Adoro te Devote - Juliano Ravanello - Gregorian Chants
Manoppello, Italy Celebrates Historic Anniversary
May 2021 procession of the Veil of the Holy Face in Manoppello, Italy. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
There are three solemn feast days celebrated each year to honor of the Holy Face in Manoppello, Italy: the “Transfiguration” on August 6th, “Omnis Terra” in January, and the May memorial of the mysterious arrival of the “Veronica” to Manoppello in the early 1500’s. This year, the historic May anniversary of the Holy Face was celebrated with a traditional procession between the Basilica Sanctuary of the Holy Face in Manoppello, and the church of San Nicola di Bari. A Solemn Mass was presided over by the Archbishop of the Chieti-Vasto Diocese, Bruno Forte, and was concelebrated by the Minister of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor, Provincial Father Friar Matteo Siro in the church of San Nicola di Bari.
Veil of the Holy Face of Manoppello in the processional reliquary. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
The Capuchin Friars minor have guarded the precious “Veronica” relic veil of the Face of Jesus since 1638, when “a devout and well-respected man” named Don Antonio Fabritiis donated the holy veil bearing the Face of Christ to the Capuchin monastery in the small, isolated mountain village of Manoppello. A document entitled Relazione Historica re-telling the local legend of the Veil was written by Capuchin Donato da Bomba and notarized in 1646 and then, certified by sixteen local witnesses. The story told of the arrival of the Veil in Manoppello, “in around 1506,”(the date was vague) in the hands of a mysterious stranger who was thought to have been a holy angel, who later, suddenly disappeared. (Aside from the “angel,” the main characters in the story have been historically verified.)
Photo: Esther Dinh
The recorded story told was this: “There lived in Manoppello the very famous Giacomo Antonio Leonelli, doctor in medicine…one day when he was out in the public square just outside of the door of the Mother church of the town of Manoppello, St. Nicholas Bari, in honest conversation with other peers, and while they were speaking a pilgrim arrived unknown by anyone, with a very venerable religious appearance, who having greeted this beautiful circle of citizens, he said, with many terms of manners, and of humility to Dr. Giacomo Antonio Leonelli that he had to speak with him about a secret thing which would be very pleasing, useful and profitable for him. And thus, taking him aside just inside the doorway of the church of St. Nicholas Bari, gave him a parcel, and without unfolding it told him that he ought to hold this devotion very dear, because God would do him many favors, so that in things both temporal and spiritual he would always prosper.” So the doctor took the parcel and turning towards the holy water fount carefully opened it, and “seeing the Most Sacred Face of Our Lord Christ…he burst into most tender tears…and thanking God for such a gift…turned to the unknown pilgrim to thank him…but he did not see him anymore.” When the good doctor, “shaken” and “filled with wonder,” went outside to his friends and asked where the man went, his friends replied that they never saw him exit the church. They searched high and low but never found the mysterious pilgrim, “hence all judged that the man in the form of a pilgrim to be a heavenly Angel, or else a Saint from Paradise.”
— Relazione Historica
The Holy Veil remained the property of the Leonelli family for nearly a century, until a family member in need of money sold the Veil to Don Antonio Fabritiis, who in turn gave it to the Capuchins in 1638. The Holy Veil, called the “Il Volto Santo,” was kept in a dimly lit side chapel until the church was renovated in 1960, when it was decided that the Veil should be moved to a more prominent place behind the altar of the church of St. Michael, the Shrine of “Il Volto Santo,” which was elevated to the status of a Sanctuary Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006.
Holy Veil of Manoppello. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
Holy Veil of Manoppello. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
Processional Reliquary of the Holy Veil Photo:Paul Badde/EWTN
Holy Face Procession. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
Through the luminous, transparent veil, the Face of Jesus is still visible.
Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
Holy Face of Manoppello. Photo: Paul Badde/EWTN
Many thanks to the intrepid Paul Badde for sharing his amazing photos of the Holy Face!
More may be read here – on Holy Face of Manoppello Blogspot, in an article by Antonio Bini, including other beautiful photos and video of the Solemn Mass.
Benediction with the Holy Face by the Rector of the Sanctuary, Padre Antonio Gentili.
Lord Jesus, Face of eternal love, in this holy place, guardian of the veil in which you show yourself in the signs of pain and let the infinite mercy of your Divine Heart shine through, grant us to live a new beginning on the journey of faith, of charity and hope, that you call us to travel together with You. May your gaze fill us with the light that comes from the Father to illuminate our steps and lead us to the pastures of heaven, and pour the Holy Spirit into our hearts, perfume of your grace and imprint of your beauty. And Mary, who first looked at Your Face and kissed it with the tenderness of a Mother, She who saw him close his eyes on the arms of the Cross, contemplated him risen and now contemplates him in glory, help us to seek your ever new desire. Face of King crucified out of love, victorious over evil and death, to meet you in the embrace of your Church, recognize you in your sacraments and bear witness to you in the works and days of our life. Amen!
Bruno Forte
Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto
The Choice To Honor God – Omnis Terra!
Beginning at 0.53 Omnis Terra in Manoppello, Italy on Vaticano On Sunday, January 17, at 11 am, the Holy Face Basilica in Manoppello, Italy held the…
Procession of Precious Relic in Manoppello, Italy
There is a day of great celebration and joy, in Manoppello, Italy each May, commemorating the arrival, centuries ago, of the Holy Veil bearing a miraculous…
This is a must read for all Catholics
What Satan and other demons said through Anneliese Michel – Germany, 1975.
Anneliese (born in 1952) was a pious girl from a strong Catholic family. She was part of that period in the Church when changes were happening in the holy mass (some legitimate, some definitley not). When communion in the hand was introduced, she instinctively felt this was wrong, so she stopped going to her parish and found one which kept to the correct way. It was also a time when many clergy stopped believing in many doctrines, for example referring to demons as medieval theology. It was a time of dissent in many parts of the Western Church. The rebellion against Humanae Vitae (1968) was widespread, and many other teachings were being questioned or challenged. One could call this period onwards a diabolical confusion. Sadly the confusion hasn’t ended.
Anneliese Michel had a vision of Our Lady in her early 20s. Our Lady asked her if she was prepared to suffer much for German youth and priests. She agreed. The suffering would be in the form of demonic possession. She was to be a “victim soul”. Anneliese was to show Germany and the world that devils really do exist. Throughout her possession, she still prayed, went to mass, said the rosary and received the sacraments.
She would be possessed by up to 10 demons some of whom revealed themselves – Lucifer, Cain, Hitler, Nero and Fr Fleischmann, among them. The 2 priests who carried out the exorcisms were not supported by their bishops – they suffered much. They knew she was possessed, having carried out all the tests that have to be done when deciding on a case – it is pretty meticulous. (Father Fortea talks about the assessment in his interview). The priests recorded the exorcisms which means there is a record of what was said. What the demons say is revealing. I am only going to put some of what they said, and these were published by Father A Faroni. Father Fortea includes them in the e-book.
Word of warning! Some of what the demons said are controversial – they might make you hold your breath! I held mine!
What Lucifer said:-
“I want to conquer the earth for myself. In the meantime, I make a rich booty. I am filling up my kingdom. I take whatever I can take, I must convince you of this”.
“The majority have abandoned the Nazarene. How foolish! Those still faithful are a small flock”.
“I took Judas with me! He is always at my service. He is damned. He could have saved himself, but he has not followed the Nazarene”.
“The enemies of the Church belong to us”.
“O, if you had an idea of how things stand below! The visionary children of Fatima have seen it. If you had an idea….. you would be on your knees day and night at the tabernacle. I had to say it because the High Lady compels me to”. The ‘High Lady’ refers to Our Lady.
Fr Renz asks Lucifer – “You are responsible for heresies, eg those of Kung!”. Lucifer replies – ” Yes and we have still more”.
Lucifer said – “The priests should say that I exist. Or else they will all go down!”
What Judas said:-
“I am damned for eternity! You careless people, if you could just imagine what it is to be damned for eternity! I am damned!
“I will not come out of the girl. Down there, it is too tormenting”.
“If people knew what was in store for them by not going to church! It will fair them extremely bad”.
“These modernists are the result of my work and they already belong to me”.
“They no longer obey the Pope in Rome. It is the one in Rome who still keeps the Church going”.
“Humanae Vitae is also with no result. It is useless”
“The religious in monasteries watch TV and don’t pray enough, do not kneel down and they extend their paws (ie, receive Holy Communion in the hand).
What Cain said:-
“I have killed my brother. I am burning”
What Hitler said:-
“Men are so beastly stupid! They believe that after death all is finished. But life goes on, either up or down”
What Father Fleischmann said:-
“I was a priest at Ettleben. I am damned. It is horrible down there. Judas pulled me down there”.
” I am damned because I fulfilled my duties very badly”
“I have killed 1 person and I had women”.
“I prayed too little. I was always in a hurry to finish my sacred duties. Now, I am down there languishing for eternity”.
“No priests should marry”.
“If the bishops did not permit communion in the hand, this would not have happened” (this refers to consecrated hosts being sold).
What Nero said:-
“You should follow the message of Fatima!”
“Humanae Vitae is decisive, the whole Humanae Vitae!”
“The rosary should be recited, or else it is the end!”
Fr Renz asks about Bishop Lefebvre. Lucifer replies, “Ha! That one! But they don’t believe in him. What a pity”.
Miscellaneous things the demons said:-
“The modernists are killing the Church. We are hard at work at this”.
“No one speaks any longer of us, especially the parish priests”.
“The bishops are so foolish as to believe the theologians like Kung rather than the Pope.”
“This is the month of the rosary but very few recite it, because the parish priests think it’s not modern. They are so foolish! If they knew its importance! It is a strong weapon against Satan and against us.”
Nero said, “The Dutch bishops are heretics. They have become unfaithful to the Pope!”
“Catholics have the true doctrine and they run after the Protestants like prostitutes!”
“There in the synods, they continue to deliberate. The bishops already know what they should do. There would be no need of synods if they followed the Pope. For them the Pope is foolish! They are those who let that thing (the host) be given in the hands!”
“The doctrine is falsified in the Church!”
“Many do not go to church any longer. No one kneels down to the Blessed Sacrament. And the Church is not doing well since the time it was founded. The churches are so modern! The Nazarene and His Mother are now attacking!”
“People should go to confession”.
Judas says, “The giving of Communion in the hand was my work”.
“Holy water should come back to houses! Also, the crucifix should return to its place in the home”.
“The Holy Face should be venerated!”
“The Divine Mercy image should be propogated”.
“It is very important to pray to St Joseph. Rather it is most important!”.
“If the message of Fatima is not given due importance and Humanae Vitae, a new punishment will come”.
“It won’t last much longer. The chastisement is coming”.
“The contents of the audio cassette must beforehand be made public. Many will yet be saved.”
“Guardian angels are day and night near you, behind you. Today people do not believe in guardian angels. Guardian angels are my enemies. I hate them.”
Nero said, “Abortion is homicide”
Lucifer said, “The apparitions of San Damiano and Montechiari are true. The Church did not approve them, but this is the fruit of our work.”
Judas said, “People standing during Holy Communion pleases me more than kneeling. I do everything possible that no one be on his knees.”
In 1975, Judas also said, “We are very happy with the new reforms. We are most happy with these changes.”
“The films are bad and TV not better”.
The 2 priests involved, and one of their bishops all believed Anneliese was possessed. It was the first official and public case of exorcism in Germany in 50 years and the only known case recorded on tapes. There have been no known exorcisms carried out in Germany since Annelies’s death. The author believes she died a martyr.
After 67 sessions she died on 1st July 1976. People have been visiting her grave since her death. It has acquired pilgrimage status.
The author of this book applauds the following films, for showing the reality of possession – “The Exorcist”, and “The Exorcism of Emily Rose”. The most famous living exorcist – Gabriele Amorth also recommends these films, for their sheer realism.
Sobering stuff. A jolly good book. As an ebook you can get a free sample for your kindle.
Of related interest is the book by atheist Dr Felicitas Goodman – “The exorcism of Anneliese Michel”. She was a witness during the exorcisms. She writes from a scientific background. It is available in paperback on Amazon.
My spriritual father – Saint Padre Pio – used to be quite blunt with people. One example is when people would come up to him and say they didn’t believe in Hell nor the devil. He would scowl at them and say, “You soon will when you get there!” St Pio pray for us!
If you are a lapsed Catholic – I hope you realise that missing Mass on Sunday (or Saturday night) without a serious reason is a mortal sin.
also the devil revealed that Holy Communion in the hand is his greatest achievement. for centuries this practice was condemned by church Fathers and many Saints. avoid this terrible or horrible act, avoid receiving from lay ministers. the church is in eclipse as Our Lady of Fatima foretold.
Beloved Padre Pio, today I come to add my prayer to the thousands of prayers offered to you every day by those who love and venerate you. They ask for cures and healings, earthly and spiritual blessings, and peace for body and mind. And because of your friendship with the Lord, he heals those you ask to be healed, and forgives those you forgive.
Through your visible wounds of the Cross, which you bore for 50 years, you were chosen in our time to glorify the crucified Jesus. Because the Cross has been replaced by other symbols, please help us to bring it back in our midst, for we acknowledge it is the only true sign of salvation.
As we lovingly recall the wounds that pierced your hands, feet and side, we not only remember the blood you shed in pain, but your smile, and the invisible halo of sweet smelling flowers that surrounded your presence, the perfume of sanctity.
Padre Pio, may the healings of the sick become the testimony that the Lord has invited you to join the holy company of Saints. In your kindness, please help me with my own special request: (mention here your petition, and make the sign of the Cross).
Bless me and my loved ones. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
amen After Jesus Christ’s ascension to Heaven, Mary longed continually with burning desire to be reunited with Him. To be without her divine Son was a very harsh exile. Those years of separation from Him were for her a most slow and painful martyrdom of love that consumed her slowly. St. Padre Pio
amen Pray for unbelievers…
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. ~2 Corinthians 4:4
____________ PRAYER FOR UNBELIEVERS ____________
Saint Joseph, illuminate the minds, hearts, and souls of unbelievers with the Divine Truths of the Gospels of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Give them a hunger that can only be satisfied by our Eucharistic Lord. In Jesus’ Most Holy Name we pray. Amen.![🕊](
⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘Our Lady of Perpetual Help,⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hear our prayers! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
amen “Medjugorje is like a safe house of the Virgin Mary, in times of darkness and major confusion and major blindness, even when the faith has become too rational and we have lost our way. Here it appears as though it is a port of refuge where the Virgin Mary has anchored her Immaculate Heart, like the Arc. Here the heart is quieted so that we can shelter; where we can be quenched; where we can learn to nourish ourselves with the food that Jesus has left us. […]
Our Lady says “prayer will be your joy”; the Rosary transforms into joy of the soul when someone can truly learn to pray with heart and feel Her presence in prayer.
The Virgin Mary has helped me. She has rescued me. She has shown me to feel Jesus when I haven’t felt Him. And to feel Her.
Sometimes we can pray many Hail Marys and be as hard as a cork, but regardless, within that hardness, the heart can feel a presence, feel peace, and there one finds Her. But you have to foster the situation. There are things that don’t help, that we often do out of habit and that we need to give up.
If we go right now to get a coffee and we sit down to hear each other and speak calmly, how She tells us in one message—let the heart pronounce each word…If I don’t try that, and we drink the coffee quickly, we won’t connect with each other. That situation won’t help us to meet each other.
And this is something else I tell people because it’s some advice that I’ve learned. Whenever you learn to ride a bike, you don’t take a class to learn how to achieve balance. You get on top of the bike and try it out, without knowing how to balance. One day you surprise yourself when you achieve balance. You don’t even know how you did it. The same way, we should try to pronounce each word in prayer with the heart, taking the time it takes to do this.
Our encounter with God in our heart was natural, but it was broken through sin. We have to try to pronounce the words with heart. One day, we will surprise ourselves feeling the presence of Jesus in our hearts. We don’t know how or when, but if we don’t give the minimum, it certainly won’t happen.
Sometimes it’s not that important to do long meditations, five pages of meditations, but instead to be aware that I’m speaking to my Mother that’s listening, that’s picking up each Hail Mary as a rose in Her hand, and that She’s interested in what’s happening in my heart and that I need to be with Her. And that’s what I need to say, “Help me to be with You in this Rosary. I need to feel You even if it’s just one Hail Mary. Give me peace. Bring me to Jesus. Help me to feel Him in my heart, that this Rosary gives me peace to feel the presence of Jesus and grows my faith.”
She says to pray until prayer transforms into joy. It can never transform into joy saying it like this [praying rapidly], “HailMaryfullofgracetheLordiswithyou.” That is torturous.
A speedy 20 minute Mass (zoom zoom zoom zoom) can never be a joy, not the joy of Jesus, if we don’t have time to enjoy Jesus. We can’t believe that we’re better than Peter and Judas and the ones who were at His side. Because Judas didn’t open his heart to feel Him as a friend, and he betrayed Him.
It’s not so easy to pray with the heart because we’re not prepared. The world prepares us to have a hard heart, selfish, closed, materialistic, but not to have the time to say things from the soul.
The message that marked my life was to pray with the heart because that is what most worried me. At the beginning I would obsess. It would torture me, like, “What does that mean? How do I pray with the heart?”
One can ask oneself: How do you listen to a melody that you like? You sit down and listen. You let the notes reach your heart. It’s easier, right? It’s the same. We meet face-to-face and like that we create an image of our encounter, to feel that there is a presence in front of us, convinced that it’s there, that it’s listening. We have to put our faith into practice, She is there listening, looking at me, picking up each word. Because like this Our Mother hear’s one “I love you” from Her child, because it is being felt. We have to learn to love the Virgin Mary, to love Her, Her personality… Her personality is hidden in Her Messages. We have to fall in love with Jesus, with His personality…His personality is hidden in the Bible.
~ Fra Pablo
[Medjugorje chaplain for the Spanish-speaking pilgrims]
Our Lady’s Message on August 25, 1997
“Dear children! God gives me this time as a gift to you, so that I may instruct and lead you on the path of salvation. Dear children, now you do not comprehend this grace, but soon a time will come when you will lament for these messages. That is why, little children, live all of the words which I have given you through this time of grace and renew prayer, until prayer becomes a joy for you. Especially, I call all those who have consecrated themselves to my Immaculate Heart to become an example to others. I call all priests and religious brothers and sisters to pray the rosary and to teach others to pray. The rosary, little children, is especially dear to me. Through the rosary open your heart to me and I am able to help you. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”
For Fra Pablo’s original iMedjugorje in Spanish visit:
AMEN St Padre Pio pray for us . är i San Giovanni Rotondo.
2tSlponso1uomreed ticim ·
Padre Pio, through your intercession, may the power of God and of the Holy Spirit flow through every cell in their body, deep into their soul, to purify and heal them from any affliction. … Oh, Padre Pio, fill me with glorious light and overcome my selfishness with your infinite charity.
AMEN Tudi vam želim obilo Božjega blagoslova v vsem!
Bog je močnejši od zla. Dobro bo zmagalo, kakor je Kristus premagal smrt.! Vstajenja ni brez Kalvarije. Vanjo kličimo Boga. Tudi z Jezusom je bil vseskozi prisoten, razen en trenutekv Getsemaniju, ko se je Jezus-človek odločal, ali bo izpolnil Očetovo voljo. Ko je rekel, Da Oče, je bil Bog vseskozi z Njim.
To imejmo pred očmi, zato ga kličimo in bo z nami. ![🕊️](
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