⚜️ Our Lady of Coromoto Prayer ⚜️
( Patron of Venezuela )Our Lady of Coromoto, bless the evangelistic action of the Church in our Country so that she might be fortress and defense of the faith of your children, and beginning of a renewal of the Christian customs. Amen ✨💖🙏
On May 30, 1862 , Don Bosco recounted that in a dream he had seen an immense sea on which a great many ships were arranged for battle against a larger and taller ship. He also saw others which were defending the tall ship. Here are his words:
"In the midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar high into the sky. One is surmounted by a statue of the Immaculate Virgin, at whose feet a large inscriptions reads:" 'Auxilium Christianorum' ('Help of Christians') . The other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a Host of proportionate size, and bears beneath it the inscription: 'Salus credentium' ('Salvation of believers').
"The flagship commander - the Roman Pontiff- standing at the helm, strains every muscle to steer his ship between the two columns, from whose summits hang many anchors and strong hooks linked to chains. The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They bombard it with everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms, cannons. The battle rages ever more furious. Beaked prows ram the flagship again and again, but to no avail, as, unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on it course. At times, a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole in its hull, but immediately, a breeze from the two columns instantly seals the gash.
"Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and sink to the bottom. In blind fury, the enemy takes to hand-to-hand combat, cursing and blaspheming. Suddenly the Pope falls, seriously wounded. He is instantly helped up, but struck a second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from the enemy, and wild rejoicing seeps their ships. But no sooner is the Pope dead than another takes his place. The captains of the auxiliary ships elected him so quickly that the news of the Pope's death coincides with that of his successor's election. The enemy's self-assurance wanes.
"Breaking through all resistance, the new Pope steers his ship safely between the two columns; first, to the one surmounted by the Host, and then the other, topped by the statue of the Virgin. At this point, something unexpected happens. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling each other.
"Some auxiliary ships, which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship, are the first to tie up at the two columns. Many others, which had fearfully kept far away from the fight, stand still, cautiously waiting until the wrecked enemy ships vanish under the waves. Then they too head for the two columns, tie up at the swinging hooks and ride safe and tranquil beside their flagship. A great calm now covers the sea. " (memoirs, Vol. VII. Pages 107-108). TODAY'S SAINT SAINT JOHN BOSCO
He was the founder of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, as well as director, educator, mentor, and friend to hundreds of boys, many poor and some orphaned.
St. John Bosco is a modern saint who touched the lives of so many people that his order, founded and approved in 1869, already holds 5 saints and 4 blesseds. St. John began his life of preaching when he was still young. When his father passed away he took on many odd jobs to help his mother and family. He would often sneak away to the circus and learn some of the tricks that he had witnessed at these events. He would then put on his own, one-man show, to the children in his neighborhood and end the show by repeating the homily that he had heard that morning. This turned into children begging to see his tricks, and St. John requesting only one thing in return, that they went to mass.
While the Church always cautions against personal reliance on dreams and visions, St. John would often have prophecies in his dreams, guiding him to better minister to the children in his care, and even informing him when one of them was going to die. He always used this to better the spiritual states of all the boys at his school.
He taught that there are 4 necessities that each follower of Christ must have to obtain holiness:
Frequent and devout Communions
Frequent and good Confessions, hiding nothing
Loyalty to the Holy Father
Good Companions
These are 4 faithful points to meditate on this day.
St. John Bosco, pray for us. ⚜️ Our Lady of Sorrows Prayer ⚜️
( Mater Dolorosa of Guagua, Pampanga Phil's )
Mary as a sorrowful yet powerful figure at the cross, Mary stood fearlessly at the cross while others fled. Mary looked on her Son's wounds with pity , but saw in them the salvation of the world. As Jesus hung on the cross, Mary did not fear to be killed, but offered herself to her persecutors. Pray for us . Amen ✨💖🙏 The Angelus
V. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary;
R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
V. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord:
R. Be it done unto me according to Thy word.
V. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. And the Word was made flesh:
R. And dwelt among us.
V. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts,
that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection,
through the same Christ our Lord.
R. Amen. Spiritual Communion
Oh, my Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
With Your Body and Blood Soul and Your Divinity.
I praise, love and adore You with all the Angels surround You whom I love very much.
Because they never failed to be Your faithful Servants in Your Blessed Sacrament.
Thank You for Your presence in it for our salvation.
I love You above all else and wish to receive You in my heart.
But unfortunately I can not received You today.
Therefore, I pray to You, come spiritually under my roof.
See, I embrace You, as if You already have come.
Oh Jesus, I unite myself entirely with You.
Oh Mary, our Mother, help me to become one whole with Jesus.
Saint Joseph, we praise you, obtain for me the grace to receive Jesus always in a pure heart.
Mary TVs inlägg
Mary TV
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https://marytv.tv/february-1-2024-reflection-have-great.../ Sara Mirko Fleres
17 tim
Capita a tutti di ricevere ogni giorno lodi, disapprovazioni e soprattutto l'indifferenza. Anche te, come me, preferisci le lodi, ma non ne fai la ragione del tuo benessere interiore. Non si può sempre piacere a tutti. Lo ha detto anche Gesù: "Un profeta non è disprezzato se non nella sua patria, tra i suoi parenti e in casa sua!" Quindi una delle lezioni della vita che proprio non puoi evitare è la possibilità di incontrare il rifiuto e la disapprovazione. Mettiti l'anima in pace: il tuo gradimento tra gli amici non è proprio così alto.
Prima accetti l'idea che non puoi piacere a tutti, più ti semplifichi la vita. Invece di sentirti umiliato e frustrato dal rifiuto, impara a far scivolare le cose addosso. Impara ad offrire a Dio tutte le contrarietà. Impara l'arte dell'abbandono alla Sua volontà e ti sentirai grato per tutto ❤️🙏
di don Nikola
Buongiorno cara famiglia💖 in Cristo 🙏
Dio ci benedica🙏
Det händer alla att få beröm, ogillande och framför allt likgiltighet. Du som jag föredrar beröm, men du förstår inte ditt inre välmående. Man kan inte alltid gilla alla. Jesus sade det också: "En profet är inte föraktad förutom i sitt eget hemland, bland sina släktingar och i sitt eget hus! "Så en av livets lärdomar som du inte kan undvika är möjligheten att stöta på avslag och ogillande. Lägg din själ i frid: ditt betyg bland vänner är inte så högt.
Ju fortare du accepterar idén att du inte kan bli omtyckt av alla, desto enklare gör du livet. Istället för att känna dig ödmjuk och frustrerad av avslag, lär dig att låta saker glida. Lär dig att erbjuda Gud alla motsägelser. Lär dig konsten att ge upp till hans vilja och du kommer känna dig tacksam för allt ❤️🙏
av don Nikola
God morgon kära familj💖 i Kristus🙏
Gud välsigne oss alla🙏 "The Eucharist is the sacrament of love: it signifies love, it produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.” ~St. Thomas Aquinas
Dominican Rite Mass:
Source: Fr. Z's Blog: http://tinyurl.com/8c7a9fx6. The devil is trying to frustrate you because he knows God's going to help you win this battle.
Keep going. St. Bridget Feast-1st February
As we make the sign of the Cross. It is not the words that form prayer, but our union with the Divine Will, we are inviting the Most Holy Trinity to pray with us for all, past, present and future.
Our Act of Contrition helps us to remain in the state of God’s grace.
St. Brigid was born in AD 450 in Faughart, near Dundalk in Co. Louth, Ireland.Her father, Dubhthach, was a pagan chieftain of Leinster and her mother, Broicsech, was a Christian. It was thought that Brigid’s mother was born in Portugal but was kidnapped by Irish pirates and brought to Ireland to work as a slave, just like St. Patrick was.
Brigid’s father kept Brigid and her mother as slaves even though he was a wealthy man. Brigid spent her earlier life cooking, cleaning, washing and feeding the animals on her father’s farm. Despite the harsh circumstances of her infancy and childhood, she grew in holiness and in a desire to serve God.
She lived during the time of St.Patrick, she was inspired by his preaching and became a Christian. When Brigid turned eighteen, she stopped working for her father. Brigid’s father wanted her to find a husband but Brigid had decided that she would spend her life working for God by looking after poor, sick and elderly people.
Legend says that she prayed that her beauty would be taken away from her so no one would seek her hand in marriage; her prayer was granted. Brigid’s charity angered her father because he thought she was being too generous to the poor. When she finally gave away his jewel-encrusted sword to a leper, her father realised that she would be best suited to the religious life.
Brigid finally got her wish and entered the convent. She received her veil from St. Macaille and made her vows to dedicate her life to God. Legend also says that Brigid regained her beauty after making her vows and that God made her more beautiful than ever.
News of Brigid’s good works spread and soon many young girls from all over the country joined her in the convent. Brigid founded many convents all over Ireland; the most famous one was in Co. Kildare. It is said that this convent was built beside an oak tree where the town of Kildare now stands.
Around 470 she also founded a double monastery, for nuns and monks, in Kildare. As Abbess of this foundation she wielded considerable power, but was a very wise and prudent superior. The Abbey of Kildare was famous throughout Christian Europe.
Brigid is known for her generosity to the poor. In her case, most of the miracles associated with her, relate to healing and household tasks usually attributed to women.
Brigid, who had a reputation as an expert dairywoman and brewer, was reputed to turn water into beer.
St. Brigid's Cross: Making St. Brigid’s cross is one of the traditional arts associated with St. Bridget’s day. It is traditionally believed that the cross protects the home from fire, hunger and evil. The crosses are made of rushes each year and blessed by a Priest on the 1st February.
St. Brigid and her cross are linked together by the story that she wove this form of cross at the death bed of either her father or a pagan lord, who upon hearing what the cross meant, asked to be baptised.
St. Brigid's Cloak: St. Brigid went to the King of Leinster to ask for land to build a convent. She told the king that the place where she stood was the perfect place for a convent. The king laughed at her and refused to give her any land. Brigid prayed to God and asked him to soften the king’s heart.
Then she smiled at the king and said “will you give me as much land as my cloak will cover?” The king thought that she was joking and because Brigid’s cloak was so small he knew that it would only cover a very small piece of land. The king agreed and Brigid spread her cloak on the ground.
The cloak grew immediately and began to cover many acres of land. The king was astonished and he realised that she had been blessed by God. The king fell to the ground and knelt before Brigid and promised her and her friends money, food and supplies. Soon afterwards, the king became a Christian and also started to help the poor. Brigid’s miracle of the cloak was the first of many miracles that she worked for the people of Ireland.
St. Brigid died in AD 525 at the age of 75 and was buried in a tomb before the High Altar of her Abbey Church. After some time, her remains were exhumed and transferred to Downpatrick to rest with the two other patron saints of Ireland, St. Patrick and St. Columcille.
Her skull was extracted and brought to Lisbon, Portugal by two Irish noblemen, and it remains there to this day.
Bridget is also known as Mary of the Gael which means Our Lady of the Irish. Her feast day is the 1st of February which is the first day of Spring in Ireland.
She is also the patron saint of single mothers and their children.
O’ Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Brigid as an example of holiness. Help us to imitate the devotion to You that she showed from the time of her childhood as a slave and throughout the rest of her life.
O Glorious St. Brigid, Patroness of Ireland and Mother of the Churches, protect the Irish Church and preserve the true Faith in every Irish heart, home and abroad where our Irish people live.
Obtain for us the grace to walk faithfully
in the path of Christian perfection during life, and so to secure a holy and happy death, with life everlasting, in thy blessed company, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Saint Brigid of Kildare, Consecrated spouse of the King of Kings, Corner-stone of the Monastic Institute in the Island of Saints & Scholars, Patroness of Ireland, Pray for us.
Continue to pray the Rosary for Ireland, Chaplets, for Priests and Religious & persecuted Christians. Please join “Standing in the Gap”.🙏📯 like and share ☘️ January 31, 2024
Feast of Saint John Bosco
Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
✠ A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
The disciples approached Jesus and said,
“Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”
He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said,
“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child
is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.
And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.”
***Excerpt from the MESSAGE OF JOHN PAUL II
Dear Sons of Don Bosco,
1. I greet you warmly, as you come together from the five continents for the celebration of the 25th General Chapter of your Institute. It is the first one in the third millennium and gives you an opportunity to reflect on the challenges of the education and evangelization of young people, challenges that Salesians want to take up by following in the footsteps of their founder, St John Bosco. I hope you will find the Chapter a time of communion and useful work, of sharing in the spirit that unites you in your mission to youth, in your love for the Church and in your desire to be open to new apostolic frontiers.
At this time I naturally recall the late Major Rector, Fr Juan Vecchi, who died recently after a long illness, offered up to God for the whole Congregation and especially for this Chapter. As I thank the Lord for his service to your religious family and to the Church, and for the witness of evangelical fidelity that always distinguished him, I assure you that I will pray for the happy repose of his soul. It is now up to you to pursue the work that he carried out so successfully, following in the footsteps of his predecessors.
As attentive teachers and competent spiritual guides, you will be able to meet the needs of young people who long to "see Jesus". You will be able to lead them gently but firmly towards the high goals of Christian fidelity. "Duc in altum!". May you adopt this dynamic motto for your Congregation and may the present chapter assembly motivate all the members to give a courageous fresh start to their own evangelizing activity.
2. You have chosen as the theme of the chapter: "The Salesian community today". You are well aware that you must renew your methods and manner of working, so that your "Salesian" identity may clearly emerge in today's different social situations that require openness to the contribution of lay collaborators with whom you share the spirit and charism that Don Bosco left to you as his legacy. Your experience in recent years has enlightened you on the great opportunities for this collaboration, that will enable the various members and groups of the Salesian family to grow in communion and to develop a common apostolic and missionary spirit. To open yourselves to cooperation with lay people it is important that you bring into focus the special identity of your communities: may they be communities as Don Bosco wanted them, gathered around the Eucharist and motivated by deep love for Blessed Mary, ready to work together, sharing a single educational and pastoral plan; communities that can motivate and involve others, especially by their example.
3. In this way Don Bosco continues to dwell among you. May he live through your fidelity to the spiritual heritage that he left you. On his institute he impressed a special form of holiness, and today's world needs holiness above all! Aptly and courageously, the General Chapter intends to propose "striving for holiness" as the first response to the challenges of the contemporary world. In short, it is not so much a question of initiating new activities and initiatives but rather of living and witnessing to the Gospel without compromises, so as to stimulate to holiness the young men you work with. Salesians of the third millennium! Be passionate teachers and guides, saints and formers of saints as was St John Bosco!
Do everything to be educators of young people for holiness, practising the typical pedagogy of happy and serene holiness that defines you. Be welcoming and fatherly, so that you can ask young men on every occasion with your own example, "Do you want to become holy?". And do not hesitate to hold up before them the high standard of ordinary Christian living, guiding them on the path of radical dedication to Christ who proclaims in the Sermon on the Mount: "You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt 5,48).
Yours is a history full of saints, many of whom were young. On "the Hill of the Youthful Beatitudes", as you call the Colle Don Bosco (Don Bosco Hill) where the saint was born, during my visit on 3 September 1988, I had the joy of beatifying Laura Vicuña, the young Chilean Salesian girl whom you know well. Other Salesians are on their way towards that goal: two are confreres, Artemide Zatti and Luigi Variara, and one is a Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Sr Maria Romero. The value and timeliness of the Salesian lay brother's role shine out in Artemide Zatti; and Don Luigi Variara, priest and founder, manifests a further realization of your missionary charism.
4. You too are asked to join the large group of Salesian saints and blesseds commited to walking in the footsteps of Christ, the source of holiness for all believers. Make the whole of your congregation shine with holiness and fraternal communion!
At the beginnining of this millennium, the great challenge of the Church, as I recalled in my Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio ineunte, consists in making the Church "the home and the school of communion" (n. 43). If the apostolate is to bear fruits of good, it is indispensable that the communities live a spirit of real mutual brotherhood. To carry out a single educational and pastoral project, all the communities must be linked by a firm family spirit. May every community be a true school of faith and prayer open to young men, where it becomes possible to share in their expectations and difficulties, and to respond to the challenges that adolescents and young people must face.
But where is the secret of the union of hearts and of apostolic action if not in fidelity to the charism? Always keep your gaze fixed on Don Bosco. He lived entirely in God and recommended the unity of his communities around the Eucharist. Only from the Tabernacle will flow that spirit of communion that becomes a wellspring of hope and dedication for every believer.
May the love of your father continue to inspire and sustain you. His teaching invites you to mutual confidence, daily forgiveness, fraternal correction, the joy of sharing. This is the path on which he walked, on which you too will be able to attract the laity, and especially young men, to share the evangelical and vocational mission that unites you Marcus Aurelius
1 tim ·
Padre Pio on the Battle of Prayer:
Our attitude about the meaning and value of human suffering; about co-redemptive sacrifice; devotion to the cross of salvation, should align with Christ’s teaching. Throughout Padre Pio’s letters he demonstrates his belief in the power of the cross. He will not rebel against it.
Padre Pio’s Letters:
1. Do not turn in on yourself as so often happens, unfortunately. In the midst of trials which may afflict you, just place your confidence in our Supreme Good in the knowledge that He takes more care of us than a mother takes of her child. (Pg. 260, Letter 36, Pietrelcina, 26-11-14)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, when I am tempted to self-reliance in the spiritual battle, please help me to refocus on your victory. When I resist being lifted onto the cross with you, graciously let your strong arms uphold me. Teach me sacrificial love by devotion to your cross. Kindly strengthen me in all trials so that my faith, hope and love prevail by grace.
2. Don’t allow any sadness to dwell in your soul, for sadness prevents the Holy Spirit from acting freely. If ever you insist on being sad, then let it be a holy sadness at the sight of the evil that is spreading more and more in society nowadays. How many poor are every day deserting God, our Supreme Good! (Pg. 260, Letter 36, Pietrelcina, 26-11-14)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are the reason for my joy, and will never abandon me to my enemies. When the oppressive darts of sadness, darkness, doubt, discouragement, or fear come at me, stir up the Holy Spirit within me that I may be filled with the light of love, prayer, praise, gratitude, and remembrance of the joy to which I am called with you.
3. To refuse to submit one’s own judgement to that of others, especially to those who are quite expert in the field in question, is a sign that we possess very little docility and an all too obvious sign of secret pride. (Pg. 260, Letter 36, Pietrelcina, 26-11-14)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to honor those people whom you have placed in authority. Protect me, Lord, from secret pride; make me sensitive to its poison. The height of pride is when my heart withdraws from you, my Maker. Kindly, preserve me Lord, from folly and vice.
4. The soul that is destined to reign with Jesus Christ in eternal glory, then, must be remodeled by the blows of hammer and chisel. But what are these blows of the hammer and chisel by which the divine Artist prepares the stone, the chosen soul? These strokes of the chisel are the shadows, fears, temptations, spiritual torments and agitation, with a dash of desolation and even physical pain. (Pg. 97, Letter 8, Pietrelcina, 19-5-14)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, grant that in tests of faith, and trials of love, I cling to you in faith because you are with me. I desire to entrust myself entirely to your goodness and protection. I ask only for the grace to never displease you. When I fall into temptation, I plead for the grace to get up and start again.
5. Never lie down to sleep without having first examined your conscience on the way you have spent the day and without first turning your thoughts to God. Then offer and consecrate your whole person and that of every Christian.
Offer, moreover, to the glory of His divine Majesty, the rest you are about to take and never forget your Guardian Angel who is always close to you, who never leaves you no matter how badly you treat him. O unspeakable excellence of this good angel of ours! How many times, alas, have I made him weep when I refused to comply with his wishes which were also God’s wishes! May this most faithful friend of our save from further unfaithfulness. (Pg. 292, Letter 41, Piertrelcina, 17-12-14)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, it is impossible for me to show enough gratitude for the gift of my Guardian Angel, my faithful life-long friend and protector. Please grant me spiritual sensitivity to hear the prompting of your holy angels. At the end of each day, help me to know how my actions honored or dishonored your Majesty.
6. Drive away what the enemy is whispering loudly in your when he wants you to believe you are almost on the point of being lost. Despite these evil insinuations, the Lord is with you as never before in your tribulations. God tells us. Take heart, then, and don’t be afraid, for it is quite certain that the one who fears to be lost will not be lost and the one who fights with his eyes fixed on God will cry victory and the triumphal hymn. There is nothing to be afraid, for the heavenly Father has promised us the necessary help to prevent us from being overcome by temptations. (Pg. 411, Letter 62, Piertelcina, 10-4-15)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, when darkness descends upon my soul. and the evil spirits unrelentingly assail me, grant that I may turn to you with faith, hope and love. I desire to cry, “Victory!” and to praise you always. But, alas, I am weak! Therefore, I will rely on your mercy that never ceases.
7. May Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, enable you to understand all that is contained in the great secret of suffering borne with a Christian spirit. May she obtain for you all the strength you require to climb to the summit of Calvary loaded with your own cross. Great strength is needed, unfortunately, to follow this path, but take heart, for the Savior will never leave you alone or without his help. (Pg. 487, Letter 79, Pietrelcina, 4-8-1915)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have given me your Mother as my mother also. I desire to be always mindful of Mary’s great secret of suffering borne with a Christian spirit. O Mary, in my joys and sorrows, help me to echo your hymn of gratitude, the Magnificat. Please hold me hand at the foot of the Cross so I do not run away.
8. No matter how great the trial to which the Lord is to subject you, no matter how unbearable your spiritual desolation at certain moments of your life, never lose heart. Have recourse with more childlike trust to Jesus who will never be able to resist bestowing on you some little solace and comfort. Turn to Him at all times even when the devil tries to cast a pall over your life by showing you your sins lift up your voice loudly to Him and let it express your spiritual humility, your heartfelt contrition and your vocal prayer. It is true that God’s power triumphs over everything, but humble and suffering prayer prevails over God Himself. (Pg. 504, Letter 82, Pietrelcina, 7-9-1915.)
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you lovingly prepared an eternal crown of glory for those who fight the good fight for love of you. I pray for the confidence to undergo whatever trial you see fit to form me into a soldier in your army. Lord, you are my strength and salvation. I believe that you will not abandon me to the netherworld. I am yours and you are mine. Be glorified in me, a poor sinner.
Vinum non habents inlägg
Vinum non habent
6 tim
"There are two things the devil is deadly afraid of: Frequent communions and frequent visit to Blessed Sacrament."
January 31st is the feast of St. John Bosco, also known as Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco and Don Bosco. #StJohnBosco
Here are five curious facts about Don Bosco's life:
1. He dreams about being a missionary in India.
Already at the beginning of his priestly life, Don Bosco had a great desire to be a missionary in India. Then, the desire to give himself to the poorest and most needy young people brought him to stay in his city;
2. He created an educational method.
When the Salesian saint chose to dedicate his life to young people he decided to use education as an instrument of evangelization. Indeed, he embraced education as a great mission and created the preventive method;
3. Don Bosco's life was characterized by dreams.
The holy founder of the Salesians received this extraordinary gift from God: he inherited, like Saint Joseph, the grace of having prophetic and revelatory dreams;
4. He is the patron saint of the city of Brasilia.
One of St. John Bosco's prophetic dreams concerned the Brazilian capital, even before it existed. In this dream, Don Bosco gives many details of the place he saw. Then when the city was founded, on 21 April 1960, Don Bosco was chosen as the patron saint;
5. Patron Saint of Youth.
John Bosco offered his life to the poorest young people. All his work is marked by his love and his closeness to youth. For this, Pope John Paul II proclaimed him "Father and Teacher of the Young".
Let us pray: #prayers
O God, who raised up the Priest Saint John Bosco
as a father and teacher of the young,
grant, we pray,
that, aflame with the same fire of love,
we may seek out souls and serve you alone.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
#VinumNonHabent #JesusChrist #BlessedVirginMary #HolySpirit #InGodWeTrust #DivineMercy #JesusITrustInYou #CatholicChristians #Holiness #life #love #faith #hope #HolyBible #HolyMass
source: infoans.org| photo: CTTO Pere Elias Rahal
2 tim
🔔 الويل لمن يُهين مريم العذراء أمّ الله.
❌ لَنْ أسمحَ أبداً لأحدٍ بإهانة أمّي مريم . ( كلام يسوع لإحدى النفوس).
"الإنسانُ قد يُهينني ويَجْحَدُني، لكنّني لنْ أقفَ مكتوفَ اليدَيْن، ولنْ أسمحَ بإهانةِ أمّي والإساءةَ إليها" .
"أسمحُ لأمّي أنْ تتقدَّمَني، لأنّي أحبُّ أمّي. خيرٌ للمرءِ أنْ يموتَ في رَحْمِ أمّهِ، من أنْ يُهينَ أمّي ويهزأَ بها" .
🔥 العقاب:
في الربع الأخير من القرن الماضي، تدمَّرَ كلياً وإلى الأبد وبطريقةٍ لا تُفَسَّر، مسرح أورسون ويلز الشهير في بريطانيا، ومسارحَ أخرى عدّة، لأنها عرضَتْ فيلماً مُسيئاً للعذراء مريم، مليئاً بالإهانات والشتائم، وعنوانهُ: "السلامُ عليكِ يا مريم".
لأخذ العلم:
قال الرب يسوع في ظهورٍ على شابٍ في كندا إسمه جوزف فرنسوا:" لا تدينوا الكهنة الذين يتهكَّمونَ على أُمّي مريم ويسخَرون منها. أتركوهم لي.
فالويلُ للكاهن الذي سيَمْثُلُ أمامي بعد موته لحظة دينونتهِ الخاصة، ويكون خلال حياته الكهنوتية قد سَخِرَ من أمّي، ومن ظهوراتها، أو حاولَ التهَكُّمَ عليها، أو تَهميشها.
قد أُسامِحُ كل الخطايا حتى التي تُوَجَّهُ ضدّي، ولكن ليس تلكَ المُوَجَّهة ضدّ أمّي.
حتى في السماء، حيثُ انتقَلَتْ نفساً وجسداً، وتجلِسُ مُتَلئلئَةً عن يميني، ما زِلْتُ أناديها: ❤️ أُمّي ❤️.
مريم هي تُحفة الله الثالوث، مريم هي سماء الله الخاصّة.
" مَنْ له أُذُنانِ سامِعَتانِ، فَلْيَسْمَعْ ".
🔔 Ve dem som förolämpar jungfru Maria, Guds moder.
❌ Jag kommer aldrig att tillåta någon att förolämpa min mamma Mary. (Jesus sa till en själ)
"En person må förolämpa och förnedra mig, men jag tänker inte stå på tomgång, och jag tänker inte låta min mor bli förolämpad och misshandlad. "
"Jag låter min mamma leda mig, för jag älskar min mamma. Det är bättre för en att dö i sin mors livmoder än att förolämpa och förlöjliga min mor".
🔥 Straffet:
Under det senaste kvartalet av förra århundradet förstördes Storbritanniens berömda Orson Wells Theatre och många andra teatrar helt, för alltid och oförklarligt, eftersom den visade en misshandlande film av jungfru Maria, full av förolämpningar och förbannelser, med titeln: "Fred vare med dig, Maria. ”
Så här noterar du:
Herren Jesus visade sig för en ung man i Kanada vid namn Joseph France, "Döm inte prästerna som anklagar och förlöjligar Moder Maria. Lämna dem till mig.
Ve prästen som kommer att förekomma inför mig efter sin död ögonblicket av sin egen religion, och under sitt prästliv har han förlöjligat min mor, och hennes utseende, eller försökt styra henne, eller marginalisera henne.
Jag kan förlåta alla synder även de mot mig men inte de mot min mor.
Även i himlen, där hon rörde kropp och själ, och sitter vid min högra hand, kallar jag henne fortfarande: ❤️ Mamma ❤️.
Maria är Guds treenighetsmästerverk, Maria är Guds speciella himmel.
"Den som har hörsel öron, låt honom höra. ” 🔥Det finns ingen räddning utanför katolska kyrkan. Den som motsäger denna sanning kommer att förgås. Det finns ingen räddning utanför katolska kyrkan. Den som motsätter sig denna sanning FÖRLÖNDER. "
- St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Greetings dear friends.
As we're advancing towards the Lenten season, the season for penance, reparation, abstinence, charity, fasting, silence,so on..... It's therefore very crucial to prepare ourselves very well so that we might die with our Lord in this season, and therefore rise with Him on Easter day with the fullness of spirit and a renewed and sanctified life,a life of perfection.
Therefore, I will briefly advise you all, including myself, to prepare ourselves most importantly with SILENCE, may we try and minimize the hours we spend online, no matter how good your activities online might be.
It will actually be a good idea,if you go into solitude, so as to digest all the good write-ups you have been reading online.
Therefore, because of that, I wish to share with you some good and important spiritual books which will be of great help in your meditations throughout the Lenten season.
These books have really helped me in my spiritual journey so far, and I believe you will profit from them as well.
Some of these great books are;
⚜️ MY IMITATION OF CHRIST, by Thomas à Kempis.
⚜️ MY DAILY BREAD, Compiled by the confraternity of the Precious Blood.
⚜️ PREPARATION FOR DEATH, by St. Alphonsus de Liguori.
⚜️ THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL,by St. John of the Cross.
Dear friends, there're actually many great books written by the saints that can help us during meditations, but the ones I just listed are actually the ones I have read so far among many others, which I wish to share with you.
If you therefore need any of them, you can visit the nearest Catholic bookshops, but if you want their PDF,both for the named books and for any spiritual or religious books,then indicate in the comment section or chat me privately.
God bless 🙏 Jesus at Nazareth: Mark 6, 1-6
53m sedan
James Tissot, Jesus in the Synagogue of Nazareth, Brooklyn Museum
The evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke all say that Jesus after he began his ministry went back to Nazareth where he’s rejected by those who knew him from his childhood. The evangelists describe the visit taking place at different times. Mark’s gospel says he returned to Nazareth after he raised a little girl from the dead. A miracle like that would be widely known, the girl’s father, Jairus, was an official in the synagogue.
Mark also says that before Jesus returned to Nazareth, others were already questioning the marvelous things he did. Scribes from Jerusalem, the religious experts of the time, came and warned about him. “Keep away from him, they said.”
So when Jesus visited Nazareth there were already suspicions, warnings about him. But still, after raising a little girl to life, you would think he would be well received as he taught in the synagogue at Nazareth. He wasn’t.
Over and over we hear in Mark’s Gospel what we wouldn’t expect: that Jesus was rejected in places where he went. In Capernaum, he drives out an unclean spirit, cures Peter’s mother-in-law and, at the end of the day, the whole town is at his door. {Mark 1, 16-34) But the enthusiasm doesn’t last. Capernaum and other towns in Galilee first receive him, then reject him. (Matthew 11,23)
In pagan territory, over the Sea of Galilee on the east bank, he also meets rejection. He casts out the unclean spirit there, as he did at Capernaum, but when the pigs stampede down into the sea the townspeople ask him to leave. He’s endangering their economy, they say. (Mark 5, 1-20)
Jesus doesn’t have continual path of success in his ministry, or an unbroken parade of achievements, Mark insists. Even his own hometown, his family, don’t receive him well. Final rejection takes place on Calvary in his passion and death, but rejection and misunderstanding meet him all through his public life.
Nazareth has a prominent place in the story of Jesus’ rejection. From his earliest years as a child, he was thought little of there, it seems. Later apocryphal gospels that date from the 2nd century relate miraculous stories about Jesus as a child in Nazareth, but they lack credibility. Jesus did nothing remarkable in his ”hidden years.” Some blissful modern portrayals in music and art miss this point. They did not watch his every move with expectation as he grew up.
Jesus ”was not able to perform any might deed” in Nazareth; he did not impress or convert many there, as far as we know. He was just “the carpenter’s son.” Like any other human being, he seemed part of the world in which he lived, someone of the time and place. Subject to Mary and Joseph, hardly noticed, “ he grew in wisdom and age and grace before God and man.” (Luke 2,52)
From his time and through the centuries, Nazareth never seems to have accepted the one we call God’s Son. Historians say early Jewish-Christians after his resurrection were expelled from the town. The Christian presence in Nazareth has been small, even till today.
Nazareth is part of the mystery of the Incarnation. The scandal of the Incarnation.
Recent commentaries on the Passion of Jesus, like those of Fr. Donald Senior, CP, ask us to recognize that mystery of Jesus, not only as he enters the Garden of Gethsemane, but all through his life. Well before Gethsemane, Jesus knew suffering. He knew it in Nazareth, where rejection of him continued. Earlier, Mark’s gospel says, members of his own family came to Capernaum trying to take him home because they said he was out of his mind.
We limit our understanding of Jesus if we see him only as a powerful teacher, a merciful worker of cures, one who commands the wind and the sea. The evangelists remind us by incidents like this that Jesus, who was in the form of God, humbled himself. He carried a silent cross. a cross unseen, before the cross of wood was given him. APOSTOLE ST ANDREW SAME WITH HIM THE PEOPLE WHOM STONED HIM AND HE SAID I WANT YOU TO CRUZIFE ON CROSS X 😀 Litany to Saint Andrew the Apostle
Kyrie Elejson, Chryste Elejson, Kyrie Elejson.
Christ hear us, Christ hear us.
Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit of God, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Saint Bozena, Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Holy Mary, Queen of Apostles,
Saint Andrew, glorious Apostle,
Saint Andrew, first breath,
Saint Andrew, Brother Saint Piotr,
Saint Andrew, zealous follower,
Saint Andrew, true friend of Christ,
Saint Andrew, God's reliable cable,
Saint Andrew, for the preaching of the Gospel,
Saint Andrew, the first of the apostles who met Jesus,
Saint Andrew, the first man who believed in Jesus as the Messiah and preached this faith to others,
Saint Andrew, who brought your brother to Jesus,
Saint Andrew, who brought your brother to the Master because you recognized life in Him,
Saint Andrew, who brought the good news to Peter: "He has found the Messiah",
Saint Andrew, who stayed with Jesus and gave yourself to many,
Saint Andrew, a combination of a fisherman and now an apostle soul,
Saint Andrew, teacher and guide of the Church,
Saint Andrew, brother born to Peter and equal in death,
Saint Andrew, preacher of the Gospel and shepherd of the Church,
Saint Andrew, one of the two disciples of Saint. John the Baptist, who were the first to follow Christ,
Saint Andrew, man of sharing, teaching and making available in the Church,
Saint Andrew, let Your net fish us out of the world's stormy depths,
Saint Andrew, who for the love of Christ and His law, carried away by weariness,
Saint Andrew, subjected to torture by those who ordered the destruction of the crime,
Saint Andrew, mediator between Christ and those who did not yet believe in Jesus as the Messiah,
Saint Andrew, available to the main disciples of Christ together with his brother Peter,
Saint Andrew, permanent disciple of Saint John the Baptist,
Saint Andrew, you heard the Lord's voice question, immediately answered about the net, and went for the generous answer of eternal life,
Saint Andrew, who through the Lord preached the news with Peter,
Saint Andrew, tireless preacher of the Word of God,
Saint Andrew, pillar of the Church of God,
Saint Andrew, terror of the mighty men of hell,
Saint Andrew, help of those drowning in sins,
Saint Andrew, man of heavenly perfection,
Saint Andrew, enlightenment of bishops,
Saint Andrew, exclude the Priest, Jesus Christ, imitator,
Saint Andrew, defender of the world at the Last Judgment,
Saint Andrew, who completed the work of Christ,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, hear us, Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Q: Pray for us, Saint Andrew the Apostle.
In: That we may become worthy products of Christ.
Let us pray: Almighty God, Saint Andrew the Apostle was the preacher of the Gospel and the Shepherd of Your Church, I humbly ask You to remember that he interceded for us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen TI CA NISU ZA VJERU BRAK I ZA POSTIVANJE STARIJIH SU ZA EUNASTAZIJU DJECE I STARIH OSOBA I TI NE POSTIVAJU NIKOGA ZNAJ OSIM SEBE SAMU /SAMOGA .“Betrothed” equals “Married."
Joseph took Mary
“his wife,” indicating both St. Matthew and an archangel considered this couple married even though they were said to be “betrothed.”
The time from the “annunciation” of Luke 1 to Matthew 1 and St. Joseph’s discovery of Mary’s pregnancy, we find Matthew 1:18 clearly stating Mary and Joseph were still “betrothed.”
Yet, when Joseph found out Mary was “with child,” he determined he would “send her away privately”
(vs. 19).
The Greek verb translated to send away is "apolusai," which means divorce.
Further, the angel then tells Joseph:
Do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit . . .
When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took his wife
(vs. 20-24).
Visegrád 24
Gazaborna har haft det med Hamas!
Denne man säger att Hamas ledarskap har det underbart medan civila på Gazaremsan kämpar för att överleva.
Han avslutar med att säga att Hamas måste likvideras för alltid.
Dela det vitt och brett! https:// pic.twitter.com/SlL1RjjJJZ
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Kyrkan är civilisationens väktare. Jag är övertygad om att den västerländska civilisationen för närvarande genomgår en dödlig kris. Den har nått ytterligheten av självdestruktivt hat. -
Robert Cardinal Sarah https:// pic.twitter.com/xDT1v1SgCF
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