“Warsaw Will be a Capital of The United States Of The Europe…” – Vision of Teresa Neumann – German mystic and stigmatist from October 15, 1948
Posted byAmourcratez27. oktober 2019Posted inAmourcratez
“I will not refuse enlightened and wise in Poland. The smartest laws and the most justice laws will be announced in Polish”
Teresa Neumann from Konnersreuth (born April 9, 1898 in Konnersreuth; died September 18, 1962, ibid) German mystic and stigmatist. She was a member of the Secular Franciscan Order. On March 5, 1926, Teresa was became to be blessed with stigmas. Bloody wounds were visible on her arms, legs, head and side. Every week, from midnight on Thursday to 1pm on Friday, her wounds opened and bled. During ecstasies, she was to watch Jesus’ passion, foretell future events, and speak foreign languages ​​(including Aramaic) that she had never known before. Despite the suffering, she was active and full of energy on other days of the week. Witnesses claim that thanks to prayer, Teresa caused other people’s ailments in her body. In this way, she was to heal the sick. Hundreds of people made pilgrimages to her home in Konnersreuth, asking for God’s grace and intercession. From 1922 until her death in 1962, Teresa did not eat any food except the daily Eucharist.
Theresa Neumman with Visible Stigmata
Teresa died on September 18, 1962 as a result of a sudden cardiac arrest and was buried at the Konnersreuth cemetery. Votive tablets are engraved around the monument with engraved requests, acknowledgments and names of donors. Her grave is visited by pilgrims from various countries of the world. In 2004, nearly 40,000 people signed a request for her beatification. In 2005, Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller began the beatification process of Teresa at diocesan level.
Teresa Neumann’s vision of October 15, 1948,
/ Stephen Lassare – Discovered Secrets of the Future, redaction: Adam, Warsaw 1992 /
“For many years, God has given me visions of the future, and so far everything has worked. However, I was silent, saying nothing to anyone but my confessor, until I received a clear order to write. Two days before October 15, 1948, the prophet Elijah appeared to me along with Saint Teresa of the Infant Jesus and Saint. John of the Cross. These saints are patrons and guardians of the Carmelite Order. The prophet Elijah gave me the explicit order to write:
“Listen Israel, that’s what the Lord says to you. Listen to the warning, my brothers. For the Lord has removed the seal of silence from my lips and put his words in my mouth. The first of these dreams is for you, Israel. Through the Elijah, the Lord instructed me to speak to you in His name. Listen, Israel, do not harden your heart, for the Lord tells you. There was silence in front of you for many years. Oh, the ungrateful tribe who killed the prophets and crucified the Son of God Himself! Since you have not listened to the Son of God, nor did His apostles speak to you? That you would no longer be exiles and homeless among the nations of the world, you were given a piece of the land that the Savior’s blood sanctified and the state of Israel arose. Your wandering feet have touched the Holy Land, in which there is a blessing. May you understand grace and find faith in love, remember the Holy Scriptures and prophets, and do not harden your hearts for eternal destruction, giving the earth old secrets.
Do you not know now how faithful the speech of the prophets was and how all the prophecies of Jesus Christ, whom you did not know and crucified were fulfilled?
The time will come, not far away, when he will give up the land of his dead and there will be judgment on all tribes and generations of the world. Then woe to the ungodly servants of pride and hatred whose hearts are hardened. Woe to those who do not repent, do not turn to their Lord the Redeemer. “
And now the second words which the Lord commanded me to say to all people:
“A great and dangerous hour is coming, judgment and punishment. As long as you have time, listen and give up your sins that deserve punishment. Woe to the earth when the fruit of penance is lacking, and the lips of those who pray are silent. This time the heavenly rebounds will not open like in the days of Noah, and no water will flow to cover the earth with tainted sins. But the earth will open, it will burn from the volcanoes that have already gone out, and its womb will tremble until the land is crumbling, where the grain rustles and the crops are standing. Lightning will rain like clouds until the matter of human hatred is touched. A new flood is coming, not the water this time, but fire and lightning. Woe to you, sons who do iniquity. Woe unto you, nations that have denied God and trampled on His Cross, who are ashamed of the sign of the Cross, the sign of your redemption, and are not ashamed of crime and cruelty.
Woe to you, Germania. You have never thought on the trail of your crime that your hatred and pride could have created for you an unfathomable pit in place of eternal destruction, a pit whose depth the depth of your guilt will fill with the heat of such flames and with such a strength of punishment as it will not be for others. You have not thought about the dangers they can ignite forever, your shame and punishment, the words of your pride.
Nur fur Deutsche. You recognized yourself as superhumans, and because of your deeds you became worse than wolves and hyenas, when you spared neither the living nor the dead and disgraced the corpses of those whose lives you gave up. You added new crimes to the old ones, and the cry of the murdered Jews joined the old, with the cry of blood, of forgotten peoples.
Woe first to you, Prussians, leaders and enemies. Two blows of the wind have already come and the Roman Empire of the German Nation has collapsed and the severe power of the sons of the North has fallen. And the third blow will come, and then woe to Berlin. The fate of Berlin will be like the fate of Nineveh, because when it falls into ruins, it will not be rebuilt anymore. A wind storm covered Nineveh with sand, though it was larger than other antiquity cities.
The forest will be buzzing over the rubble of Berlin – the city of crime and pride. It will be a blessing for you, Germania, if another takes power over you, if washed with a stream of blood and tears of late repentance, you will listen to another voice, knowing what your guilt and your loss were. Not those because there are chosen ones who recognize themselves as such. Others who you despise in pride, ahead you in word and power.
Woe to you, Albion, who is trading of another’s blood. Guiltness upon of You, because of wrongs. You chose a mammon instead of God, and you despised My Law and the See of Peter. You sent soldiers and buyers to distant countries for your strength and your gain, and you did not care for My glory. Because of your fault, whole tribes did not become Christians, nor did you care for the soul of your own sons. Repent as long as you go and turn to me, your Lord, and acknowledge My servant over you.
Woe to you, all worshipers of the golden calf, for you have made a profit and shamed the earth, and you have hurt the people by lying and hatred, which you have seduced by promises of freedom and revenge. On you, bankers with their hands closed by greed and petrified hearts, the weight of sweat and exploited tears falls, and the weight of the blood they shed, destroying themselves in blindness. Woe to you, shockers and soul deprivers. The days of your reign are short. Your end will be among the flames with the beast you serve. When you threaten the West, the sword from the East will fall on you. I have put the peoples of yellow Gog and Magog to guard Europe’s security. You have put yourself in the service of hatred, you will be punished by hatred. I feel sorry for the people who suffer, I feel sorry for the children you made sons of lies and iniquity. I will not leave the people in your power, nor will I bring believers in this land to corruption. The land and sea will be indignant at the shock and fire and snowmen will rise up against them. Woe to the world for offenses. I know those whose eyes are blinded and hearts are deceived. I will scold those who empire the tools, and I will have pity on tools. My mercy will rise over the nation in oppression and shame, and the land of the despised will see light and blessing upon itself. The power of the wicked will cease. Latin crosses will shine in the Kremlin, and the Catholic Church of the Savior will stand in the place of the destroyed church of Christ the Savior. As in arable land, a seed of good will fall and the face of a nation that has suffered so much.
My blessing, I will give to the Slavs, and the Slavs, although many of them err today, will receive them better and bear fruit more abundantly. They will be My true people, the people of the Eternal Word, and they will understand My teaching and become obedient.
For they are not the chosen ones who choose themselves, but those who stand up at God’s call. Tears of penance and prayer will not be in vain, and faithfulness to perseverance will not be without blessing and reward. She will take off her shackles and become queen. The tears that My Mother shed under the Cross will put in for her, and the nation that worships her will not be the last among the nations.
I will not refuse enlightened and wise in Poland. The smartest laws and the most just laws will be announced in Polish, and Warsaw will become the capital of the United States of Europe.
Poland, which suffered the first punishment, although it was not the biggest her fault, sooner than others rose. In what she was at fault, she had to suffer punishment. But the end of her penance is near. She persevere with her church and waits for liberation. She will not remember his enemies, she will pay good for evil. It will have glory among nations and wings wide open, it will also expand its borders. She will take nations loyal to the Church as a reward of their loyalty.
Will come, despite the defeat, again glory over Paris and Tokyo. Spain will be the country of My Heart, it will rise through love for it. Italy, though it may flow with solemn blood, will have a beautiful spiritual revival. I look at tears of loyalty and their penance. Once again, I will have pity on the world. The ax of punishment will postpone and enliven my sinful hearts. I will not leave the land ill to rule as they have thought in their hearts. The speech of thunder is the treasury of those who do not listen to the speech of love, and for those who were not enough human words, the voice of flames will sound.
So listen to the caution, sinners, while I admonish you, and convert while I wait. For there is a great and near time when I will neither admonish nor wait.
Do not be afraid, however, you who fear God and do not resist Satan’s promptings in despair. Have confidence in me and in the mission of the Mother of God who intercedes for you. I see you in trouble and have pity on you. It protects you against justice. My blood has been shed for you. My sacrifice has not passed away, but it lasts and saves you, although you do not value it. You do not watch closely at My altars. I remember the tears which My Mother shed under the cross and I have regard for Her Heart, pierced with a sword of sorrows. This Immaculate and Merciful Heart covers you. Put your hand on the plow and I will bless your efforts. “
This is what our Lord Jesus Christ told me to tell you, my brothers: “The invisible coats of Angels are playing, the winds are blowing to damage the earth, a cataclysm is approaching, which has not been since Noah’s days.”
WOW i think too warzaw change YOU !
Krunica Predragocjene Krvi Kristove se moli na posebnoj krunici koja ima 33 zrnca. Ovaj broj predstavlja broj Isusovih godina. Krunica Predragocjene Krvi Kristove se moli ovako: Učinimo znak križa i počinjemo zazivima: -Bože u pomoć mi priteci, -Gospodine pohiti da mi pomogneš (1x Slava Ocu) Najava otajstva. Čitanje odlomka iz Svetog pisma. Može se kratko […]
VAZ – Svagdan
Duh istine svjedočit će za me.
Dragi čitatelji i pobožnici Božje riječi, evo nastavljamo u novom tjednu, šestom uskrsnom, pratiti Pavla i Barnabu na njihovim misijskim putovanjima. Zasigurno će se za sva vremena makedonski grad Filipi, u kojem se nalaze misionari, spominjati kao prva evropska postaja velikog apostola Pavla. Znamo da će kasnije toj kršćanskoj zajednici Pavao napisati svoju najsrdačniju poslanicu iz koje se i sada osjeća koliko je tokom života bio s njima povezan. Stanovnici su Filipa bili miješana porijekla. Među Pavlovim slušateljima i slušateljicama, kad je on prve subote po svojem dolasku, u pomanjkanju mjesne sinagoge, govorio kod rijeke izvan gradskih vrata, našla se Lidija, prva poznata obraćenica na evropskom tlu. Luka, pisac Djela apostolskih, upoznaje nas da je Lidija bila razborita žena koja je sve što je činila dobro promislila. Ali sada se nije kolebala. Izvanredno brzo se odlučila da se pokrsti. Hrabra je Lidija svojim odlučnim nastupom i snažnim glasom sposobne domaćice brzo dovela svu svoju služinčad na krštenje. Uz to je Pavla i njegove drugove pozvala da stanuju u njezinoj kući koja je tako postala prva kršćanska crkva u Evropi. Vidi se da je Lidija bila emancipirana žena, vrlo sposobna trgovka, no prava Pavlova apostolska duša, ne gleda toliko na vanjštinu i ne sudi po njoj, te je prepoznao Lidijinu dobro volju i spremnost da surađuje s Božjom milošću, te je s lakoćom privodi k Bogu. To je i poruka nama današnjim apostolima da znamo biti prilagodljivi jedni drugima te surađivati za stvar Božju ali i za naše približavanje Bogu.
Pavlov uspjeh u Evropi slavimo pripjevnim psalmom u kojem pjevamo Gospodinu pjesmu novu. Bog će svaki narod ljubiti kao svoj narod ako taj ostane ponizan, a poniznost traži da drugome posredujemo Božje darove kao Božje a ne kao svoje. Cilj je da po svemu svijetu slave Boga svi koji su mu posvećeni.
U današnjem evanđelju Gospodin govori o Duhu Svetom kojega će on poslati od Oca i sada za njega tvrdi da će on pred svijetom nastupati kao Kristov svjedok. U malo riječi sadržano je mnogo toga što nam govori o međusobnim odnosima između triju božanskih osoba i o njihovu zajedničkom nastupanju prema vani. Još je jedanput posve jasno da je Duh Sveti posebna božanska osoba koja izlazi od Oca i Sina. Duh Sveti svjedoči za Isusa. Sjedinjeni s Duhom Svetim i mi njegovom pomoći svjedočimo za Krista.
Na same Duhove smo vidjeli koliko je Duh Sveti zasjajio svojim milostima da se na Petrovu riječ obratilo veliko mnoštvo ljudi. To je učinio Duh Sveti prije obećan i tada poslan… I zaista Duh Sveti, svjedočeći za Krista i silno jačajući njegove svjedoke, Kristove je prijatelje oslobodio straha i mržnju je njegovih neprijatelja pretvorio u ljubav, kako reće sv. Augustin. U današnjem evanđelju Isus svojima naviješta da će ih zbog Oca i zbog njega izbacivati iz sinagoga, ali da se ne pokolebaju kad za njih nastupe teški trenuci. Isus je predvidio sve nedaće koje će zadesiti njegove i sve nam je to navijestio. Isusove nas riječi žele ohrabriti da sve za njega pretrpimo ali da ne dozvolimo da netko trpi zbog nas i naših postupaka, jer se zna dogoditi da zbog vjerskog fantizma netko sa strane nastrada zbog takvog ponašanja. Zato poslušajmo Isusa koji nas poziva da se oboružamo Duhom Svetim i postupamo po njegovom nadahnuću.
Tragično poginuli Franjo Toljanić i njegova supruga Katarina mogu nas štošta naučiti o braku i obitelji
Dijete moje, zašto toliko čekaš da mi dođeš? Vidio sam tvoju bol, čuo tvoje jecaje, a ipak mi ne dolaziš. Kada ćeš naučiti najprije mene potražiti da ti budem izvor utjehe i potvrde?
Vidim tvoju usamljenost, osjećam tvoju odbačenost, vidim da strahuješ da će te drugi opet odbaciti… ALI JA JESAM… Ja nisam poput drugih. Dok ne naučiš da nikada neću otići, dok ne naučiš da te nikada neću zaboraviti, i mene ćeš se bojati. Moraš naučiti vjerovati mi.
To znači iskoračiti, iskušati me, provjeriti me kada ti osjećaji govore suprotno. Kada je moj Sin odgovorio napasniku: „Ne iskušavaj Boga svojega, to nije bilo kušanje o kojemu je On (Isus) govorio. Ono što od tebe tražim je da ojačaš svoju vjeru, da je izgradiš. I
Uvijek sam s tobom. U tebi sam. Prestani o meni razmišljati kao da smo odvojeni… tada se osjećaš odbačeno. Ali ako se sjetiš da smo jedno, kao što su Otac i Sin jedno, tada ćeš znati da si u meni, sigurno prihvaćena, pravedna i potvrđena. Ja ne mogu samoga sebe odbaciti. Odmori se u meni. Imaj povjerenja u mene. Vjeruj mi. Daj da te zagrlim kada plačeš. Znaj da moje srce kuca s tvojim.
želim da se raduješ u mojoj radosti nad tobom… Kada padneš, sjeti se da sam ja ranjen zbog tvojih grijeha, da nosim masnice tvojih nepravdi, da je kazna cijeloga svijeta pala na mene. Pokaj se i nastavi dalje. Tvoje dugo žaljenje zbog stvari za koje sam već platio nije ni od kakve koristi. Uzaludan je osjećaj krivnje zbog stvari koje nisi savršeno obavila. Sjeti se „metaxi“ (tu je riječ koristio Augustin, a znači da živimo između Edena i Neba. Ne možemo i ne smijemo očekivati savršenstvo s ove strane Neba. Život je neuredan.) Još nisi u nebu. Od tebe ne očekujem savršenstvo. Važno mi je tvoje srce. Volim te, dijete moje… Dođi i voli sa mnom. Voli se. Pokazat ću ti kako da se voliš. To će ti pomoći da voliš i druge, ali sada želim da se raduješ u mojoj radosti nad tobom, da uživaš u mojemu uživanju u tebi i da pjevaš pjesmu ljubavi koju za tebe imam.


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