Patrick Daniel
Igår kl. 03:50 · Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Archangels
Today the Church celebrates the importance and significance of each of the three Archangels named in the Bible, i.e., Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael—each with a different mission: Michael protects, Gabriel announces and Raphael guides.
St Michael
The name Michael in Hebrew signifies “who is like God”—
the battle cry of the good Angels who drove Satan from Heaven. In Holy Scripture he is shown to have been the guardian and comforter of the Chosen Race who prepared their return from captivity in Persia and insured the victory of the Maccabees. The early Christians entrusted to St Michael the care of their sick: all who bathed in his medicinal spring near Colossae, invoking him and the Holy Trinity, were healed; and near Constantinople, the sick used to spend the night in his church in the hope of a cure. Catholic tradition assigns to this “great prince” these four offices: to fight against Satan, to rescue the souls of the faithful from his grasp, especially at death, to be the special Patron of Holy Church, and to bring men’s souls to judgement. St Michael’s was one of the “Voices” which instructed St Joan of Arc.
The 29 September is probably the date on which the ancient Roman Basilica to “St Michael and All Angels” at Gargano in Italy was dedicated in the 6th century, but that building disappeared over a thousand years ago. In England “Michaelmas Day” is one of the regular days on which quarterly rents and accounts are settled. St Michael is the Patron Saint of grocers and the guardian of all mountain places. He is also held to be the special Guardian Angel of the Pope and, according to St Eutropius, of the Blessed Sacrament.
St Gabriel
The name Gabriel means “The Power of God” or “Hero of
God” in Hebrew. He is one of the seven Angels who “Stand before God”, and he seems to be in a particular way the messenger of glad or consoling tidings. Thus, we read in the Book of Daniel (ch that it was St Gabriel who explained the vision of the ram and foretold the fall of the Persian empire at the hands of Alexander the Great. The very next chapter records his prophecy concerning the coming of Christ after “70 weeks” of years. In the New Testament, we are told of how he appeared to Zachary in the Temple and announced to him the coming birth of his son, St John the Baptist. But above all he is known as the “Angel of the Annunciation”—it was he who informed Mary that she had been chosen to become the Mother of the Incarnate Word.
In Jewish tradition, Gabriel was taken to be the Angel of judgement as at Sodom and against the army of Sennacherib, and it was he who was supposed to mark the foreheads of the elect. Christian tradition also attributes to St Gabriel the message given to the shepherds at Bethlehem and to St Joseph in connection with the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt and believes that it was he who “strengthened” our Lord in the Garden of Olives on the night of His Betrayal.
In 1951, Pope Pius XII proclaimed him the patron of all communication arts, particularly television.
St Raphael
Raphael’s Hebrew name signifies “God has healed.” According to his own testimony to Tobias, even he is one of the seven Angels who always stand before the throne of the Almighty. In the Old Testament it is recorded how he cured the blindness of Tobit and acted as guide during his son’s trip to Media. St Raphael is in consequence revered as the Patron Saint of travellers, of the young and the innocent.
The day’s Gospel also identifies him with the Angel who used to come down at certain intervals to stir the water in the Probatica pool, which caused the cure of the first invalid who descended into the moving waters.
The Eastern Church has honoured St Raphael since the year 1000, but his cult was added to the universal calendar of the Church by Pope Benedict XV in 1921.
Reflection: “Make the holy Angels your friends! No matter how weak you may be, how sad your condition, or how great the perils which surround us, we have nothing to fear under the protection of such guardians!” (St Bernard) Visa mindre
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- Lilia AlcomendasPray for us Amen
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- Connie Escueta JusonArchangels,pray for us
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- AktivSuzana MonikaAMEN this is complette love text.Pausa GIF-filen
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- AktivSuzana MonikaMEMORIAL OF ST. JEROME, PRIEST AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCHSt. JeromeOne of the greatest Biblical scholars of Christendom, Saint Jerome was born of Christian parents at Stridon in Dalmatia around the year 345. Educated at the local school, he then studied rhetoric in Rome for eight years, before returning to Aquilea to set up a community of ascetics. When that community broke up after three years Jerome went to the east. He met an old hermit named Malchus, who inspired the saint to live in a bare cell, dressed in sackcloth, studying the Scriptures.He learned Hebrew from a rabbi. Then he returned to Antioch and was reluctantly ordained priest. With his bishop he visited Constantinople and became friendly with Saints Gregory Nazianzen and Gregory of Nyssa. And then in 382 he went again to Rome, to become the personal secretary of Pope Damasus. Here he met his dearest friends, a wealthy woman called Paula, her daughter Eustochium and another wealthy woman named Marcella.Here too he began his finest work. Commissioned by the pope, he began to revise the Latin version of the psalms and the New Testament, with immense care and scholarship. Jerome eventually translated the whole of the Bible into the Latin version which is known as the Vulgate. But when Damasus died, his enemies forced the saint to leave Rome.Accompanied by Paula and Eustochium, Jerome went to Bethlehem. There he lived for thirty-four years till his death in 420, building a monastery over which he presided and a convent headed first by Paula and after her death by Eustochium. The saint set up a hospice for the countless pilgrims to that place. His scholarship, his polemics, his treatises and letters often provoked anger and always stimulated those who read them. ‘Plato located the soul of man in the head,’ he wrote, ‘Christ located it in the heart.’–Excerpted from A Calendar of Saints by James BentleyPatron: Archeologists; archivists; Bible scholars; librarians; libraries; schoolchildren; students; translators.Symbols: Cardinal’s hat; lion; aged monk in desert; aged monk with Bible.Things to Do:Jerome had a violent temper and was very strong-willed. He made a lot of enemies because of his temperament. To overcome these faults, he prayed and did penance. His canonization shows us that canonized saints aren’t perfect, but have faults just like us. They just worked on them and cooperated with grace more fully to overcome them. What faults do we have that we need to work more diligently on overcoming?St. Jerome was a wonderful spiritual director, especially for women. It is important to have a spiritual director to grow in the spiritual life. Find out what a director can do for you, and make some arrangements for one.The Bible was of utmost importance in Jerome’s life and should be in ours. Make a point to read the Bible daily. Jerome was known to say that ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.Two books for children (out of print) on St. Jerome: St. Jerome and the Lion by Rumer Godden and St. Jerome and the Lion by Margaret Hodges both give the story of St. Jerome curing a lion and the lion befriending him. There is also a coloring book back in print.Read more about the symbolism in certain art depicting St. Jerome. There are multiple works depicting St. Jerome in his study and with a lion. For some examples, see: St. Jerome in his Study by Joos Van Cleve and St. Jerome in His Study by Albrecht Dürer.1 kommentarSuzana Monikaamen Power in Rosaryカクタ クリ · Igår kl. 15:08 ·ROSARY IS A POWERFUL WEAPONPraying the rosary everyday .. I have learned and noticed one thing, that while i pray the rosary everyday God was touching my raging heart i felt toward that person who betrayed and humiliated me countless times and to the greatest degree possible. i was furious enough to push me to speak to God how i was feeling… but God taught me to turn my eyes to Him rather than to my hurting self. He taught me to become more humble and forgiving. Like He’s telling me, ”let Me handle everything.”
I praise and thank You Father God for not leaving me in that situation. I feel like im healed in and out.May this bring glory to Your Holy Name oh God. I thank You and praise You for You are indeed a God who is worthy of praise.2,1 tn kommentarerRosalina RealAmen· Svara · Dela · 4 mSuzana MonikaAMEN ST.PADRE PIO prayer for healing group(May 25,1887-Sept.23,1968 STIGMATIST)Venerable Purity Damian · 6 tim ·YOUR MORNING TEA
LEARN HOW TO BE PERFECT IN LITTLE THINGS, BIG THINGS WILL BE EASY.Sometimes we leave little things that need our attention and be dreaming and aiming for big things which we may end up not achieving. If you train yourself in doing little things very well and perfect, you will be great at doing big things. Sometimes God is not expecting much from us. He is more focused on our disposition to do things from genuine spirit.The price of sainthood is in our disposition to be one. There are many works to be done on earth that can qualify one to be a saint. Do you know that offering one Our Father daily for the happy repose of dying souls is enough to make one a saint/patron saint of dying souls? One Our Father may look small, but it is enough to save millions of perishing souls. The good intention and the love that propels the prayer is what God is interested in, not on how long.The enemies are fast building a more evil structure that will make it difficult for people to make heaven. God is very aware of the time. He is pouring more grace on souls too. God is expecting something from each of us. The task differs, and each has a great reward. There are many good works around you that are enough to lead you to heaven. Discover them and do them very well and secure a crown for yourself.Don’t wait till you begin to raise the dead before you engage yourself in God’s work. Raising the dead may not be your calling. Visiting the sick not even healing them may be your calling.
We praise Your Holy Name Lord. You are faithful and merciful. May Your Name be praised forever. We thank You for Your love, mercy, goodness, provision and blessings upon our life. You are the great provider. Merciful Father, look with mercy upon the dying and grant them eternal rest, convert sinners of the whole world and help men turn to You. Amen_______Adoration to Your Most Precious Blood, Spotless Lamb of God: Reign forever, O Most Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ; Heal the sick and raise the deadQueen of the Most Holy Rosary, Pray for Us.
Precious Blood prayer is a prayer our Lord gave to the world through His visionary. Christ is calling all His children to Console and Adore His Precious Blood through the prayer. He promised to save anybody that is faithful to this appeal in the hour of darkness (the era of the great tribulation). To download, Go to google and type, ”Precious Blood prayer book pdf” the book will appear. Very easy to download. You can print it out. Chaplet of precious blood, Adoration and consolation are very necessary!
28 kommentarerTeptep UsonAmen· Svara · Dela · 9 mSuzana MonikaAMEN
- https://hildegard-universum.com/
Sveti Jeronim: Oprosti mi, Bože, jer sam Dalmatinac!
Danas slavimo blagdan sv. Jeronima, velikog sveca i mistika s kraja 4. i početka 5. stoljeća, zaštitnika Dalmacije i prevoditelja Biblije na latinski jezik
Foto: artic.edu, CC0 Public Domain
Danas slavimo blagdan sv. Jeronima, velikog sveca i mistika s kraja 4. i početka 5. stoljeća, jednog od najučenijih ljudi svoga vremena. Prema njemu se nazivaju i mnoge hrvatske crkve, zavodi, škole – kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i među Hrvatima diljem svijeta.
Sv. Jeronim dakako nije bio Hrvat (jer su Hrvati doselili na ove prostore tek kojih 200 godina nakon njegove smrti), ali podrijetlo vuče upravo s danas hrvatske strane Jadrana. Rođen je 347. godine u Stridonu, u Dalmaciji, a bio je Rimljanin ili možda romanizirani Ilir. Oko točne lokacije grada Stridona znanstvenici još uvijek raspravljaju. Neki misle da se radi o gradu-tvrđavi Strzanj, koji se nalazio iznad Šuice (kod Tomislavgrada), drugi opet Stridon smještaju u bugojanski ili uškopaljski kraj…
Sam svetac je vrlo često, svjestan svoje teške naravi, znao reći: “Parce mihi, Domine, quia Dalmata sum” (Oprosti mi, Bože, jer sam Dalmatinac)!
Prevodio Bibliju
Jeronim je došao u Rim svakako u ranoj mladosti. Tamo je kod velikih učitelja učio govorništvo i tako upoznavao latinsku kulturnu baštinu te klasični latinski jezik. Samo krštenje je primio 366. godine u nešto zrelijoj dobi. Nemiran duh, koje ga je uvelike obilježavao, odveo ga je daleko od velegrada, pa je uskoro pošao u palestinsku pustinju, gdje je živio kao eremit (pustinjak) te učio hebrejski jezik i usavršavao se u grčkom. Potom odlazi u Antiohiju u Siriji gdje je 378. godine bio zaređen za svećenika.
Papa Damaz poziva ga 382. natrag u Rim i imenuje svojim osobnim tajnikom te mu povjerava vrlo odgovoran i nadasve zahtjevan posao novog prijevoda Evanđelja s grčkog na latinski jezik. Potreba jednog takvog prijevoda bila je nadasve velika, jer većina kršćana na Zapadu sve je manje znala grčki jezik, koji je do tada bio službeni jezik u Crkvi i na kojem su bile napisane sve novozavjetne knjige, a i Stari zavjet se čitao i proučavao ne na izvornom hebrejskom jeziku, nego u grčkom prijevodu poznatom pod imenom Septuaginta. Postojalo je doduše već nekoliko prijevoda Novog zavjeta na latinski jezik, ali većina je bila nestručna ili neprikladna za uporabu. Sve svoje izvanredno znanje i volju ulaže sad Jeronim u taj posao.
Poznavao je izvanredno latinski (i to onaj najbolji latinski, koji je učio u ciceronovskoj govorničkoj školi), grčki i hebrejski, a vladao je još i aramejskim, sirijskim i arapskim. Uskoro je preveo evanđelja na latinski, ali nikako nije želio stati na tome, nego se odmah nakon toga s oduševljenjem bacio na prijevod starozavjetnih knjiga, i to ne s grčkog prijevoda (Septuaginta), nego s hebrejskog izvornika.
Kandidat za Papu
Nakon smrti pape Damaza (384.), Jeronimova velikog mecene i zaštitnika, sam je Jeronim bio jedan od najozbiljnijih kandidata za papinsko prijestolje. No kad je izabran drugi kandidat, Siricije, Jeronimu izrazito nesklon, on napušta Rim te odlazi najprije u Antiohiju, a potom u Aleksandriju, da bi se nastanio u Betlehemu (386.), gdje će dugo godina živjeti kao pustinjak u jednoj špilji (vjerovao je da se upravo u njojIsusrodio), te se baviti znanstvenim radom i služiti kao duhovni vođa za redovnike i redovnice u dva ženska i jednom muškom samostanu, koje je utemeljio s jednom ženom imenom Paula. Na prijevodu svih starozavjetnih knjiga provest će punih 15 godina! U Betlehemu je i umro 420. godine.
Mnogi su bili oduševljeni njegovim novim prijevodima, ali se također mnogi nisu slagali s njegovim novim načinom prevođenja. Njegov neuobičajeni stil jezika i prevođenja izazvao je protivljenja, a ponegdje čak i proteste vjernika. Tako su vjernici u Tripoliju, nakon što su na misi slušali Jeronimov prijevod Jonine knjige, izašli na ulice i podigli ustanak protiv upotrebe njegovih prijevoda u liturgiji. Njegov suvremenik sv. Augustin također je bio veliki protivnik novog Jeronimova stila te ga je često kritizirao. Osobito je zazorno bilo što je prijevode starozavjetnih knjiga činio iz izvornog hebrejskog jezika, budući da je do tada Septuaginta također smatrana nadahnutom knjigom (premda je bila samo prijevod!) i svi su prijevodi rađeni na temelju tog predloška. Budući da je u Bibliji nadahnutom smatrana svaka pojedina riječ, pa čak i zarez, dotadašnji su prevoditelji na latinski prevodili riječ za riječ. Jeronim je prvi uvidio da su takvi doslovni prijevodi nedostatni, jer ne uzimaju u obzir duh svakog jezika, pa je počeo prevoditi ne riječ za riječ, nego smisao za smisao (tzv. dinamička ekvivalenca). Proći će dugo godina dok takav njegov stav neće biti općenito prihvaćen u čitavoj Crkvi (sve do danas).
Njegov prijevod Biblije poznat je pod imenom Vulgata (u prijevodu znači “opća”, “opće poznata” ili pak “u općoj uporabi”), no njegove su prevedene knjige činile samo dio te Vulgate (doduše najveći dio), dok su druge knjige preveli drugi učenjaci. Jeronim se slagao sa židovskim rabinima da knjige koje se nalaze u Septuaginti, ali ne i u hebrejskom izvorniku (Mudrost, Sirah, Tobija, Judita, Baruh te Prva i Druga Makabejcima), ne trebaju biti prihvaćene u kanon biblijskih knjiga. Opet se njegovu stavu suprotstavio Augustin, te je Augustinovo mišljenje prevladalo, pa danas u svim izdanjima Biblije imamo uključene i te knjige.
Jeronim se nije zadržao samo na prijevodima, nego je započeo pisati i komentare biblijskih knjiga, osobito starozavjetnih. U tome je također bio izvanredno uspješan, tako da i mnogi današnji biblijski stručnjaci drže kako su ti komentari još uvijek vrlo aktualni i korisni, te da možda nikada nitko nije prodro u biblijske dubine kao drevni Jeronim. Ipak, i on se redovito držao alegoričkog tumačenja, koje je tada bilo prevladavajuće, ali se zato u prijevodima držao više stvarne i povijesne pozadine u kojoj su te knjige nastale. Osim toga, napisao je zavidan broj knjiga o estetici, redovništvu te teologiji.
Sklon konfliktu
Često je vrlo oštro znao kritizirati svoje oponente. Tako je za jednog drugog kršćanskog biblijskog komentatora, Rufina, nakon njegove smrti (u predgovoru svog prijevoda proroka Ezekiela), napisao: “A sad škorpion leži pokopan”. Za heretikaPelagija napisao je pak da je najgluplji od svih osoba čije su pameti bile zaglupljene škotskom zobenom kašom. Ipak se iz njegovih 117 sačuvanih pisama može lako iščitati njegova ljubav prema ljudima, ali isto tako i ljubav prema dobrom argumentu. Osnovao je govorničku školu za djecu u Jeruzalemu, brinuo se oko brojnih izbjeglica koji su pobjegli u Svetu Zemlju nakon provale Vandala u Rim 410., te iskazivao veliku ljubav prema siromašnima i nemoćnima.
Proglašen je svecem i crkvenim ocem, a Tridentinski sabor proglasio ga je i crkvenim naučiteljem, što je najveća titula koju od službene Crkve može dobiti neka osoba.
Sv. Jeronim umro je 30. rujna 420. godine u Betlehemu.
Priređeno prema članku s portala www.dalmacijanews.com
Pomolimo se: Bože, svetog prezbitera Jeronima obdario si nježnom i živom ljubavlju prema Svetom pismu. Daj svome narodu da se obilnije hrani tvojom riječju te u njoj nađe život. Po Gospodinu našem Isusu Kristu, Sinu tvome, koji s tobom živi i kraljuje u jedinstvu Duha Svetoga, Bog, po sve vijeke vjekova. Amen.
The American TFP > Catholic Perspective > Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río: Hero for Christ the King
Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río: Hero for Christ the King
October 16, 2016 | Elias Rubio 0 Comments
Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río: Hero for Christ the King.
Our young saint lived in tumultuous times. The socialist government of Mexico was waging a bloody war against the Catholic Church, and fervent Catholics known as the Cristeros rose up to defend Christ the King. Their heroic resistance, La Cristiada, began in 1926.
The Mexican constitution of 1917—socialist at its core—sparked this terrible conflict. It put the Church under the strict control of the State: it regulated Catholic preaching, allotted a fixed number of priests per state, dictated Mass attendance, baptisms, weddings, the Sacraments, and tithing. Even the ringing of Church bells was hampered, and prelates caught disobeying these unjust laws were exiled or killed.
The president at the time, Venustiano Carranza, did not immediately enforce the anti-Catholic laws, but showed temporary tolerance. When Plutarco Elías Calles took power in 1920, however, the new constitution was brutally enforced. Calles sent more than two hundred priests into exile, along with a number of archbishops and bishops.
The worst persecution was unleashed by the iniquitous Ley Calles (Calles Law) of July 31, 1926. It prohibited the practice of the Catholic religion in public. All education was removed from the care of the Church and put under direct State control. Religious vows were illegal. Monasteries and convents were dissolved, and religious could no longer use habits. Church property was confiscated.
Moreover, it was illegal for anyone, especially priests, to speak out against the government or the constitution. Priests wishing to exercise their ministry had to ask the State for permission. Frequently, this “permission” was not granted. Finally, those who did not obey these immoral laws were fined or imprisoned. A “serious” or repeated offense often meant execution.
Cristero Uprising
In this turmoil, God rose up a strong reaction: the Cristeros. Among these Catholics we find the heroic figure of José Sánchez del Río. The young saint was born on March 28, 1913 in Sahuayo, Michoacan. His parents, Macario Sanchez Sanchez and Maria del Río Arteaga, had three older sons, two of whom joined the Cristeros.
Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río as a youth of nine years on his First Holy Communion day in 1922.
José witnessed the horrible persecution of the Church and, following his brothers, decided to join the Cristiada movement. He was so young, however, that his parents were reluctant. After much pleading and a visit to a Cristero officer, don Macario and doña Maria gave José their parental blessing. José was overjoyed, but also aware of the suffering he would endure. Before departing, he declared: “For Jesus Christ, I will do everything.”
José and a friend, Trinidad Flores, set off to a Cristero camp. After a long journey they presented themselves to the officer in charge and were given tasks: carry water, prepare the fire, serve food and coffee, wash dishes, feed the horses, and clean rifles.
José enthusiastically went about the chores, and the soldiers quickly became fond of him. He fervently attended daily Mass and prayed the Rosary with the soldiers every evening. José learned how to play the bugle for battle, and was put under the care of General Luis Guizar Morfin who, with the intention of protecting the lad, gave him the duty of standard bearer.
How He Saves the General
Outnumbered and outgunned, the Cristeros used guerrilla tactics over pitched battles. On February 6, 1928, the Cristeros ambushed the enemy, between Cotija and Jiquilpan. When the order was given to retreat, Federal machine gun fire opened up on their position, ripping through the rocks that gave the Cristeros cover. José saw the General’s horse drop dead beneath him. Although the General himself was not seriously injured, José rushed over, jumped off his own horse and urged him to take it:
“General, here’s my horse!”
The general replied: “Run boy, run! Go!”
But José insisted: “I am young; you are more important than me! Viva Cristo Rey!”
Overtaken by the boy’s sacrifice, the general accepted the horse and fled. José, refusing to run, stayed behind to provide covering fire for his fellow Cristeros, but he soon ran out of ammunition and was captured by the Federals. They pushed, hit, kicked and insulted him while uttering foul blasphemies. Another young boy, Lorenzo “El Escurridizo,” was captured as well. Their execution was interrupted by a federal general who asked the two boys to join the anti-Catholic side. José answered without hesitation:
“You have captured me because I ran out of ammo, but I have not given up!” Surprised by the answer, the general threw José and Lorenzo into prison at Cotija.
Behind Bars Yet Always Faithful
Captured by the Federals, their general asked him to join the anti-Catholic side. Jose answered without hesitation: “You have captured me because I ran out of ammo, but I have not given up!”
In his prison cell, José remembered the advice of his dear mother: have complete confidence in the Mother of God, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
As the early morning sun shone through the tiny window in José’s cell, he wrote a letter to his mother dated February 6, 1928.
My dear mother:
I was made a prisoner in battle today. I think I will die soon, but I do not care, mother. Resign yourself to the will of God. I will die happy because I die on the side of our God. Do not worry about my death, which would mortify me. Tell my brothers to follow the example that their youngest brother leaves them, and do the will of God. Have courage and send me your blessing along with my father’s.
Send my regards to everyone one last time and finally receive the heart of your son who loves you so much and who wanted to see you before dying.
— José Sánchez del Río
On February 7, José and Lorenzo were transferred from the prison in Cotija to the Catholic church in Sahuayo—where José was baptized—which had been turned into a stable for animals by the impious federals. Horse manure, military supplies, empty beer bottles, and food scraps covered the floor. Soldiers vandalized the altar, using its wood to start a fire. The church, once beautiful, was now disfigured beyond recognition.
News of José’s imprisonment spread rapidly. Attempts were made to obtain his release, but the soldiers refused to let him go. José’s godfather, Rafael Picazo, a local political boss in Sahuayo, visited him. This man, however, was a federal sympathizer and he slyly attempted to convince José to attend military school and become an officer in the Federal Army. José was shocked by the proposal and replied:
“I’d rather die first! I will not go with those monkeys! Never with those persecutors of the Church! If you let me go, tomorrow I will return to the Cristeros! Viva Cristo Rey! Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!”
Zeal for the House of God
José was outraged by the sacrilegious behavior of his captors who released fighting cocks inside the church, and had them fight in the sacred sanctuary. The colorful fighting birds roamed freely, perching on sacred objects, including the tabernacle. But as soon as José saw them, he decided to stop the profanation of the altar. Disregarding certain reprisal from the guards, he grabbed the roosters and cracked their necks one by one.
After he finished them off, José washed his hands with a rag, knelt down and prayed devoutly with a strong and loud voice. He then went calmly to bed. Of this episode, author Luis Laurean Cervantes remarks, “As Christ had cleaned the vendors out of the Temple, he [José] had cleaned it of fighting cocks.”
The next morning, when Picazo saw what José had done, he was enraged. Picazo wrenched José up by the arm and screamed:
“Don’t you realize what you did? Don’t you know the cost of a rooster?!”
José replied: “The only thing I know is that the house of God is not a corral nor a barnyard! I am willing to endure everything. Shoot me now so that I can go before Our Lord!”
Lorenzo, who was also in the church-prison, grew scared, but José counseled him to remain strong, and spoke about Christ, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the stories of Anacleto González Flores and Father Miguel Pro—both martyrs.
“Viva Cristo Rey!”
On February 10, Picazo made up his mind to execute his godson. The order to kill José Sánchez del Río was issued at six o’clock and the execution itself was scheduled for eight-thirty.
José was allowed to write a final letter to his family, which he did. Thirty minutes before the execution, José’s aunt Magdalena brought him dinner. At her request, a priest hid the Blessed Sacrament in the food package and José secretly received Holy Communion for the last time.
Then José bid his aunt farewell: “We will see each other in Heaven soon.” José was about to cry, but he chocked back his tears because he didn’t want to weep in front of a woman. “…take care of my mother. Tell her not to rush [to see me] as I will have already won Heaven.”
Finally, the time for the execution arrived. Picazo wanted the execution to be done “quietly” without a formal firing squad. Instead, the federals cut the soles of José’s feet with a knife. They brutally beat him over and over, but with each cut and each savage blow, he shouted: “Viva Cristo Rey!”
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His Way of the Cross
The guards made José walk ten blocks, barefoot and bleeding, along a rocky path to the cemetery were he would be buried. Along the way, the soldiers screamed blasphemies with satanic hatred, praising the godless government, trying to pressure the boy to deny his faith: “You better learn your lesson!” “We will kill you!” “What a proud and arrogant boy!” they said.
José’s only response was: “Viva Cristo Rey!” and “Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!”
Already at the cemetery, José asked: “Where is my plot?” as he did not want any of the troops to touch him. One of the soldiers suddenly swung his rifle around, breaking José’s jaw with the butt. Without hesitation, the soldiers furiously stabbed him in the neck, chest and the back with knives. At every stab, José proclaimed the name of Christ the King at the top of his lungs, “Viva Cristo Rey!”
José was dying slowly. But he still mustered enough energy to defy the soldiers, saying: “You have done a lot to me, but God still allows me [to continue]! But when I can no longer speak, if I wiggle my feet, that means, ‘Viva Cristo Rey and the Virgin of Guadalupe!’”
A federal officer approached the dying and bleeding boy on the ground and asked in a sarcastic tone: “What should we tell your father?” José answered: “That we will see each other in Heaven! Viva Cristo Rey! and the Virgin of Guadalupe.”
Saint José Luis Sánchez del Río. Cristero Martyr. “Viva Cristo Rey!”
The Crown of Martyrdom
Overtaken by anger, the officer grabbed his gun and shot José behind the ear. José Sánchez del Río won the crown of martyrdom.
The federals tossed the boy’s body into the grave, shoveled some dirt over it and left. Luis Gomez, the undertaker, waited for the federals to leave and immediately closed the gates of the cemetery. He ran to the house of Father Ignacio Sanchez, José’s uncle, and asked the priest to give the martyr a Christian burial. Luis and the priest hurried back to the cemetery. They took José’s mangled body out of the grave and wrapped it in a blanket while the priest prayed the prayers for the dead.
Soon, everyone knew about the boy-martyr. People started to pray to him. His heroic life quickly became a model across Mexico.
The body of the martyr was buried in that same cemetery until 1945. After Fr. Miguel Serrato repaired the local church of the Sacred Heart, blessed José’s remains were transferred to its shrine where other Cristero martyrs are interred. Finally, in 1996 his remains were moved to the parish church where he was held captive. His relics are kept in a wooden coffin in the baptistery, the same place where he was held captive. He was beatified on June 22, 2004, and on October 16, 2016 was canonized a saint.
Let us imitate the virtues of this young saint: fortitude, valor, faith, holy audacity, hope and charity. Let us pray for the grace to have the same enthusiasm to defend the law and the rights of God that are under attack today, and to endure all hardships for the greater glory of God and Holy Mother Church.
Saint José Sánchez del Río, pray for us.
Viva Cristo Rey!
“The Battle Hymn of the Cristeros” by Juan Gutiérrez
Juan Gutiérrez, a surviving Cristero, penned the Cristeros hymn, “Battle Hymn of the Cristeros”, which is based on the music of the Spanish-language song, “Marcha Real”
La Virgen María es nuestra protectora y nuestra defensora cuando hay que temer
Vencerá a todo el demonio gritando “¡Viva Cristo Rey!” (x2)
Soldados de Cristo: ¡Sigamos la bandera, que la cruz enseña el ejército de Dios!
Sigamos la bandera gritando, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!”
English translation
The Virgin Mary is our protector and defender when there is to fear
She will vanquish all demons at the cry of “Long live Christ the King!” (x2)
Soldiers of Christ: Let’s follow the flag, for the cross points to the army of God!
Let’s follow the flag at the cry of “Long live Christ the King!”
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