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Hieromonk Nicholas Pokhilko writes that:The substance of the celebration of Epiphany varied in different traditions. There weretwo major trends: Eastern and Western. The birth of Christ, the story of the Magi,Christ’s baptism, His divine manifestation, miracle at Cana, and the feeding of thecrowds formed the festival of Epiphany on January 6 as indicated in earlier Alexandrianand Syrian traditions. The theme of the Nativity or the birth of Christ was dominant inthe western feast of Epiphany with the baptism being less significant. December 25(winter solstice) was the initial date of the Nativity festival in Roman tradition. It seemsthat Christians in the East hearing about this tradition decided to adopt it. It is also pos-sible that certain Eastern customs may have influenced the West. The Western patternwas adopted by Constantinople, Cappadocia, Antioch and Syria. The representatives ofthese local traditions segregate the variety of Epiphany themes into two festivals: theNativity of Christ on December 25, also called Theophania, and the Epiphany (the
Lights) on January 6. The latter feast was dedicated to the baptism of Christ and His di-vine manifestation and was an occasion for mass baptism
(Nicholas Pokhilko,
Historyof Epiphany
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