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Eucharistic miracle happened in Rome
36m sedan
Eucharistic miracle happened during the Mass celebrated by the bishop Claudio Gatti in Rome, Italy.
On the 11th of June 2000, feast of Pentecost, while I was celebrating the Holy Mass in the church ”Mother of the Eucharist”, a great Eucharistic miracle happened.
As soon as I finished to say the wording of the consecration of the bread, blood began to come out from my host.
Time stopped for me. I was bending over the host that I was holding tightly in my hands and I was gazing at the divine blood that was spreading on a great part of its surface.
I haven’t moved for a time that seemed endless to the present people, because they thought I was feeling sick, since on my face a shocking paleness and a strong blush alternated.
As soon as I collected myself a little, I lifted up the host.
There was much emotion in the present people, but everything took place in an atmosphere of deep concentration and living participation.
While I was lowering my blood-stained host, I saw, on the paten, two other big hosts that, as the Mother of the Eucharist will say later, had been rescued from profanation and brought into the thaumaturgical place, because ”the bishop, the visionary and the members of the community love the Eucharist very much and they are ready to give also their life to defend it”.
After having said the wording of the consecration of the wine, and lifted up the chalice, I took the paten that contained the blood-stained host consecrated by me and the other two hosts rescued from profanation and I passed between the pews of the church, so that the people present could see them closely, ascertain the truthfulness of the fact, smell the scent that the blood-stained host emitted, to witness in the future the great Eucharistic miracle happened.
When I did the ”fraction of bread”, the blood kept on dropping before the eyes of the present people. Even if I regret, I had to consume the blood-stained Host, as it is prescribed by the rules 113-116 of the 4th chapter of the instructions for the celebration of the Holy Mass contained in the Mass-book.
Receiving the Holy Communion I have enjoyed the sweet taste of Jesus blood and I felt a strong heat and an intense scent that invaded my inside.
With this latest great Eucharistic miracle God put his seal on all the previous miracles that were refused by the great men of the Church, who claimed to know the name of the priest who had consecrated the hosts that Jesus, Our Lady, the saints and the angels brought into the thaumaturgical place, including the numerous hosts that poured blood.
As John saw the blood and the water coming out from Jesus’ pierced chest, I, bishop ordained by God, the visionary Marisa Rossi and many other people saw the blood coming out from the host consecrated by me and we can repeat with the apostle: ”He who saw it has borne witness, his testimony is true, and he knows that he tells the truth, in order that you believe”. (John 19,37)
Idag firar kristna den vördnadsvärda Pierre Toussaints högtid, be för oss!
28 maj 2022 — Cristy Li
Ärevördige Pierre Toussaint
Pierre Toussaint (1766-1853)
Bild: Info Catolica
(Franciskanska medier) Pierres mästare Jean Berard föddes som slav i Haiti och lärde honom att läsa och skriva enligt SQPN och när Berard flyttade till New York 1787 tog han Pierre tillsammans med sin yngsta syster Rosalie.
Pierre gick i lära hos en ledande frisör, lärde sig handeln mycket snabbt och skulle en dag, mycket framgångsrikt arbeta hemma hos några mycket rika damer i NYC – När Berard gick bort stannade Pierre kvar för att ta hand om sin sjuka änka, han befriades från slaveri när Madame Berard gick bort 1807
Därefter arbetade Pierre för sig själv och blev ganska rik och blev senare kär i Marie Rose Juliette vars frihet han köpte och sedan var de två gifta. Det unga paret adopterade senare Euphemie, hans föräldralösa systerdotter.
Pierre deltog i den dagliga mässan i St. Peter’s Church på Barclay Street, samma församling som Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (festdag 04 januari) deltog i.
Mycket välvillig och välgörande donerade Pierre till olika organisationer som hjälpte andra i nöd utan hänsyn till ras, Pierre och hans fru Marie, öppnade sitt hem för föräldralösa barn, utbildade dem och skulle ta hand om övergivna individer som lider av gul feber. — Senare, uppmanad att gå i pension och njuta av sin rikedom, svarade Pierre:
”Jag har tillräckligt för mig själv men om jag slutar arbeta har
jag inte tillräckligt för andra.”
Till sina sista dagar arbetade Pierre outtröttligt för att hjälpa alla som behövde det, han gick bort vid 87 års ålder i NYC – 1996 förklarades Pierre vördnadsvärd av påven Saint John Paul II
Mer här från Natl Catholic Register
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