The novena to Mary the Prophet of Jesus Petković
Medjugorje News Send an emailPublished 30 mins ago02912 read
Today begins the novena to Blessed Mary the Blessed Jesus Petković from Blato on Korčula. Every day, after encouraging thoughts and prayers, the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary is recited at the end of this text.
Blessed Marija Petković was born on December 10, 1892 in Blato on Korčula, and died in Rome on July 9, 1966. She was the founder of the religious community Daughters of Mercy of St. Francis, the only religious community founded in Croatia. Pope John Paul II declared her blessed. June 6, 2003 in Dubrovnik, during his third visit to Croatia. On August 26, 1988, a miracle occurred through her intercession, which preceded the beatification: A miracle in a submarine - how the intercession of Blessed Marija Petković saved 23 Peruvian sailors.
It is always a work of apparition as Mary the Prophet used to say it
1 It is always the work of apparition as Mary the Prophet used to say it
2 The first day
3 The second day
4 The third day
5 The fourth day
6 The fifth day
7 The sixth day
8 The seventh day
9 The eighth day
10 The ninth day
10.1 Litany of blessed Maria Petković
"My eternal God, here I am before your immeasurable majesty.
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I humbly bow to you.
I am showing you all my thoughts, words and actions of today.
I intend to do everything for your love and for your glory.
I want to fulfill your divine will and be enlightened in the mysteries of faith.
I want to trust in your mercy and ask you to forgive all my sins according to your divine justice.
In one word: I intend to act in accordance with what and how Jesus Christ and his mother Mary lived, all those saints and saints, your righteous ones on earth.
Accept, my good God, this presentation of mine that I offer you with all my heart and give me your holy blessing, with your powerful grace, so that I may never stray away from you through any sin.
So be it."
First day
A fundamental life decision: commitment to Christ
The most important decision in the life of every believer is: commitment to Christ. Mary the Prophet was aware of this, so she clearly stated her decision, her commitment to Christ:
"To love your God with all your soul and all your mind. To live and work for the love of him. To love everything looking at the heavenly Father. To do good to everyone, to fulfill the two commandments of nature: do to others what you would like others to do to you; do not do to others what you would not like others to do to you. To forgive everyone; don't judge anyone. To comfort the sad and unwilling. To help the needy and the poor. Present your life to God as a sacrifice of love and patience, as compensation for the insults of the ungrateful world."
Mary of the Blessed Jesus is also inspired by the Gospel words: "Leave everything, give to the poor, come and follow me" (Mk 10:21).
And therefore, she expresses her belonging to Jesus even more completely and clearly, with a constant prayer addressed to him that he strengthens her on that path. In addition, she reminds herself of the eternal vow she made to God at the age of fourteen that she would always belong only to Christ, her Spouse:
"Here I am, leaving everything behind and following you, my Ideal, my Jesus. I just ask you for help and strength on the way through life; strength in battle, in suffering, in temptations. And suffer, my soul, drink the bitter cup, without consolation, remember that you are a victim of suffering.
Remember the eternal vow made at the age of fourteen. You gave everything to your God, Jesus Christ.
You chose him as your Love, as your Fiance. Stay faithful to him. Keep your purity, may your heart always be pure so that you can always receive him in your heart so that he can be reflected in your heart and you with pure eyes and heart so that your soul can observe him. Let the simplicity and sincerity shine on you. Let justice be your motto."
What Maria the Prophet asks of herself, we can also take as a challenge for us. Make a decision to belong to Jesus and ask him to protect us on that path.
Second day
Commitment to Christ: Mary's sighs of love in her journey to the Lord
To decide for Christ means to dwell with him. To seek his proximity again and again. Mary experiences the presence of Jesus in her life. Especially loved ones experience it in receiving Holy Communion. And that's where her intimate conversation with the one she loves with her whole being begins.
"Merciful Lord and most kind Redeemer of my soul!
I firmly believe that you are in the Most Holy Host, true God and true man, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I worship you most sincerely with my whole heart and unite my gift with those gifts that all your blessed ones in heaven and on earth have shown you. I thank you for the immense love in which you incarnated for me, lived out your humanity, endured torment and death for my salvation, and that you left yourself in the divine sacrament so that I can be strengthened by it until eternity.
I regret that I greatly offended you with my sins and made you sad, you too great kindness and immeasurable love! Relying on your help, I decide that I will never offend you again with my negligence, because I love you above all else. I show you all of me, all that I am and all that I have.
Please, my all-good Jesus, give me a living faith, firm hope, burning love, sincere contrition and a great gift to always do only good. Worthy to remember me on this visit of mine at the hour of my death, to defend me and comfort me with your most holy face in that terrible peril of destruction. Remind me, my good Jesus, of all my promises that I make to you and be with me. Amen."
Third day
Cry out to the Lord: Despite our sins, Jesus remains faithful
Mary the Blessed is aware of her imperfections and shortcomings, but despite this she trusts in Jesus' love and his faithfulness. He always sees our efforts and does not leave us when it seems that we have failed. He remains always faithful and comforts us.
"Jesus, my love, here I am to you! I love you very much. Let me kiss you, O Ideal of my soul, O beauty of heaven and earth, O purest! You blow me away. Your eyes are purer than the sun, deeper than the sea and the blue sky, in them is reflected the heavenly thing that takes the soul away. Your mouth is like a rose full of mysterious beauty, full of gentleness and love. Lord, I dare to look at you, poor sinner! But, Lord, love is stronger than unworthiness, Lord, let me fall before your face.
Lord, have mercy!
I love you too, so you know how I love you. I left everything for you, everything, Lord! My soul is sad, oh come to me, you love of my suffering heart. Descend and come to me, my Betrothed, so that I may hold you close to my heart, that my soul may unite with yours, and that I may die in that bliss. Oh, come. Come, oh come, my Savior. Do not despise the dwelling of my heart! Be my peace!"
Fourth day
God longs to be loved: To respond to the offered love
Already St. Francis of Assisi experienced that "Love wants to be loved". God, as great and exalted as he is, wants to be loved by his creatures. All nature praises God and every creature loves him in a way that suits him. God is also desirous of man's love. The saints experienced this and testified to it in different ways. In that palette of saints was Mary the Prophet, who deeply experienced how much God wants to be loved by her as well:
"Ah, Jesus, what will I repay you for everything you have done to me? Oh, God, when you, who are so kind and sweet, want us to love you, why did you give us only one heart and that small one?
Oh, my Jesus, I love you! I love you, my God and my everything.
My God, immensely wonderful face, you are my purpose and goal, my soul sighs for you, it longs to be united with you.
What do I have in heaven and on earth but you, O God of my heart, my share in eternity?
You, Lord, are truly my God and my everything. Ah, that I could possess you freed from the danger of losing you once more.
When will I fall into the joy of my Lord, where nothing can separate me from his love, where nothing will disturb the peace of my heart?!
When I will see you in heaven, oh God, may I be eternally blessed in your enjoyment. Oh love, oh God! My soul dies for you; make me one with you! Immerse my little soul in the immense sea of your divinity!
Oh, why can't I come to you? Lord, loosen the chains that keep my soul in a decaying body.
This is my only consolation, that I already have you in my heart on earth, that you live in me, and I live in you."
The fifth day
Love hurts: Forgiving yourself and others and accepting forgiveness
To love means to suffer. Commitment to God, received and reciprocated love are not spared from pain and suffering. Every insult and infidelity towards the loved one hurts the one who loves. Marija Propetoga experiences it again and again.
"Oh, Jesus, my God and my all, beloved Spouse of my soul. Kind Saviour, look at the angry pain of my soul, because of the unfaithfulness and ingratitude with which I wounded your Sacred Heart.
What did you do to win my ungrateful heart!
Oh, God of love and my dearest Savior, look at me in the pain of repentance, contrite at your feet. I ask for your forgiveness for having offended you so.
From now on, dear Savior, I renounce all the vanities of this world and all love for creatures. Only you, O Jesus, be from now on the only object of my tenderest love and the only consolation of my heart. Yes, oh my God, so be it. I give you my heart. May I always be dedicated to your love, so that not even death can separate me from your love.
Oh, the sacrament of love, oh, the sacrament of goodness! You strengthen the bond of love by which you unite my poor heart with the Heart of Jesus. Who will separate me from you, O my God and all mine? Who should I seek but you, my God? Only in you do I find my peace and tranquility! To you Jesus I live, to you I die! I am yours always."
The sixth day
Do not indulge in sorrow: Only a joyful soul glorifies God
Sometimes we feel reluctant and indulge in some grief that numbs both spirit and body. Especially self-pity often takes hold of our thoughts and feelings. Only a cheerful spirit and a determination to look positively can overcome all sadness and deadness. Marija Propetoga knew how to fight off the attacks of mourning and raise her eyes towards the source of cheerfulness and joy.
"Grief is harmful to the soul and the body. A sad and mournful man is not capable of any good. Grief is the cause of many temptations and falls. Temptation waits to attack him in despondency, duplicity when a man is sad, then it presents him with the forbidden sweet tree and tempts him. And he speaks to him against God and that difficult spiritual life in which he grieves; it distracts him from the struggle and presents him with enjoyment.
Our soul cannot be without pleasure; therefore know - if you do not delight in your God, then the soul seeks other enjoyment, but woe betide you if you reach out. From grief comes death. Every evil comes with sorrow of heart. Grief oppresses the heart and takes away the will to work. Only if you have sinned against your God - weep and beg your God to forgive you, to have mercy on you: Restore to me the joy of my salvation and strengthen me with the spirit of a ruler (cf. Ps 50:14). Give me back the joy I had in you before I sinned.
The more perfect the purity, the brighter the soul, the brighter it is before God, the more capable it is to live and reflect the image of the Most High and to receive all kinds of light of virtue... Purity also gives the body some grace and heavenly beauty.
If I have to die once, why wouldn't I want to die now? What kind of love can you have for Jesus if you are afraid to go to him, but you think you love him?
I don't stop crying until he comes and I wake up before him...
Pleasing God and fulfilling his will, that is my glory and that is my joy."
The seventh day
Renunciation of all sin: Rather die than indulge in sin
There is no one who has not felt the defeat after sin and the injustice that he caused God, himself and others with that sin. It was said a long time ago that Christians are not people who do not sin, but those who repent after sinning and go to their Father to wash them and free them from the injustice they have committed. Mary the Prophet takes refuge in her God and reminds both herself and him that she belongs only to him!
"Oh, great almighty eternal God the Father, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit!
Hear the sigh of my poor heart, hear the only aspiration, the only desire of my heart, hear the hot plea of my soul, hear the sigh of my life.
I would rather die this hour, even this night, and be buried in a cold grave and my soul be deprived of all bliss, than to offend you, my only bliss, in this palpable weakness! To you, my only love, my only happiness, the only purpose of my life, I dedicate myself forever. I'm yours!
Oh, don't throw me, a sinner, away from you and don't give me over to Satan! I'm yours!
Do what you want with me! Again, throw me into torment and into the fire, just don't leave me in my weakness, and don't let me offend you in my sinfulness.
Jesus, I prefer death and all evil, the loss of my dearest treasure, my dear Society, that you take all my dear and beloved sisters, that I remain blind in wounds and pains until death, I love all that rather than insult you, eternal beauty, heavenly love, God of my heart!
I will not sin, no, no, no! But if, O Jesus, the sweetness of my heart, I offend you with these feelings of my sensibility and sinfulness, I die of grief... Forgive, forgive, love, mercy of God! Holiness, sweetness! My Lord and King, forgive me... Forgive me, love! Simple, simple wretches. Take tears, pain, heartbreak as satisfaction.
Oh, Almighty God, I show you the wounds and the most holy blood of your dear Son Jesus as satisfaction for my sins!"
The eighth day
Comforting Jesus: Accepting and experiencing the humanity of Jesus
Mary the Prophet sees both God and man in Jesus. She recognizes his pain and his longing for the comfort of friendly closeness and love. Let's enjoy the tenderness and sensitivity of this lover of Propetog.
"My love is crucified!
Oh, allow me, my Prophet of Love, to stay by your cross, by you, until death.
Oh, at least let me hug and kiss this sign of yours - the image of your crucified body, and in the pain of love, exhale completely. Let me lift up your nails and press them into my unfaithful heart with ardor; so that I may take you from the cross into my sinful, yet pure embrace with you. I will wet and wash your legs and wounds with tears and soften and dry them with my hands. Rest your most holy head on my heart, and let me lift the painful crown from your head and put it on my head, then I kiss your sweet forehead and your holy tortured, wounded head, hot, hot.
Oh, let me hug and comfort you like this in this world, oh my suffering Love! - I am the cause of your pain, so let me cry in remorse, hugging you for myself, Crucified Love. My love! My love, I myself crucified you like that. Oh, I didn't want to. No, no, I wanted to kiss you - comfort you, but it was the other way around, I insulted you. Sorry - sorry. I will die of pain.”
The ninth day
Make life decisions: And follow them with eyes fixed on the Lord
Mary the Blessed is aware of the perniciousness of sin and separation from the Lord, therefore she makes firm decisions and begs him to keep her in his grace, not to offend him and never to be separated from him.
"To live only for God, loving him above all else.
Do everything for his love.
Do his holy will in everything.
To work and pray for the world to turn to the Lord God.
Conceal and despise yourself.
To surrender completely into his hands, as much in happiness as in misfortune, uniting completely firmly with God through love and conforming your will to God's will in everything.
To suffer all attacks surrendered to the will of God, without asking him to deprive me of them, because I am only worthy of that and to show him that pain.
Just asking the Lord not to allow me to offend him in any way.
Let him lift me off the ground rather than allow me to offend him."
We ask Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary to be our intercessor and helper on our faith journey, to fulfill our personal mission, just as she fulfilled hers, and to surrender ourselves completely to the will of God, receiving from his hand everything that he grants us.
Litany of Blessed Marija Petković
Lord, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!
Christ, hear us!
Christ, hear us!
Heavenly Father, God, have mercy on us!
Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us!
Holy Spirit, God, have mercy on us!
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!
Blessed Virgin Mary,
daughter of mercy of the eternal Father, pray for us!
Blessed Virgin Mary,
truly a sign of God's love,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
grateful recipient of God's encouragement,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
persistent supplicant for blessings from Heaven,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
humble follower of the Lamb of God,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
instructive listener of the Good Shepherd,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
aglow with the fire of the Divine Heart,
Blessed Mary of the Transfiguration,
gathered in watching the passion of Jesus,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
gazing in spirit at the wounds of Christ,
Blessed Mary of the Propetoga,
united in heart with the Propetoga Christ,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
joyful harbinger of the Risen Christ,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
burning lamp of the Eucharistic mystery,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
tireless worshiper of the eternal King,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
inspired by the love of the Holy Spirit,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
endowed with the gifts of the Life-giving Spirit,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
humble worshiper of the Holy Mother of God,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
zealous supplicant of the Holy Rosary,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
diligent student of God's Word,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
effective messenger of the Holy Gospel,
Blessed Mary the Baptist,
faithful follower of the holy father Francis,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
daughter obedient to the Pope and other shepherds of the Church,
Blessed Mary of the Annunciation,
consistent in fulfilling the evangelical vows,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
persistent in spreading peace and goodness,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
wise in love for the poor in the world,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
caring mother of children and orphans,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
truly busy with the needs of the little ones,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
advocate of the unwilling and crying,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
patient nurse of the sick,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
prudent educator of mothers,
Blessed Mary of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
supplicant and teacher of spiritual vocations,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
fervent in renouncing the world,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
in love with consecrated life,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
strengthened by fasting and prayer,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
brave bearer of the cross of disease,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
missionary of forgiveness and reconciliation,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
spiritual beauty of her homeland,
Blessed Mary the Prophet,
gentle mother of the Society of the Daughters of Mercy,
Blessed Virgin Mary,
hope for eternal life shines.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us, Jesus!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Jesus!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Jesus!
Pray for us, Blessed Virgin Mary of Jesus!
To become worthy of the promises of Christ!
Let us pray:
Holy Father, God of Mercy, who called the blessed Maria Petković to become a living image of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, hear our directional prayers and bless the efforts of our lives, so that, guided by the Spirit of your love, following the example of the blessed Mother Mary, we can joyfully live the Gospel, imitating the Virgin Mary and the seraphic Father Francis, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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