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Den 28 februari 2024, onsdag
onsdag i 2 fasteveckan
Dagens bön:
Bevara, Herre, dina tjänare, och fostra oss till goda gärningar. Ge oss din tröst och ditt beskydd i detta liv, och låt oss ej gå miste om det eviga.
Läsningar: Jer 18:18-20, Ps 31, Matt 20:17-28
Första läsningen
Jer 18:18-20
(Kom, låt oss fälla honom)
Läsning ur profeten Jeremias bok.
Folket sade: »Kom, låt oss tänka ut någon plan mot Jeremia. Ty prästerna skall inte komma till korta med undervisning, ej heller de visa med råd, ej heller profeterna med förkunnelse. Ja, kom, låt oss fälla honom med våra tungor. Vi behöver inte alls bry oss om vad han säger.« Herre, ge du akt på mig, och hör vad mina motståndare talar. Skall man få löna gott med ont, eftersom dessa har grävt en grop för mitt liv? Tänk på hur jag har stått inför ditt ansikte för att mana gott för dem, för att avvända från dem din vrede.
Så lyder Herrens ord.
Ps 31:5-6, 14-16 (R. 17b)
R. Hjälp mig, Herre, i din nåd.
Du skall dra mig ur det nät som de lade ut för mig,
ty du är mitt värn.
I din hand befaller jag min ande,
du befriar mig, Herre, du trofaste Gud. R.
Jag hör mig förtalas av många,
skräck från alla sidor!
De rådslår med varandra
och stämplar för att ta mitt liv. R.
Men jag förtröstar på dig,
Herre, jag säger: »Du är min Gud.«
Min tid står i dina händer,
rädda mig från mina fienders hand och mina förföljare. R.
Joh 8:12
Jag är världens ljus, säger Herren.
Den som följer mig skall ha livets ljus.
Matt 23:1-12
(De skall döma honom till döden)
Läsning ur det heliga evangeliet enligt Matteus.
Under vandringen upp mot Jerusalem samlade Jesus de tolv lärjungarna omkring sig och sade till dem på vägen: »Vi går nu upp till Jerusalem. Människosonen skall utlämnas åt översteprästerna och de skriftlärda, och de skall döma honom till döden och utlämna honom åt hedningarna för att han skall hånas och pryglas och bli korsfäst, och på den tredje dagen skall han uppstå.«
Sedan kom Sebedaios-sönernas mor fram till honom tillsammans med sina söner och föll på knä för att be honom om något. Han frågade vad hon ville, och hon sade: »Lova mig att mina båda söner får sitta bredvid dig i ditt rike, den ene till höger och den andre till vänster.« Jesus svarade: »Ni vet inte vad ni ber om. Kan ni dricka den bägare som jag skall dricka?« De svarade: »Ja, det kan vi.« Då sade han: »Min bägare skall ni få dricka, men platserna till höger och till vänster om mig kan jag bara ge dem som har bestämts därtill av min fader.« När de andra tio hörde detta, blev de förargade på de båda bröderna. Men Jesus kallade till sig dem och sade: »Ni vet att härskarna är herrar över sina folk och att furstarna har makten över folken. Men så är det inte hos er. Den som vill vara stor bland er skall vara de andras tjänare, och den som vill vara den förste bland er skall vara de andras slav. Inte heller Människosonen har kommit för att bli tjänad utan för att tjäna och ge sitt liv till lösen för många.«
Så lyder Herrens evangelium.
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Jeremia 18:18-20 är en kraftfull passage från profeten Jeremias bok. Låt oss utforska dess innebörd:
Planer mot Jeremia: I denna text diskuterar folket möjliga planer mot Jeremia, som var en profet. Prästerna, de visa och andra profeter ville inte lyssna på honom och försökte tysta honom med sina tungor.
Guds uppmärksamhet: Jeremia vädjar till Herren att lyssna på honom och vara medveten om vad hans motståndare säger. Han känner sig hotad och undrar om det är rättvist att han ska möta ondska trots att han har försökt förmedla Guds budskap.
Rättvisa och vrede: Jeremia har stått inför Guds ansikte för att förmana folket till gott. Nu undrar han om det är rättvist att han ska möta ondska från dem som har grävt en grop för honom. Han ber Gud att avvända sin vrede från dem.
Detta är en djup och tankeväckande text som påminner oss om vikten av att lyssna på profetiska röster och att inte försöka tysta dem. Jeremia kämpade för att förmedla Guds budskap, trots motstånd, och hans ord lever vidare som en påminnelse om rättvisa och trohet.
Du har skickat
Jer 18:18-20
(Kom, låt oss fälla honom)
Läsning ur profeten Jeremias bok.
Folket sade: »Kom, låt oss tänka ut någon plan mot Jeremia. Ty prästerna skall inte komma till korta med undervisning, ej heller de visa med råd, ej heller profeterna med förkunnelse. Ja, kom, låt oss fälla honom med våra tungor. Vi behöver inte alls bry oss om vad han säger.« Herre, ge du akt på mig, och hör vad mina motståndare talar. Skall man få löna gott med ont, eftersom dessa har grävt en grop för mitt liv? Tänk på hur jag har stått inför ditt ansikte för att mana gott för dem, för att avvända från dem din vrede.
Så lyder Herrens ord.
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astrid lindgren matronan kako je ispala i septicku jamu koji je priparira emil sa kulinom tu scenu ja pomislia ca nisu tako farizeji pripremili profetu JERU ?
Du har skickat
Jeremia 18:18-20 är en kraftfull passage från profeten Jeremias bok. Låt oss utforska dess innebörd:
Planer mot Jeremia: I denna text diskuterar folket möjliga planer mot Jeremia, som var en profet. Prästerna, de visa och andra profeter ville inte lyssna på honom och försökte tysta honom med sina tungor.
Guds uppmärksamhet: Jeremia vädjar till Herren att lyssna på honom och vara medveten om vad hans motståndare säger. Han känner sig hotad och undrar om det är rättvist att han ska möta ondska trots att han har försökt förmedla Guds budskap.
Rättvisa och vrede: Jeremia har stått inför Guds ansikte för att förmana folket till gott. Nu undrar han om det är rättvist att han ska möta ondska från dem som har grävt en grop för honom. Han ber Gud att avvända sin vrede från dem.
Detta är en djup och tankeväckande text som påminner oss om vikten av att lyssna på profetiska röster och att inte försöka tysta dem. Jeremia kämpade för att förmedla Guds budskap, trots motstånd, och hans ord lever vidare som en påminnelse om rättvisa och trohet.
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Jer 18:18-20
(Kom, låt oss fälla honom)
Läsning ur profeten Jeremias bok.
Folket sade: »Kom, låt oss tänka ut någon plan mot Jeremia. Ty prästerna skall inte komma till korta med undervisning, ej heller de visa med råd, ej heller profeterna med förkunnelse. Ja, kom, låt oss fälla honom med våra tungor. Vi behöver inte alls bry oss om vad han säger.« Herre, ge du akt på mig, och hör vad mina motståndare talar. Skall man få löna gott med ont, eftersom dessa har grävt en grop för mitt liv? Tänk på hur jag har stått inför ditt ansikte för att mana gott för dem, för att avvända från dem din vrede.
Så lyder Herrens ord.
Du har skickat
astrid lindgren matronan kako je ispala i septicku jamu koji je priparira emil sa kulinom tu scenu ja pomislia ca nisu tako farizeji pripremili profetu JERU ?
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ali u tekstu Matt 23:1-12
(De skall döma honom till döden)
Läsning ur det heliga evangeliet enligt Matteus.
Under vandringen upp mot Jerusalem samlade Jesus de tolv lärjungarna omkring sig och sade till dem på vägen: »Vi går nu upp till Jerusalem. Människosonen skall utlämnas åt översteprästerna och de skriftlärda, och de skall döma honom till döden och utlämna honom åt hedningarna för att han skall hånas och pryglas och bli korsfäst, och på den tredje dagen skall han uppstå.«
Sedan kom Sebedaios-sönernas mor fram till honom tillsammans med sina söner och föll på knä för att be honom om något. Han frågade vad hon ville, och hon sade: »Lova mig att mina båda söner får sitta bredvid dig i ditt rike, den ene till höger och den andre till vänster.« Jesus svarade: »Ni vet inte vad ni ber om. Kan ni dricka den bägare som jag skall dricka?« De svarade: »Ja, det kan vi.« Då sade han: »Min bägare skall ni få dricka, men platserna till höger och till vänster om mig kan jag bara ge dem som har bestämts därtill av min fader.« När de andra tio hörde detta, blev de förargade på de båda bröderna. Men Jesus kallade till sig dem och sade: »Ni vet att härskarna är herrar över sina folk och att furstarna har makten över folken. Men så är det inte hos er. Den som vill vara stor bland er skall vara de andras tjänare, och den som vill vara den förste bland er skall vara de andras slav. Inte heller Människosonen har kommit för att bli tjänad utan för att tjäna och ge sitt liv till lösen för många.«
Så lyder Herrens evangelium.
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oba teksta danasnja su u septickoj jami 1 KRISTU a 2 profetu JEREMIJI
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Srijeda, 28. 02. 2024.
Jr 18,18-20; Ps 31,5-6.14-16; Mt 20,17-28
Roman, Bogoljub, Vikica, Teofil
Prvo čitanje:
Jr 18,18-20
Hajde, udarimo ga!
Čitanje Knjige proroka Jeremije
»Hajde da se urotimo protiv Jeremije, jer svećeniku ne može nestati Zakona, ni mudrome savjeta, ni proroku besjede. Hajde, udarimo ga njegovim jezikom i pazimo budno na svaku riječ njegovu.«
»Poslušaj me, Gospodine, i čuj što govore moji protivnici. Ta zar se dobro uzvraća zlim? A oni mi jamu kopaju! Sjeti se kako stajah pred licem tvojim da u tebe milost tražim za njih, da odvratim od njih jarost tvoju.«
Riječ Gospodnja.
Otpjevni psalam:
Ps 31,5-6.14-16
Po svojoj me dobroti spasi, Gospodine!
Izvuci me iz mreže koju mi zapeše,
jer ti si moje utočište.
U tvoje ruke predajem duh svoj:
otkupi me, Gospodine, Bože vjerni.
Čujem šaputanje mnogih, užas odasvud:
sastaju se protiv mene
i smišljaju kako da mi život oduzmu.
A ja se, Gospodine, u tebe uzdam;
govorim: Ti si Bog moj!
U tvojoj je ruci sudbina moja:
istrgni me iz ruke dušmana
i onih koji me progone!
Mt 20,17-28
Osudit će ga na smrt.
Čitanje svetog Evanđelja po Mateju
U ono vrijeme: Dok je Isus uzlazio u Jeruzalem, uze dvanaestoricu nasamo te im putem reče: »Evo, uzlazimo u Jeruzalem i Sin Čovječji bit će predan glavarima svećeničkim i pismoznancima. Osudit će ga na smrt i predati poganima da ga izrugaju, izbičuju i razapnu, ali on će treći dan uskrsnuti.«
Tada mu pristupi mati sinova Zebedejevih zajedno sa svojim sinovima, pade ničice da od njega nešto zaište. A on će joj: »Što želiš?« Kaže mu: »Reci da ova moja dva sina u tvome kraljevstvu sjednu uza te, jedan tebi zdesna, drugi slijeva.«
Isus odgovori: »Ne znate što ištete. Možete li piti čašu koju ću ja piti?« Kažu mu: »Možemo!« A on im ireče: »Čašu ćete moju doduše piti, ali sjesti meni zdesna ili slijeva — to nisam ja vlastan dati, to je onih kojima je pripravio moj Otac.«
Kada su to čula ostala desetorica, razgnjeve se na dva brata. Zato ih Isus dozva i reče: »Znate da vladari gospoduju svojim narodima i velikaši njihovi drže ih pod vlašću. Neće tako biti među vama! Naprotiv, tko hoće da među vama bude najveći, neka vam bude poslužitelj. I tko god hoće da među vama bude prvi, neka vam bude sluga.«
»Tako i Sin Čovječji nije došao da bude služen, nego da služi i život svoj dade kao otkupninu za mnoge.«
Riječ Gospodnja.
Ova čitanja se prenose s hilp.hr
Započnimo tridesetodnevnu pobožnost na čast svetog Josipa – molimo za njegov zagovor!
Baby Lasagna: U životu su mi najvažniji vjera i obitelj
Kako se moli krunica
kako se moli krunica
Moj dečko je musliman… Što Crkva kaže o braku katolika s drugim vjerama?
Što se morate zapitati prije ulaska u brak?
Evo kako moliti Krunicu Božjeg milosrđa!
Trenutno se čita
Danas počinje velika devetnica sv. Josipu – molimo za zagovor Marijina zaručnika i zaštitnika Hrvatske
Započnimo tridesetodnevnu pobožnost na čast svetog Josipa – molimo za njegov zagovor!
Moj dečko je musliman… Što Crkva kaže o braku katolika s drugim vjerama?
Kako Bogu reći ‘da’, a drugima ‘ne’
Baby Lasagna: U životu su mi najvažniji vjera i obitelj
Samo onaj tko ustraje u molitvi, traženju i kucanju primit će, naći će i ući.
— Sv. Ljudevit Montfortski (1673. – 1716.)
Du har skickat
What Happens at Holy Communion?
In Holy Communion, we receive Jesus Christ, who gives Himself to us in His body, blood, soul, and divinity. This intimate union with Christ both signifies and strengthens our union with Him and His Church. Jesus speaks of the importance of Holy Communion when He states, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.”1 Because Holy Communion unites us to Jesus, it also strengthens us against sin, helps us to live a Christian life, and prepares us for the heavenly banquet.
By receiving the Holy Eucharist, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and we grow in love for one another.
Once a person dies they lose the merit to pray for themselves and if they are saved and are in purgatory, they rely on us the living to pray for them. They know that God has bestowed on us this heaven given grace to pray for them while we still have time left. We have been given the keys to unlock the gates of purgatory by our prayers, so please let us not waste the time we have left but pray for our brothers and sisters who are in urgent need of our prayers as they cry out with unheard voices and desperately wave their hands trying to get our attention for even a single prayer, mass, rosary, eucharistic adoration, stations of the cross, penance, good deed, thought, word, action which will hasten their release.
Remember to us who have been blessed with the grace to pray for them while we still have time left, much will be expected of us and if we neglect this grace we will have much to answer. When we pray for them by name they can see us and at their funerals they can see who has come to pray for them and who has come there just to be seen by others. So please let us implore God for the salvation of souls especially the dying, for the conversion of sinners and the release of the poor suffering holy souls in purgatory...
Any prayer for them will do, even if it one line...
Jesus and Mary we love You save souls
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest and hasten their deliverance to Thy kingdom of the blessed.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on the dying and the holy souls in purgatory
Eternal Father,
I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the Masses said
throughout the world today for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,
for sinners everywhere,
for sinners in the universal Church,
for those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
O Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for Thee and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
My Lord and my God convert sinners, have mercy on the dying and grant deliverance to the holy souls in purgatory
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
Hail, O Cross, our only hope convert sinners, save the dying and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
Oh glorious Saints who found favour in the divine presence intercede for the church suffering
Whenever you hear the sound of an ambulance, or police siren, or fire engine, you can say...Jesus have mercy on them and save the dying ETERNAL rest grant unto them O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace AMEN 

Du har skickat
What Happens at Holy Communion?
In Holy Communion, we receive Jesus Christ, who gives Himself to us in His body, blood, soul, and divinity. This intimate union with Christ both signifies and strengthens our union with Him and His Church. Jesus speaks of the importance of Holy Communion when He states, “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.”1 Because Holy Communion unites us to Jesus, it also strengthens us against sin, helps us to live a Christian life, and prepares us for the heavenly banquet.
By receiving the Holy Eucharist, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and we grow in love for one another.
Once a person dies they lose the merit to pray for themselves and if they are saved and are in purgatory, they rely on us the living to pray for them. They know that God has bestowed on us this heaven given grace to pray for them while we still have time left. We have been given the keys to unlock the gates of purgatory by our prayers, so please let us not waste the time we have left but pray for our brothers and sisters who are in urgent need of our prayers as they cry out with unheard voices and desperately wave their hands trying to get our attention for even a single prayer, mass, rosary, eucharistic adoration, stations of the cross, penance, good deed, thought, word, action which will hasten their release.
Remember to us who have been blessed with the grace to pray for them while we still have time left, much will be expected of us and if we neglect this grace we will have much to answer. When we pray for them by name they can see us and at their funerals they can see who has come to pray for them and who has come there just to be seen by others. So please let us implore God for the salvation of souls especially the dying, for the conversion of sinners and the release of the poor suffering holy souls in purgatory...
Any prayer for them will do, even if it one line...
Jesus and Mary we love You save souls
Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest and hasten their deliverance to Thy kingdom of the blessed.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on the dying and the holy souls in purgatory
Eternal Father,
I offer You the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the Masses said
throughout the world today for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory,
for sinners everywhere,
for sinners in the universal Church,
for those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
O Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for Thee and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
My Lord and my God convert sinners, have mercy on the dying and grant deliverance to the holy souls in purgatory
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
Hail, O Cross, our only hope convert sinners, save the dying and deliver the holy souls in purgatory.
Oh glorious Saints who found favour in the divine presence intercede for the church suffering
Whenever you hear the sound of an ambulance, or police siren, or fire engine, you can say...Jesus have mercy on them and save the dying ETERNAL rest grant unto them O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace AMEN 

Lent as we contemplate the events surrounding the passion and death of Jesus.
It’s the suffering of Mary Magdalene weeping outside the empty tomb.
Reflect how lonely Jesus is in many tabernacles without the exposition of the Eucharist.
Not a soul has come to sit with Jesus.
Do we recognize our Lord and express our love to him when he is disguised in the Blessed Sacrament?
Do we weep with the same longing to find him now that his body in the Sacrament has been taken from us?
If we do not, then perhaps we lack some understanding of the Eucharist.
This Lent might be the time to better discover the source and summit of our Catholic Faith
(CCC 1234):
It’s the same body—
in fact, the same living whole of Jesus himself—
which Mary Magdalene sought in the garden.
Just like Jesus allowed his doubting disciple Thomas to examine his pierced heart, Jesus allows us to examine his heart in the Eucharist as closely as we need in order to understand that it really is what he says it is.
The Eucharist really is Jesus himself.
Can we now mourn more fully over the tragedy that he has been taken away?
The Little Flower,
St. Thérèse, was awed by the fact that—
for love of us—
Jesus has made himself a prisoner, trapped in our tabernacles as the Blessed Sacrament. Her understanding was literal, tragic, and absolutely true.
For that reason,
St. Thérèse longed to make herself a prisoner for the love of him in Carmel.
When Jesus, feeling the full weight of the abandonment of his friends, asks us this Lent, “could you not watch an hour with me?”
(Matthew 26:40),
let our response be “yes!” If we are trapped at home with little to do.
Let us make this Lent one that Jesus will remember for the outpouring of devotion we showed his Eucharistic heart when it was hidden from us as it once was in the tomb.

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ona je moran reci spezijal
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za svedsku ali pronasla ga ta britanka
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on ih prodaje sam zivi i taj ludak nemore niti hodati da se osloniva na svoje radnicke konje
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ima stap
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koljena da ga ne nosu nema nikakve pomoci djornalist se cudija 1 dana ga nadu zaspanoga u stalici
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on je ribu peka on to poliva sa ujom
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jako dobro !
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ali je spez taj njeni milos lako ga zavolis jer je pravo musko
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How to go to Confession
1. You always have the option to go to confession anonymously, that is, behind a screen or face to face, if you so desire.
2. After the priest greets you in the name of Christ, make the sign of the cross. He may choose to recite a reading from Scripture, after which you say: "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been (state how long) since my last confession. These are my sins."
3. Tell your sins simply and honestly to the priest. You might even want to discuss the circumstances and the root causes of your sins and ask the priest for advice or direction.
4. Listen to the advice the priest gives you and accept the penance from him. Then make an Act of Contrition for your sins.
5. The priest will then dismiss you with the words of praise: "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. You respond: "For His mercy endures forever." The priest will then conclude with:"The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace." And you respond by saying: "Thanks be to God."
6. Spend some time with Our Lord thanking and praising Him for the gift of His mercy. Try to perform your penance as soon as possible.
O most merciful God! Prostrate at your feet, I implore your forgiveness. I sincerely desire to leave all my evil ways and to confess my sins with all sincerity to you and to your priest. I am a sinner, have mercy on me, O Lord. Give me a lively faith and a firm hope in the Passion of my Redeemer. Give me, for your mercy´s sake a sorrow for having offended so good a God. Mary, my mother, refuge of sinners, pray for me that I may make a good confession. Amen.
Oh my God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
And failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help,
to do penance,
to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us.
In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.Today's Biblical guide to fast:
There are several examples of biblical fasting that we can look at. One example is found in 2 Samuel 12:15-23, when David fasted and prayed after the death of his son. Another example is found in Jonah 3:4-10, when the people of Nineveh fasted and repented in response to God's message of judgment. Esther 4:3-16 tells the story of Esther and Mordecai fasting to seek God's help in saving the Jewish people from destruction.
In the New Testament, we see Jesus fasting in Matthew 4:2, and the disciples fasting in Matthew 6:16-18. The early church fasted in Acts 13:2 and 14:23. The book of Acts also mentions fasting in connection with prayer, decision-making, and receiving visions from God. Fasting was also practiced by church leaders such as Paul and Barnabas. Myten Joseph Ratzinger, man av tanke och studier som blev påve Benedikt XVI och sedan påve emeritus, har aldrig saknat detta mod. I sitt långa mästerskap påminde han oss oavbrutet om att "förtroendet att söka och finna sanningen är aldrig anakronistiskt".
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Benedict XVI - The Court of the Gentiless inlägg
Benedict XVI - The Court of the Gentiles
Wednesday of the Second week of Lent
Commentary of the day
Pope Benedict XVI, Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new cardinals, 18 February 2012
he asks an unexpected question: “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink?” (Mk 10:38). The allusion is crystal clear: the chalice is that of the Passion, which Jesus accepts as the will of God. Serving God and others, self-giving: this is the logic which authentic faith imparts and develops in our daily lives and which is not the type of power and glory which belongs to this world. [...] This episode gives Jesus a way to address each of the disciples and “to call them to himself”, almost to pull them in, to form them into one indivisible body with him, and to indicate which is the path to real glory, that of God [...] Dominion and service, egoism and altruism, possession and gift, self-interest and gratuitousness: these profoundly contrasting approaches confront each other in every age and place. There is no doubt about the path chosen by Jesus: he does not merely indicate it with words to the disciples of then and of today, but he lives it in his own flesh. [...] Jesus interprets his mission on earth by combining the figure of the Son of man with that of the suffering Servant, described in Isaiah (cf. 53:1-12). He receives power and the glory only inasmuch as he is “servant”; but he is servant inasmuch as he welcomes within himself the fate of the suffering and the sin of all humanity. His service is realized in total faithfulness and complete responsibility towards mankind. In this way the free acceptance of his violent death becomes the price of freedom for many, it becomes the beginning and the foundation of the redemption of each person and of the entire human race. A GUIDE TO CONFESSION
How to go to Confession
1. You always have the option to go to confession anonymously, that is, behind a screen or face to face, if you so desire.
2. After the priest greets you in the name of Christ, make the sign of the cross. He may choose to recite a reading from Scripture, after which you say: "Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been (state how long) since my last confession. These are my sins."
3. Tell your sins simply and honestly to the priest. You might even want to discuss the circumstances and the root causes of your sins and ask the priest for advice or direction.
4. Listen to the advice the priest gives you and accept the penance from him. Then make an Act of Contrition for your sins.
5. The priest will then dismiss you with the words of praise: "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. You respond: "For His mercy endures forever." The priest will then conclude with:"The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace." And you respond by saying: "Thanks be to God."
6. Spend some time with Our Lord thanking and praising Him for the gift of His mercy. Try to perform your penance as soon as possible.
O most merciful God! Prostrate at your feet, I implore your forgiveness. I sincerely desire to leave all my evil ways and to confess my sins with all sincerity to you and to your priest. I am a sinner, have mercy on me, O Lord. Give me a lively faith and a firm hope in the Passion of my Redeemer. Give me, for your mercy´s sake a sorrow for having offended so good a God. Mary, my mother, refuge of sinners, pray for me that I may make a good confession. Amen.
Oh my God,
I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.
In choosing to do wrong
And failing to do good,
I have sinned against you
whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help,
to do penance,
to sin no more,
and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us.
In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.Today's Biblical guide to fast:
There are several examples of biblical fasting that we can look at. One example is found in 2 Samuel 12:15-23, when David fasted and prayed after the death of his son. Another example is found in Jonah 3:4-10, when the people of Nineveh fasted and repented in response to God's message of judgment. Esther 4:3-16 tells the story of Esther and Mordecai fasting to seek God's help in saving the Jewish people from destruction.
In the New Testament, we see Jesus fasting in Matthew 4:2, and the disciples fasting in Matthew 6:16-18. The early church fasted in Acts 13:2 and 14:23. The book of Acts also mentions fasting in connection with prayer, decision-making, and receiving visions from God. Fasting was also practiced by church leaders such as Paul and Barnabas. Myten Joseph Ratzinger, man av tanke och studier som blev påve Benedikt XVI och sedan påve emeritus, har aldrig saknat detta mod. I sitt långa mästerskap påminde han oss oavbrutet om att "förtroendet att söka och finna sanningen är aldrig anakronistiskt".
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