det är GUDS AA 12 stegsprogram att fasta 40 dagar inför påskdagen : Course 1.
Topic 4.*FASTING*
How to fast:
Why are you fasting? Is it for spiritual renewal, for guidance, for healing, for the resolution of problems, for special grace to handle a difficult situation? Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify His leading and objectives for your prayer fast. This will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically.
Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will stir our souls, awaken our churches, and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting Quote of the Day:
"We should remember, in all the controversies in which we engage, to treat our opponents as if they were acting in good faith, even if they seem to us to be acting out of spite or self-interest."
–St. John Fisher
Benedict XVI - The Court of the Gentiless inlägg
Benedict XVI - The Court of the Gentiles
Meditations for Lent
“A man should examine himself first; only then should he eat of the bread and drink of the cup...” (I Cor 11: 28).
Nevertheless, from this intimacy that is a most personal gift of the Lord, the strength of the Sacrament of the Eucharist goes above and beyond the walls of our Churches. In this Sacrament, the Lord is always journeying to meet the world. This universal aspect of the Eucharistic presence becomes evident in today’s festive procession.
We bring Christ, present under the sign of bread, onto the streets of our city. We entrust these streets, these homes, our daily life, to his goodness. May our streets be streets of Jesus! May our houses be homes for him and with him! May our life of every day be penetrated by his presence.
- Pope Benedict XVI, Corpus Christi, 26 May 2005. JESUS IS OUR GOD, HE IS LORD: "He always had the nature of God.... Instead of this, of his own free will he gave up all he had, and took the nature of a servant. He became like a human being and appeared in human likeness. And so, in honour of the name of Jesus all beings in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will fall on their knees",
Philippians 2:6-7, 10. Every tongue will declare that Jesus is all. Goodmorning and enjoy the day for God is in His throne watching everyone and seeing all we do! mysteries): ❤️❤️❤️
"Tells Father Eusebio Nierembergh who lived in the city of Aragon, Sicily, a girl named Alejandra. Being noble and very beautiful, Alexandra was very loved by two young men.
Moved by jealousy, these young people fought one day and killed each other. Her angry relatives, in turn, killed the poor young girl for being the cause of so many problems. They cut off her head and threw her remains into a well, from where screams and cries were heard.
At that time Santo Domingo de Guzman was preaching and had a dream and the Blessed Virgin said to him:
Domingo , there is a servant who always honored me with the greeting that freed humanity from sin. Her head is decapitated. She has honored me with the 150 Avemarias (Rosary)".
And she continued:
"Confess her and give her the Holy Communion." I have promised that no one shall die without receiving the Holy Sacraments for those who pray the Rosary with much Devotion.”
A few days later, Santo Domingo de Guzman passed by that place and inspired by Our Lord, he approached the well and said: "Alejandra, come. "Immediately the head of the deceased came out, stood on the edge of the well and asked the saint to confess her."
Accustomed to strange phenomena, Santo Domingo heard her confession and also communion, in the presence of a group of curious people who had gathered to witness the miracle.
Then the saint asked her to say why she had received such grace. Alejandra replied that, when she was beheaded, she was in a state of mortal sin and would have been condemned to hell. But thanks to the rosary she used to pray, the Virgin Mary appeared to her and preserved her soul from endless storms of hell.
For two days Alejandra's head remained alive and when called she stood at the edge of the well in the presence of everyone, and then her soul went to purgatory.
Fifteen days later her soul appeared to Santo Domingo, beautiful and radiant like a star. Then she told him that one of the chief sources of relief for the souls of purgatory is the rosary that is prayed for them; and that when they arrive in paradise they pray for those who apply these powerful prayers to them. "
(The Glories of Mary, Saint Alfonso Maria of Ligorio) 🌹🌹🌹 The third petition of the Lord’s Prayer, which is also the last of the seven petitions directed to God Himself for His own sake –
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
It is God’s deepest desire for every single one of us to live with Him eternally in heaven.
That is precisely why He sent His Son, Jesus, who is “the way, the truth, and the life,” so that we might follow Him and His commands in order to merit our place in our heavenly home
(Jn 14:6).
When we ask that God’s will be done, our first questions might have something to do with knowing and understanding what God’s actual will is in our day to day lives.
Jesus did not come to abolish the old law, but rather to fulfill it. We still ought to
obey the Ten Commandments.
“Jesus teaches us that one enters the kingdom of heaven, not by speaking words, but by doing ‘the will of my Father in heaven’”
(CCC #2826). Försoning och hängivenhet över Kristi passion
1 mars
När vi reflekterar över fastetiden och Kristi offer på korset är det viktigt för oss att erkänna vårt personliga ansvar för Hans Passion. Precis som Josefs bröder konspirerade mot honom och försökte döda honom, förkastade också mänskligheten Kristus och förrådde Kristus, vilket ledde till hans korsfästelse.
Det är avgörande för oss att erkänna att våra synder, både dåtid och nutid, spelade en roll i Herrens lidande. Var och en av oss, genom våra misslyckanden och överträdelser, bidrog till den enorma smärta och smärta som Kristus uthärdade på korset. Denna insikt borde få oss att ta ägarskap över våra handlingar och försöka kompensera för våra synder.
Det räcker inte för oss att bara erkänna den historiska händelsen i Kristi Passion. Vi måste också internalisera effekten av våra synder på hans lidande och sträva efter att leva ett liv i ånger och kärlek som svar. Genom försoning och hängivenhet kan vi hedra Kristi offer och visa vår tacksamhet för hans oändliga kärlek och nåd.
Låt oss närma oss denna fastesäsong med en djup känsla av personligt ansvar för Kristi passion, och låt oss inspireras att leva ut vår tro med ödmjukhet, tacksamhet och en djup känsla av kärlek till vår Frälsare.
Skämda handlingar och hängivenhet om Kristi Passion
1 mars
När vi reflekterar över tiden för fastan och Kristi offer på korset är det viktigt att vi erkänner vårt personliga ansvar i Hans Passion. Precis som Josefs bröder konspirerade mot honom och försökte döda honom, förkastade och förrådde mänskligheten Kristus, vilket ledde till hans korsfästelse.
Det är avgörande att vi inser att våra synder, både dåtid och nutid, spelade en roll i vår Herres lidande. Var och en av oss, genom våra fel och överträdelser, bidrog till den enorma smärta och smärta som Kristus uthärdade på korset. Detta uttalande borde få oss att ta ansvar för våra handlingar och försöka reparera våra synder.
Det räcker inte för oss att erkänna den historiska händelsen av Kristi Passion. Vi måste också internalisera effekten av våra synder på hans lidande och sträva efter att leva ett liv i ånger och kärlek som svar. Genom försoning och hängivenhet kan vi hedra Kristi offer och visa vår tacksamhet för hans osvikliga kärlek och barmhärtighet.
Låt oss närma oss denna tid av fastan med en djup känsla av personligt ansvar för Kristi Passion, och må den inspirera oss att leva ut vår tro med ödmjukhet, tacksamhet och en djup känsla av kärlek till vår Frälsare.
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Benedict XVI - The Court of the Gentiles
12 m ·
Thursday of the Second week of Lent
Commentary of the day
Pope Benedict XVI, Angelus, 30 September 2007
The rich man personifies the wicked use of riches by those who spend them on uncontrolled and selfish luxuries, thinking solely of satisfying themselves without caring at all for the beggar at their door.
The poor man, on the contrary, represents the person whom God alone cares for: unlike the rich man he has a name: "Lazarus", an abbreviation of "Eleazarus", which means, precisely, "God helps him".
God does not forget those who are forgotten by all; those who are worthless in human eyes are precious in the Lord's. The story shows how earthly wickedeness is overturned by divine justice: after his death, Lazarus was received "in the bosom of Abraham", that is, into eternal bliss; whereas the rich man ended up "in Hades, in torment". This is a new and definitive state of affairs against which no appeal can be made, which is why one must mend one's ways during one's life; to do so after serves no purpose.
This parable can also be interpreted in a social perspective. Pope Paul VI's interpretation of it 40 years ago in his Encyclical Populorum Progressio remains unforgettable. Speaking of the campaign against hunger he wrote: "It is a question... of building a world where every man... can live a fully human life... where the poor man Lazarus can sit down at the same table with the rich man" (n. 47).
The cause of the numerous situations of destitution, the Encyclical recalls, is on the one hand "servitude imposed.... by other men", and on the other, "natural forces over which [the person] has not sufficient control" (ibid.).
Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Marys inlägg
Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Tomorrow is First Friday, please consider making a FAMILY HOLY HOUR for the propagation of the Flame of Love. Look at the graces promised to us for our love ones in Purgatory, when we pray together in the Family Holy Hour on Thursday and Friday!
Mary: “On Thursday and Friday, I ask you, my daughter, to offer a very special reparation to my Divine Son. This will be an hour for the family to make reparation. Begin this hour with a spiritual reading, followed by the Rosary or other prayers in an atmosphere of recollection and fervor.
Let there be at least two or three, because My Divine Son is present where two or three are gathered. Start making the sign of the Cross five times offering yourselves to the Eternal Father through the wounds of my Divine Son. Do the same at the conclusion. Sign yourselves this way when you get up and when you go to bed, and during the day. This will bring you closer to the Eternal Father through my Divine Son, filling your heart with graces.
My Flame of Love which I desire to spread from my heart over all of you in a greater measure extends even to the souls in purgatory. Listen closely to what I am saying. Write down my words and give them to those concerned: For those families observing a holy hour of reparation on Thursday or Friday, if someone happens to die in the family, the deceased is freed from purgatory after a single day of strict fasting observed by anyone member of the family.”
pg 27 Blue Diary
Learn more about ordering our week in the Flame of Love:
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