Following In The Footsteps Of Communist China, CANADA Begins Harvesting Organs From Euthanised Humans — Truth To Power
12m ago

Twenty years ago, I remember telling a physician friend of mine that China was harvesting organs from political prisoners. The doctor — a wine-drinking liberal academic — scoffed at the idea and claimed that if something like that were going on, he would have heard about it by now. (This is how doctors think. If […]

Following In The Footsteps Of Communist China, CANADA Begins Harvesting Organs From Euthanised Humans — Truth To Power
SECTS ABUSE MUSLIMS ROMAROTARY SWEDISH SAMERSINDIANSECT BUDIST HINDUISTS PRIDELGBT SECT SO ON ALL FROM AM BRITTISH ROMALOROTARY INVETION : ISPITALA SAM SAVJESTI KOLEGICA :GRCI SU KOMUNISTA I ZIDOV JE KAPITALISTA TO SU DVA BRACA SEKTERASA kako i sveda nevjernik rade vjeruje u sebe samu i tomten iz ullareda a finac u rovaneimi mumintroll ali am i britte brezits rotaryromalo sam ja zabrinuta da su tako trista nacija kako SVEDSKI ROMI SAMER I PERUJANI indijanci koji izgubili golden city miccu picchu nestala !SICK AM PAGANS NO WONDER NOONE CAN TAKE OVER AFTER TRAMP ONLY OLD PRESIDENTS BUT U ARE 627.5 MILLION INHABITANTS 627.5 BUDALA I SAY !!!PAGANS LIKE TODAY THE EGIPTIANS AND TURKSISH SAUDIS AND SWEDES ROMAS ROTARY JOGAS U BUY LIKE A OLD MUSLIME AND COMMUNIST WIVES !!!so much to be gratefull for why so many shooppoholics why not untertain our presiciuss insides ?Holy Souls in Purgatory – Prayer.

15h ago

Holy SoulsprayerPurgatory

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.



My God, I firmly believe that Thou art here present. I acknowledge that on account of my many sins I am utterly unworthy to appear before Thy sacred countenance. Yet, confiding in Thy infinite goodness and mercy, I venture to address Thee, to call upon Thy holy name, and meditate upon Thy commandments, in order that I may acquire a better knowledge of Thy holy will, and accomplish it with more fidelity. Wherefore enlighten my understanding that I may perceive what I ought to do or leave undone for the promotion of Thy glory and my own salvation; at the same time excite my will, that I may repent with my whole heart of my past sins, and resolve for the future to do all that Thou requirest of me. Grant me above all to know Jesus, my divine Teacher and Guide, more clearly, that I may love Him more dearly, and consequently labor, struggle and suffer with greater generosity and self-sacrifice in imitation of His example. Holy Mary, Mother of God and my Mother, show Jesus to me now, and let me study thy divine Son to the salvation of my soul. Holy Guardian Angel, keep far from me all distracting thoughts; my patron saint, come to my assistance. Amen.


Prelude.—Let us unite ourselves to-day to the whole Church, which never ceases offering to God the most fervent supplications for the relief and deliverance of the souls in Purgatory.

Meditation.—Till now we have meditated on the numerous and powerful motives which make devotion to the souls in Purgatory a rigorous duty. But the close of this month, which our piety towards the holy souls induces us to consecrate to their deliverance, approaches and our hearts are doubtless fully resolved to redouble their zeal for the relief of these poor captive souls. Let us hasten, then, to study the means by which we can help them better.

The most ordinary means are prayer, fasting, and alms. We will meditate separately on each one of these three ways, and also on the secondary means which are comprised under these three general heads.

We will content ourselves to-day in remarking the importance which the Church attaches to prayer for the dead. She has employed it in every part of the world, from the time of the Apostles to our own days, and it is owing to a very ancient and very touching custom, that at the end of every canonical hour, those who recite it should add this short prayer:

“May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.”

The 2nd of November is a most ancient and very important feast in the Church, for on that day this tender Mother wishes all her children who are living to remember those who are dead, and suffering in the flames of Purgatory.

Resolution.—Renew our attention when in our prayers we make mention of the souls in Purgatory.

Aspiration.—“May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace!” (Office of the Church.)



St. Augustine, that incomparable Doctor, prayed with the most touching fervour for the soul of his mother, St. Monica, and not content with his own prayers, fervent though they were, he asks God to let each of the faithful unite theirs. “Lord,” he said, “inspire Thy servants who are my brethren, inspire those who read what I write to remember at the altar Monica, Thy servant, so that she may obtain more easily through the prayers of many the last things she enjoined on me to obtain from Thee.” (Confessions, ix. 12-15.)


My God, I give Thee heartfelt thanks for all the graces and all the light Thou hast conferred on me during this meditation. Pardon me all the negligence and the distractions of which I have been guilty, and give me strength to carry out the resolutions that I have made. Fortify me, that from henceforth I may diligently practise this virtue . . . avoid this fault . . . perform this action . . . to Thy honor. Help me to do this, sweet Virgin Mary; and if I ever forget my good resolutions, I entreat my Angel Guardian to recall them to my memory. Amen.

November Devotion: The Holy Souls in Purgatory.

Virtues to practice: Charity and kindness.


Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord! Lord hear my voice.

Let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.

If Thou, O Lord, shalt mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand it?

For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by rea­son of Thy law I have waited for Thee, O Lord.

My soul hath relied on His word: my soul hath hoped in the Lord.

From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the Lord.

Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him plenteous redemption.

And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

V. Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord.

R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

V. May they rest in peace.

R. Amen.

V. Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my cry come unto thee.

Let Us Pray.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through the devout prayers of Thy Church on earth, they may obtain that remission of pain which they have ever desired. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

V. Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord.

R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

V. May they rest in peace.

R. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XII., by a brief, Calestes Ecclesia thesauros, Aug. 11, 1736, granted:

AN INDULGENCE OF ONE HUNDRED DAYS to all the faithful who, at the sound of the bell, at the first hour after nightfall, shall say devoutly on their knees the psalm De profundis, or the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Requiem æternam.

A PLENARY INDULGENCE, once a year, to those who shall have performed this pious exercise for a year, on any day when, being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy and for the triumph of holy Mother Church.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of the Propaganda, March 18, 1781, granted these indulgences to all the faithful who may happen to dwell in a place where no bell for the dead is sounded, provided they shall say the De profundis, or the Our Father, and the Hail Mary, etc., about nightfall.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, declared that these indulgences can be gained on the recital as aboye of the De profundis, or the Our Father, etc., before or after nightfall, provided that the bell is sounded at such hour, according to the custom of the church or place.

Moreover, His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 3, 1888, granted to all the faithful who shall recite the above Psalm, adding the versicle Requiem æternam dona eis Domine ei lux perpetua luceat eis, AN INDULGENCE OF FIFTY DAYS, three times a day.

Most loving Jesus, I humbly beseech Thee, that Thou Thyself wouldst offer to Thine eternal Father in behalf of the Holy Souls in purgatory, the Most Precious Blood which poured forth from the sacred wounds of Thine adorable Body, together with Thine agony and death. And do thou likewise, O sorrowful Virgin Mary, present unto Him, together with the dolorous Passion of thy dear Son, thine own sighs and tears, and all the sorrows thou didst suffer in His suffering, in order that, through the merits of the same, refreshment may be granted to the souls now suffering in the fiery torments of purgatory, so that, being delivered from that painful prison, they may be clothed with glory in heaven, there to sing the mercies of God for ever and ever. Amen.

Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin, that with Thy gracious assistance they may deserve to escape the judgment of vengeance and enjoy the blessedness of everlasting light.

V. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord

R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

V. From the gates of hell,

R. Deliver their souls, O Lord.

V. May they rest in peace.

R. Amen.

V. O Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

Let us pray.

O, God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful; grant unto the souls of Thy servants and handmaids the remission of all their sins: that through our devout supplications they may obtain the pardon they have always desired. Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.

V. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord

R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.

V. From the gates of hell,

R. Deliver their souls, O Lord.

V. May they rest in peace.

R. Amen.

An indulgence of 3 years. A plenary indulgence on the usual conditions, if these prayers are said daily for a month (S. C. md., Sept. 15, 1888; S. P. Ap., April 25, 1934).


Pius IX, has granted an Indulgence of Ten Years and Ten Quarantines once a day to the faithful who devoutly recite in company with others, either at home or in church, in public or private oratories, a third part of the Rosary of Saint Dominic; and a Plenary Indulgence on the last Sunday in every month to all who are in the habit of saying with others at least three times a week, the third part of the Rosary, without belonging to the confraternity of that name. (Visit.)

Benedict XIII granted an Indulgence of One Hundred Days for every Our Father and every Hail Mary, and a Plenary Indulgence once a year, to those who recite the third part of the Rosary every day; the same Indulgence of One Hundred Days had been granted for the Chaplet of Saint Bridget. Those who recite at least once a week the Chaplet of our Lord, or that of the Blessed Virgin, enriched with Apostolic Indulgences, gain numerous Indulgences on the feast indicated in the calendar, besides an Indulgence of One Hundred Days each time. (Take particular notice that it is necessary to recite the whole Chaplet without remarkable interrruption.) – Month of the Dead.


In order to maintain and diffuse ever more and more among the faithful the holy and salutary thought of praying for the departed, some pious Romans projected and proposed a so-called Catholic League of perpetual suffrage for the holy souls in purgatory, to which any one may belong by reciting each day, three times, Give them eternal rest, etc., in behalf of the holy souls.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 19, 1880, granted to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts, recite, three times, Give them eternal rest, etc.:

AN INDULGENCE OF TWO HUNDRED DAYS, once a day. – Raccolta 1898


His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, January 17, 1888, granted to the faithful who shall perform some pious practice for the relief of the souls in Purgatory, every day during the whole month of November, whether in public or in private,


A PLENARY INDULGENCE, once during the same month, on any day of the month, on the usual conditions: Confession and Communion, and a visit to a church or public oratory, and there praying for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff. – Raccolta 1898.

ALL ye, who would honor

The saints and their Head,

Remember, remember,

To pray for the dead;

And they, in return,

From their misery freed,

To you will be friends

In the hour of need.

I am a young Roman Catholic layman aspiring to live under the inspiration of the monastic life according to the Rule of Saint Paul of the Cross.

My prayers and sacrifices are united to this Holy Rule of our father, Saint Paul of the Cross. According to my circumstances, I strive to apply the maxims of this Rule to my daily life.

Please pray for Filii Passionis as this endeavor grows and develops. Find out how you can financially assist Filii Passionis at our Donate Page.


Our inspiration:

Under the patrimony of Saint Paul of the Cross, I pray more gather inspired as Saint Mary Magdalene was prior to the Passion of Our Blessed Lord. It was she who gave example of how we should make reparation to Christ, Who in His Passion was spat upon, beaten, scourged, mocked. She, who turned from a life of sin by the gentle voice of Our Lord, understood. She, with great sorrow for her sins, anointed our Lord’s Head with precious ointment and bathed His Feet with her tears, knowing that His Love would move Him to lay down His life for her, for you. So men must gather to do the same, to make reparation to Our Blessed Lord for the sins of mankind, for their own sins, and come to know ever more deeply the Love of Christ in His Passion, in His Crucifixion, so that they may be led, and lead souls, to the glory of the Resurrection!


Saint Gemma is also a particular patroness of this endeavor. It is she who is called, in death, foundress of the Passionist monastery at Lucca, though the very order refused her entry, in life. She is a perennial model, but is a model especially for our times. Her love for the Passion and her love for the Blessed Sacrament were one and the same. Jesus in the Eucharist and Jesus on the Cross would be throughout Gemma’s life the inseparable objects of her love. Sons of the Passion must gather also as sons of the Most Blessed Sacrament. They will love Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, the Gift given the night before He was betrayed. They will make reparation for this betrayal and for the lack of love and the many sacrileges and profanations against our Adorable Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. They will love Christ in the Eucharist, they will love Christ on the Cross!


May the Passion of Christ be always in our hearts!


Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

Saint Paul of the Cross, pray for us!

Saint John, brother of Paul, pray for us!

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us!

Saint Gemma, pray for us!

Greetings and blessings in the Hearts of Jesus Mary and Joseph and in the five sacred Wounds of Jesus …and His Most Precious Blood..Amen Please be assured of my prayers as you follow the Holy Spirit to initiate a reform of the Passionist life, if that is what you are doing. You also have my prayers and support as you are trying to live a life according to St Paul of the Cross. I’m the author of two books of St Gabriel the Passionist cleric and have been in the Passionist Archconfraternity since my teenage years. I have also been on the Passionist retreat team at one point and I’m a licensed therapist for children in crisis. I’ve always been surprised that a priest or brother from the ranks of the Passionists have not risen up to do a reform as Fr. Benedict Groechel did with his Franciscans of the Renewal for the Capuchins. I heard that John XXIII loved the Passionists and St Gabriel and he really lamented that the midnight office was dropped at the beginning of Vatican II; reportedly he said “ the congregation will start to unravel..”. What a prophecy! I have tried to be friendly with the passionists and I love them very much …I’m sorry to say that the fabric of their life …theit public prayer and witnessing to the style and integrity of Saint Paul of the Cross’ monastic and missionary life seems to have unfolded into something else. It is good to see the Passionist nuns, most of them, living the charism to the best of their ability and still upholding the Holy Rule of the seraphic Founder. I heard that a group of Benedictine monks tried to wear the Sign of the Passion and to also follow the rule of Paul and that were forbidden because the Passionists have a patented copyright on the Sign. That all sounds so unbelievable to me ….are you forbidden or in an any way hampered from wearing the Sign in your new community which will emerge? Not that that would prevent you from living the inherent tenants of the Sacred Rule Please be assured of my prayers and I look forward to any information you have on the above comments I made. Sincerely in JXP,

Kod zajedničkog ali i pojedinačnog moljenja može se obaviti pokajnički čin jednim od slijedećih obrazaca:

Ispovijedam se Bogu svemogućemu i vama, braćo, da sagriješih vrlo mnogo mišlju, riječju, djelom i propustom: moj grijeh, moj grijeh, moj preveliki grijeh.
Zato molim blaženu Mariju vazda Djevicu, sve anđele i svete, i vas, braćo,
da se molite za me Gospodinu, Bogu našemu.


Smiluj nam se Gospodine
O. Jer smo sagriješili tebi.
Pokaži nam, Gospodine, milosrđe svoje
O. I spasenje svoje daj nam.

Smilovao nam se svemogući Bog,
otpustio nam grijehe naše
i priveo nas u život vječni.
O. Amen


Već mrak se hvata, gine dan,
O Stvoritelju, čuj nam glas,
Po beskrajnoj ti blagosti
Iznad nas bdij i štiti nas.

Neka srca naša miruju
I tebe kroz noć sanjaju,
Neka slavu tvoju vječitu
Do zore, tiha, pjevaju.

Za život čestit molimo,
Obnovi našu gorljivost.
Nek tvoja svjetlost obasja
Zle sjene što ih tama tka.

Podijeli, Oče milostiv
Po Kristu našem Isusu
U vijeke koji sa Tobom
I Duhom vlada Presvetim. Amen


O Kriste, sjajna svjetlosti,
Ti zlo i tminu razgoniš.
Od Svjetla Svjetlo blaženo,
Ti radost budi vjernima.

Sad primi našu molitvu:
I ove noći čuvaj nas,
Udijeli mir nam spokojan
Da slatki san sad usnimo.

Dok tako snili budemo,
Nek srce za Te bdije nam,
A svojom vjernom desnicom
Zakrili svoje vjernike.

Ti štite naš i obrano,
Obuzdaj ljude zasjedne
I staze naše upravljaj
K nebeskim divnim dverima.

Sva slava Ocu višnjemu,
I Tebi Kriste, Spasu naš,
Sa Duhom, našom utjehom,
I sad i vječnost čitavu. Amen

Gospodine, vapijem danju
a noću naričem pred tobom.

PSALAM 88 (87). Vapaj iz nevolje
Ovo je vaš čas i vlast Tmina (Lk 22,53)

Gospodine, Bože moj, vapijem danju, *
a noću naričem pred tobom.
Neka dopre do tebe molitva moja, *
prigni uho k vapaju mome.

Jer mi je duša zasićena patnjama, *
moj se život bliži Podzemlju.
Broje me k onima što u grob silaze, *
postadoh sličan nemoćniku.

Među mrtvima moj je ležaj, *
poput ubijenih što leže u grobu
kojih se više ne spominješ, *
od kojih si ustegao ruku.
Smjestio si me u jamu duboku, *
u tmine, u bezdan.

Teško me pritišće ljutnja tvoja *
i svim me valima svojim prekrivaš.
Udaljio si od mene znance moje,
učini da im gnusan budem: *
zatvoren sam, ne mogu izaći.

Od nevolje oči mi gasnu:
vapijem tebi, Gospodine, iz dana u dan, *
za tobom ruke pružam.
Zar na mrtvima činiš čudesa? *
Zar će sjene ustati i hvaliti tebe?
Zar se u grobu pripovijeda o tvojoj dobroti? *
O vjernosti tvojoj u Propasti?
Zar se u tmini objavljuju čudesa tvoja *
i tvoja pravda u zaboravu?

Ipak ja vapijem tebi, Gospodine, *
prije jutra molitvom te pretječem.
Zašto, Gospodine, odbacuješ dušu moju? *
Zašto sakrivaš lice od mene?
Bijedan sam i umirem već od dječaštva, *
klonuh noseći tvoje strahote.

Preko mene prijeđoše vihori tvojega gnjeva, *
strahote me tvoje shrvaše,
okružuju me kao voda sveudilj, *
optječu me svi zajedno.
Udaljio si od mene prijatelja i druga: *
mrak mi je znanac jedini.

Slava Ocu. Kako bijaše.

Gospodine, vapijem danju
a noću naričem pred tobom.

Kratko čitanje Jr 14,9
Ti si, Gospodine, među nama, mi se tvojim zovemo imenom: nemoj nas ostaviti, Gospodine, Bože naš.

R. U ruke tvoje, Gospodine, * predajem duh svoj.
U ruke tvoje, Gospodine, predajem duh svoj.
O. Otkupio si nas, Gospodine, Bože vjerni. Slava Ocu.
U ruke tvoje, Gospodine, predajem duh svoj.

Brani nas, Gospodine, dok bdijemo,
čuvaj nas dok spavamo,
da bdijemo s Kristom i počivamo u miru.

Krist svjetlost naroda i slava Izraelova

Sad otpuštaš slugu svoga, Gospodaru, *
po riječi svojoj u miru.
Ta vidješe oči moje, *
spasenje tvoje,
koje si pripravio *
pred licem sviju naroda.
Svjetlost na prosvjetljenje naroda, *
i slavu puka svoga izraelskoga.

Slava Ocu i Sinu *
i Duhu Svetomu.
Kako bijaše na početku, †
tako i sada i vazda *
i u vijeke vjekova. Amen.

Brani nas, Gospodine, dok bdijemo,
čuvaj nas dok spavamo,
da bdijemo s Kristom i počivamo u miru.

Daj nam, svemogući Bože, s vjerom prionuti uz Jedinca Tvoga koji je bio pokopan da s njime uskrsnemo na novi život. Koji živi.

Nato se reče:
O. Mirnu noć i sretan svršetak udijelio nam svemogući Gospodin.
O. Amen


Slavna Majko Spasitelja,
Rajska dveri milostivna,
Koja vjerne vodiš k sreći,
Iznad mora zvijezdo divna!

O pomozi palom svijetu,
Koji želi ozdravljenje,
Ti, što rodi Stvorca svoga
Prirodi na udivljenje.

Čuvši pozdrav Gabriela
Donese nam život svima,
Djevom zače, Djevom osta:
Smiluj nam se grešnicima.


Rajska kruno, rajska slavo,
Anđeoska Gospo, zdravo.
Ti si korijen, ti si vrata,
S kojih sinu svjetlost zlata.

Ti si ljiljan djevičanstva,
Ti si nakit čovječanstva.
Zdravo, puno svih milina,
Moli za nas svoga Sina.


Zdravo Kraljice, majko milosrdna,
Živote, slasti i ufanje naše, zdravo.
K tebi vapijemo prognani sinovi Evini.
K tebi uzdišemo tugujući i plačući
u ovoj suznoj dolini.

Svrni, dakle, zagovornice naša,
one svoje milostive oči na nas
te nam poslije ovoga progona
pokaži Isusa, blagoslovljeni plod utrobe svoje,
O blaga, o mila, o slatka djevice Marijo!


Pod obranu se tvoju utječemo, sveta Bogorodice,
ne odbij nam molbe u potrebama našim,
nego nas od svih pogibli uvijek oslobodi,
Djevice slavna i blagoslovljena,
Gospođo naša, posrednice naša,
zagovornice naša!
Sa svojim nas Sinom pomiri,
svojemu nas Sinu preporuči,
svojemu nas Sin izruči! Amen

Postoje trenuci kad je preteško moliti, tad možemo učiniti ovo Jednog poslijepodneva u samostanu fratri su čuli predivnu glazbu i pjevanje zbora. Bili su začuđeni jer to doba dana nitko koga su znali nije mogao nastupati. Odlučili su odgovor potražiti od Padre Pija kojeg su zatekli u dubokoj molitvi. – Što je? Što se čudite? To su glasovi anđela koji odvode duše iz čistilišta u Raj, odvratio im je svetac. Otac Alessio Parente takođersvjedoči: ”Kad bi Padre Pio ispovijedao rekao bi svojoj duhovnoj djeci da mu, ukoliko osobno ne mogu doći do njega, slobodno pošalju anđele čuvare kako bi im mogao pomoći. Saint Raphael the Archangel.Patronage: travelers, the blind, happy meetings, nurses, physicians, medical workers, matchmakers, Christian marriage, and Catholic studies..This holy Archangel identified himself to the exiled Jew Tobias asone of the Seven who stand before God(Tob. 12:15). His name means the healing of God, and he is thought to be the Angel who came down and agitated the water of the pool of Bethsaida in Jerusalem. The sick, who always lay around the pool, strove to be the first to enter the water afterwards, because that fortunate one was always cured. We read of this in the story of the paralytic cured by Jesus, who had waited patiently for thirty-eight years, unable to move when the occasion presented itself.(Ch. John 5:1-9).Saint Raphael is best known through the beautiful history of the two Tobias, father and son, exiled to Persia in the days of the Assyrian conquest in the eighth century before Christ. In their story, the Archangel plays the major role..The father Tobias was a faithful son of Jacob and was old and worn out by his manifold good works; for many years he had assisted his fellow exiles in every possible way, even burying the slain of Israel during a persecution by Sennacherib, and continuing this practice despite the wrath that king manifested towards him. Having been stripped of all his possessions, he desired to have his son recover a substantial sum of money he had once lent to a member of his family in a distant city. He needed a companion for the young Tobias. God provided that guide in the Archangel Raphael, whom the son met providentially one day, in the person of a stranger from the very area where he was to go, in the country of the Medes. Raphael to all appearances was a young man like himself, who said his name was Azarias (Assistance of God).Everything went well, as proposed; the young Tobias recovered the sum and then was married, during their stay in Media, to the virtuous daughter of another relative, whom Providence had reserved for him..All aspects of this journey had been thorny with difficulties, but the wise guide had found a way to overcome all of them. When a huge fish threatened to devour Tobias, camped on the shores of the Tigris, the guide told him how to remove it from the water, and the fish expired at his feet; then remedies and provisions were derived from this creature by the directives of Azarias. When the Angel led Tobias for lodging in the city of Rages, to the house of his kinsman Raguel, father of the beautiful Sara, the young man learned that seven proposed husbands had died on the very day of the planned marriage. How would Tobias fare? The Angel reassured him that this would not be his own fate, and told him to pray with his future spouse for three nights, that they might be blessed with a holy posterity. Sara was an only daughter, as Tobias was an only son, and she was endowed with a large heritage..During the absence of the young Tobias, his father had become blind when the droppings of a pigeon had fallen into his eyes. When the two travelers returned after an extended absence, which had cost his mother many tears, the young Tobias was deeply grieved to find his father unable to see him and his new daughter-in-law. But Raphael told the son how to cure his father’s blindness by means of the gall of the fish; and after the remedy had proved efficacious, all of them rejoiced time in their blessings..When Tobias the son narrated his story and told his father that all their benefits had come to them through this stranger, both father and son wished to give Azarias half of the inheritance. Raphael declined and revealed his identity, saying he was sent to assist the family of the man who had never failed to obey and honor the blessed God of Israel. Raphael, before he disappeared, said to the family: It is honorable to reveal and confess the works of God. Prayer is good, with fasting and alms, more than to lay up treasures, for alms deliver from death and purge away sins, and cause the giver to find mercy and life everlasting… When thou didst pray with tears and didst bury the dead, and didst leave thy dinner to hide the dead by day in thy house, and bury them by night, I offered thy prayer to the Lord. And because thou wast acceptable to God, it was necessary that trials prove thee… I am the Angel Raphael, one of the seven who stand before the Lord..Prayer to Venerate Any Saint.Saint Raphael the Archangel: Feast Day October 24.I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men: For kings, and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth.(1 Timothy 2:1-4).And another angel came, and stood before the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given to him much incense, that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the saints ascended up before God from the hand of the angel.(Rev. 8:3-4).ETERNAL Father, I wish to honor St. (Name), and I give Thee thanks for all the graces Thou has bestowed upon him (her). I ask Thee to please increase grace in my soul through the merits of this saint, and I commit the end of my life to him (her) by this special prayer, so that by virtue of Thy goodness and promise, St. (Name) might be my advocate and provide whatever is needed at that hour. Amen..PROMISE: “When you wish to honor any particular saint and give Me thanks for all the graces I have bestowed on that saint, I increase grace in your soul through the merits of that saint. When you commit the end of your life to any of the saints by special prayers, I appoint those saints to be your advocates and to provide whatever you need at that hour.”-Our Lord to St. Gertrude.Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich revealed in her Visions that saints are particularly powerful on their feast days and should be invoked then.Zaljubljena je duša nježna, blaga, ponizna i ustrpljiva.SV. IVAN OD KRIŽAMOLITVA ZA PREMINULEZAPOČNIMO DANAS DEVETNIA ZA DUŠE U ČISTILIŠTU…Devet se dana moli krunica sa žalosnim otajstvimaPreporučimo duše u čistilištu Isusu Kristu i njegovoj Majci, posebno duše naših rođaka, dobročinitelja, prijatelja i neprijatelja; osobito one za koje smo dužni moliti, izrecimo molitve na njihovu nakanu, zamislimo se nad teškim patnjama koje su ti zaručnici Kristovi izdržali.Krunica za duše u čistilištuDevet se dana moli krunica sa žalosnim otajstvima. Umjesto Slava Ocu govori se POKOJ VJEČNI…Prije svake desetice mole se sljedeće molitve:TEKST SE NASTAVLJA ISPOD OGLASA1. Prije prve desetice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojemu znoju, koji si za nas siromašne grješnike prolio na Maslinskoj gori, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, oslobodi ih od njihova straha i gorčine i tješi ih kaležom nebeske utjehe.2. Prije druge desetice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojemu bolnom bičevanju što si za nas siromašne grješnike trpio, molimo te, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, odstrani od njih bič svoje srdžbe i pokloni im vječno olakšanje.3. Prije treće desetice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojemu bolnom krunjenju što si za nas siromašne grješnike strpljivo podnosio, molimo te, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, daj im krunu vječne slave.4. Prije četvrte desetice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojemu teškom nošenju križa što si za nas siromašne grješnike strpljivo podnosio, molimo te, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, uzmi im teško breme njihovih trpljenja i vodi ih u vječno veselje.5. Prije pete desetice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojemu bolnom raspeću što si za nas grješnike tako strpljivo podnosio, molimo te, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, prikloni im svoje sveto lice i dopusti da još danas uđu u raj.U nekim se predjelima dodaje još jedna desetica:…blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje, Isus, koji neka se smiluje vjernim mrtvima.Na kraju krunice:Gospodine Isuse Kriste, po svojih svetih pet rana i tvojoj prolivenoj krvi, molimo te, smiluj se dušama u čistilištu, posebno našim roditeljima, rodbini, dušobrižnicima i dobročiniteljima. Iscijeli njihove bolne rane i daj im svoje izbavljenje. Smiluj se u svojoj beskrajnoj ljubavi i (našim) nakanama… i pokloni po zagovoru dragih duša svako uslišanje i pomoć što te najviše proslavlja i mojoj duši služi na vječni spas. Amen.Dragi Spasitelju, budi tako dobar, daj da tvoja predragocjena krv teče u čistilište, gdje trpe siromašne duše. Ah, one trpe teško, budi im milostiv. Čuj našu molitvu. Uzmi siromašne duše. Ah, one trpe teško, budi im milostiv, čuj našu molitvu. Uzmi siromašne duše još danas u nebo. Amen.*Priređeno prema tekstu iz knjižice “Za duše u čistilištu” o kojoj više možete saznati na linku ovdje.Don Luigi Guanella bio je neumorna duša, dobri samaritanac, a radio je do posljednjeg daha, pisao meditacije i neprestano služio nevoljnicima i nemoćnicima. Neizmjerno je volio život i želio da svi dostojno žive, naročito siromasi. Bio je prijatelj i savjetnik blaženog Andree Carla Ferrarija i pape Pija X. Isušio je i iskrčio močvarnu zemlju na području Sondrija i izgradio ustanovu za hednikepirane osobe. Boravio je 1912. među talijanskim emigrantima u Americi, a 1913. osnovao Bratstvo svetog Josipa, čiji članovi, njih 10 milijuna, diljem svijeta neprestano mole za umiruće. U siječnju 1915, don Luigi je obilazio i pomagao ljude koji su nastradali u potresu na području Màrsica (Abruzzo). Hrabro je i odlučno vjerovao velikoj zapovijedi koju je Gospodin Isus istaknuo u odgovoru zakonoznancu, kada je rekao da je druga zapovijed, ljubav prema bližnjemu, slična prvoj. Don Luigi Gonella preminuo je na današnji dan, 24. listopada 1915, u gradu Comu (Lombardija), od posljedica moždanog udara. Blaženim ga je proglasio 1964. papa Pavao VI, a svetim 2011. papa Benedikt XVI, koji ga je nazvao „drugom i učiteljem, utjehom i okrepom najsiromašnijih i najslabijih“. Njegove relikvije nalaze se u svetištu Presvetog Srca Isusovog u Comu.Don Luigi Guanella bio je neumorna duša, dobri samaritanac, a radio je do posljednjeg daha, pisao meditacije i neprestano služio nevoljnicima i nemoćnicima. Neizmjerno je volio život i želio da svi dostojno žive, naročito siromasi. Bio je prijatelj i savjetnik blaženog Andree Carla Ferrarija i pape Pija X. Isušio je i iskrčio močvarnu zemlju na području Sondrija i izgradio ustanovu za hednikepirane osobe. Boravio je 1912. među talijanskim emigrantima u Americi, a 1913. osnovao Bratstvo svetog Josipa, čiji članovi, njih 10 milijuna, diljem svijeta neprestano mole za umiruće
molitvena nakana
sveča VEČERNJA MOLITVA Ostani s nama, Gospodine, jer skoro će večer i dan se primakao kraju. Ostani s nama i sa svojom Crkvom. Ostani s nama u predvečerje dana,…


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