
Visar inlägg från maj, 2024
  Første lesning Job 11,1-20 Fra Jobs bok Sophar legger frem den alminnelige mening Da tok Sophar fra Na’ama til orde og sa: Skal ikke pratmakeren få svar? Får han rett, han som bruker så store ord? Skulle ditt snakk få menn til å tie, så du kan spotte uten å bli motsagt? Du våger å si: „Min lære er ren, og jeg står skyldfri foran deg.“ Men ville Gud bare åpne munnen og ta til orde mot deg, forkynne deg sin skjulte visdom som gir dobbelt innsikt, da måtte du vel skjønne at Gud kan la din synd bli glemt. Kan du lodde dybdene i Gud eller finne noen grense for den Allmektiges storhet? Den er høyere enn himmelen - hva kan du gjøre? Og dypere enn dødsriket - hva vet du? Den har større mål enn jorden og favner videre enn havet. Om Gud drar ut og tar fanger og stevner folk for retten, hvem kan da hindre ham? Han kjenner jo de falske menn og sei¬den ondskap som ingen merker. Kan en uforstandig mann få vett? Kan et villesel bli omskapt til menneske? Hvis du vender ditt sinn til ham og brer ...
  'Dominus meus et Deus meus.' 'MY LORD AND MY GOD.' "O marvelous Sacrament! How can I find words to praise You! You are the life of the soul, the medicament healing our wounds, our comforter when we are overburdened, the memorial of Jesus Christ, the proof of His love, the most precious precept of His testament, our companion in the pilgrimage of life, the joy sustaining us in our exile, the burning coal kindling the fire of divine love, the instrument of grace, the pledge of eternal bliss and the treasure of Christians," -Ven. Louis of Granada, O.P. CATHOLIC SAINTS Daniel Boom De Leon · · Saint of the Day • St. Mariana of Jesus • May 28, 2024 Excellence in any field requires coaching. Coaches see things we don't, and they are able to hold us accountable. The best coaches see our true potential and inspire us to reach it. Just like we need coaching in golf and tennis, at work and in our relationships, we also need spiritual coaching. Thankfully, prie...
  The Solemn Feast of the Most Holy Trinity by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, 1877 . The mystery of all mysteries is presented to us today by the true Church of Christ, namely, the mystery of the Most Holy and undivided Trinity, to which we owe the deepest honor, love and devotion. . Our belief on this subject consists principally in the three following points: there is One true God, who rewards all good deeds and punishes all evil ones, either in this world or in the next; but there are, at the same time, three Persons, who according to Holy Writ, are called, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Each of these three Persons differs from the two others, namely the Father from the Son, the Son from the Father and the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost from Father and Son. This difference of Persons implies, however, no difference in their nature; for they all possess only one divine nature and essence. Each of these Persons is true God. True God is the Father: true God, the Son: true God, the Hol...