavičić. för 1 timme sedan Molimo Gospodine za nakane naše ali neka bude volja Tvoja..Amen. 3 Antonija Katarina Gabela Antonija Katarina Gabela för 6 timmar sedan Budi hvaljena i u vijeke uzveličana najpravednija, najuzvišenija i najljubeznija volja Božja u svim stvarima. (100 dana oprosta, Pio VII. 1818. g.) 2 Klara Brigita Cvitic Klara Brig...
UŽIVO: Molitveni susret - Duh Božji daruje jedinstvo (Iz devetnice za bl...
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NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_FinalDownload Link na original PDF : Eucharistic miracle happened in Rome 36m sedan Eucharistic miracle happened during the Mass celebrated by the bishop Claudio Gatti in Rome, Italy. STORY: On the 11th of June 2000, feast of Pentecost, while I was celebrating the Holy Mass in the church ”Mother of the Eucharist”, a great Eucharistic miracle happened. As soon as I finished to say the wording of the consecration of the bread, blood began to come out from my host. Time stopped for me. I was bending over the host that I was holding tightly in my hands and I was gazing at the divine blood that was spreading on a great part of its surface. I haven’t moved for a time that seemed endless to the present people, because they thought I was feeling sick, since on my face a shocking paleness and a strong blush alternated. As soon as I collected myself a little, I lifted up the host. There was much emotion ...
Imitatio Mariae: Znakovi naše vjere
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Imitatio Mariae: Znakovi naše vjere : Znak je nešto što vodi spoznaji nečega drugoga. Naša vjera, rimokatolička vjera, puna je znakova jer veći dio stvarnosti naše vjere nedostup... Suzana Monika NASHVILLEDOMINICAN.ORG Vocations - Nashville Dominicans Vocations - Nashville Dominicans Gilla Svara Ta bort förhandsvisning 1 m Aktiv Suzana Monika Following tradition, he yelled and “drank” a quart of milk all over himself. (Mykal McIldowney/The Indianapolis Star) Svara2 m Suzana Monika Jean Ingres, 1854: Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII. As a child she received visions calling her to rescue France from a war of succession between two royal houses. She led troops into battle and won Orléans, but was later tried as a witch and a heretic, likely for being a powerful woman, and put to death at 19. One Pope declared her innocent after the fact and another canonized her in 1920. She is a patron saint of France. Collect of the Day: Joan of ...
UŽIVO Molitveni susret za MIR u svijetu (U molitvi i mislima sa onima ko...
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Öppna fre 00:42 Du har skickat 30th Anniversary of International Recognition of Croatia will take place in Toronto, in front of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Queen’s Park: Monday May 30th at 12pm All are invited/ svi ste dobro došli! Croatian Consulate General - Generalni konzulat RH u Mississaugi Öppna fre 01:32 Du har skickat Tomislav Ivančić 43 m · [UZAŠAŠĆE GOSPODINOVO – SPASOVO] Četrdeset dana nakon uskrsnuća slavimo blagdan Uzašašća Kristova ili Spasovo. Ta svetkovina označuje svršetak Isusova ukazivanja apostolima, a broj od »četrdeset dana« znači puninu njegova djelovanja na zemlji, ispunjenje svega što je donio za spas čovječanstva. Uzašašće pak znači da je on sada i kao čovjek uzdignut u božanske sfere, da je i kao čovjek postao gospodar neba i zemlje, da je sjeo zdesna Bogu. Sjediti zdesna Bogu biblijski je izraz koji označuje da netko ima Božju vlast u rukama. Krist, dakle, ima vlast nad svima, posebno nad zlom i Zlim. Na njemu je da podloži zlo i Zloga Očevoj vol...