Subota, 23. 03. 2024.



Ez 37,21-28; Otpj. pj.: Jr 31,10-13; Iv 11,45-56




Turibije, Oton, Edmund, Anuncijata, Rebeka, Pelagije, Dražen


Službom I. večernje započinje Cvjetnica i Veliki tjedan.

Prvo čitanje:

Ez 37,21-28

Načinit ću od njih jedan narod.

Čitanje Knjige proroka Ezekiela

Ovako govori Gospodin Bog: »Evo, povući ću sinove Izraelove iz naroda u koje dođoše, skupit ću ih odasvud i odvesti ih u zemlju njihovu. I načinit ću od njih jedan narod u zemlji, u gorama Izraelovim, i bit će im svima jedan kralj, i oni više neće biti dva naroda i neće više biti razdijeljeni na dva kraljevstva. I neće se više kaljati svojim kumirima, ni svojim grozotama ni opačinama. Izbavit ću ih od svih njihovih nevjera kojima zgriješiše, i očistit ću ih, i oni će biti moj narod, a ja njihov Bog. I sluga moj David bit će im kralj, i svima će im biti jedan pastir. Živjet će po mojim zakonima, čuvajući i vršeći moje naredbe. Boravit će u zemlji koju dadoh sluzi svome Jakovu, u kojoj življahu oči vaši: u njoj će stanovati oni i njihovi sinovi i sinovi sinova njihovih dovijeka. I moj sluga David bit će im knez dovijeka. Sklopit ću s njima Savez mira; bit će to Savez vječan s njima. Utvrdit ću ih i razmnožiti, i postavit ću Svetište svoje zauvijek među njih. Moj će Šator biti među njima, i ja ću biti Bog njihov, a oni narod moj. I kad Svetište moje bude zauvijek među njima, znat će svi narodi da sam ja Gospodin, koji posvećujem Izraela.«

Riječ Gospodnja.

Otpjevni psalam:

Jr 31,10-13


Gospodin nas čuva kao pastir svoje stado.

Čujte, o narodi, riječ Gospodnju,

objavite je širom dalekih otoka:

»Onaj što rasprši Izrael, opet ga sabire

i čuva ga ko pastir stado svoje!«

Jer Gospodin oslobodi Jakova,

izbavi ga iz ruku jačeg od njega.

I oni će, radosno kličuć, na vis Sionski,

da se naužiju dobara Gospodnjih.

Djevojke će se veselit u kolu,

mlado i staro zajedno,

jer ću im tugu u radost pretvoriti,

utješit ću ih

i razveseliti nakon žalosti.


Iv 11,45-56

Da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno.

Čitanje svetog evanđelja po Ivanu

U ono vrijeme:

Mnogi Židovi koji bijahu došli k Mariji, kad vidješe što Isus učini, povjerovaše u nj. A neki od njih odu farizejima i pripovjede im što Isus učini. Stoga glavari svećenički i farizeji sazvaše Vijeće. Govorili su: »Što da radimo? Ovaj čovjek čini mnoga znamenja. Ako ga pustimo tako, svi će povjerovati u nj pa će doći Rimljani i oduzeti nam ovo mjesto i narod! « A jedan od njih - Kajfa, veliki svećenik one godine – reče im: »Vi ništa ne znate. I ne mislite kako je za vas bolje da jedan čovjek umre za narod, nego da sav narod propadne! « To ne reče sam od sebe, nego kao veliki svećenik one godine prorokova da Isus ima umrijeti za narod; ali ne samo za narod nego i zato da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno. Toga dana dakle odluče da ga ubiju.

Zbog toga se Isus više nije javno kretao među Židovima, nego je odatle otišao u kraj blizu pustinje, u grad koji se zove Efrajim. Tu se zadržavao s učenicima.

Bijaše blizu židovska Pasha i mnogi iz toga kraja uziđoše prije Pashe u Jeruzalem da se očiste. Iskahu, dakle Isusa te se stojeći u Hramu zapitkivahu: »Što vam se čini? Zar on ne kani doći na Blagdan? «

Riječ Gospodnja.

Ova čitanja se prenose s






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Trenutno se čita


Baby Lasagna: ‘S Bogom sam natrag dobio samog sebe’


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Papa: Ovo su odlike mudroga čovjeka

Napredovat ćeš razmjerno odricanju od samoga sebe.

— Sv. Jeronim (342. – 420.) - sve bitno na jednom mjestu

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Trpljenje je usoda izvoljenih duš. Bog, izvir vsake milosti in vsakega daru, ki vodi k odrešenju, je postavil trpljenje, ki ga človek prenaša na krščanski način, kot pogoj, da nam bo dal slavo (Epist. II, str. 248).

Lidande är ödet för de utvalda själarna. Gud, källan till varje nåd och varje gåva som leder till frälsning, har ställt det lidande som människan uthärdar på ett kristet sätt som förutsättning för att ge oss ära (Epistleblower. II, gata 248).

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Den 23 mars 2024, lördag

lördag i 5 fasteveckan

Dagens bön:

Gud, du som ger oss vad vi bäst behöver och under fastan gläder oss med nåd i överflöd, vänd din blick till ditt utvalda folk: håll din hand över de redan döpta och över dem som ännu väntar på sin nya födelse.

Läsningar: Jer 20:10-13, Ps 17, Joh 10:31-42

Första läsningen

Hes 37:21-28

(Jag skall göra dem till ett enda folk)

Läsning ur profeten Hesekiels bok.

Så säger Herren, Gud: Se, jag skall hämta Israels barn ut ifrån de folk till vilka de har måst vandra bort. Jag skall samla ihop dem från alla håll och föra dem in i deras land. Och jag skall göra dem till ett enda folk i landet, på Israels berg, en och samma kung skall de alla ha. De skall inte mer vara två folk och inte mer vara delade i två riken. Sedan skall de inte mer orena sig med sina eländiga avgudar och styggelser och med alla slags överträdelser. Och jag skall frälsa dem och hämta dem från alla orter där de har syndat, och skall rena dem, så att de blir mitt folk, och jag skall vara deras Gud. Och min tjänare David skall vara kung över dem, och de skall så alla ha en och samma herde. Och de skall vandra efter mina lagar och hålla mina stadgar och göra efter dem. Så skall de få bo i det land som jag gav åt min tjänare Jakob, det som era fäder bodde i. De skall själva få bo där, likaså deras barn och deras barnbarn till evig tid, och min tjänare David skall vara deras hövding evinnerligen. Och jag skall med dem sluta ett fridsförbund, ett evigt förbund med dem skall det vara. Jag skall insätta dem och föröka dem och låta min helgedom stå bland dem evinnerligen. Ja, min boning skall vara hos dem, och jag skall vara deras Gud, och de skall vara mitt folk. Så skall folken erfara att jag är Herren, som helgar Israel, då nu min helgedom förblir ibland dem evinnerligen.

Så lyder Herrens ord.


Jer 31:10-12b, 13 (R. 10d)

R. Herren bevarar oss, som en herde sin hjord.

Hör Herrens ord, ni hednafolk,

och förkunna det i havsländerna i fjärran.

Säg: Han som förskingrade Israel skall också församla det

och bevara det, som en herde sin hjord. R.

Ty Herren skall befria Jakob

och lösköpa honom ur den övermäktiges hand.

Och de skall komma och jubla på Sions höjd

och strömma dit där Herrens goda är. R.

Då skall jungfrurna förlusta sig med dans,

unga och gamla skall glädja sig tillsammans.

Jag skall förvandla deras sorg i fröjd,

trösta dem och glädja dem efter deras bedrövelse. R.


Hes 18:31

Kasta bort ifrån er alla de överträdelser

som ni har begått, säger Herren,

och skaffa er ett nytt hjärta och en ny ande.


Joh 11:45-56

(Guds skingrade barn skall samlas och bli till ett)

Läsning ur det heliga evangeliet enligt Johannes.

Vid den tiden kom många av judarna, de som hade gått ut till Maria och sett vad Jesus gjorde, till tro på honom. Men några av dem gick till fariseerna och berättade vad Jesus hade gjort. Översteprästerna och fariseerna kallade då samman rådet och sade: »Vad skall vi göra? Den här mannen gör många tecken. Om vi låter honom fortsätta, börjar alla tro på honom, och då kommer romarna och utplånar både vår heliga plats och vårt folk.« En av dem, Kajafas, som var överstepräst det året, sade till dem: »Ni förstår ingenting. Ni fattar inte att det är bättre för er att en enda människa dör för folket än att hela folket går under.« Detta sade han inte av sig själv, utan som överstepräst det året talade han profetiskt: Jesus skulle dö för folket, och inte bara för folket, utan också för att Guds skingrade barn skulle samlas och bli till ett. Från den dagen var de fast beslutna att döda honom.

Jesus vandrade därför inte längre öppet omkring bland judarna utan drog sig undan till Efraim, en stad i området nära öknen, och där höll han till med sina lärjungar. Judarnas påskfest närmade sig, och många gick från landsbygden upp till Jerusalem före påsken för att rena sig. De sökte efter Jesus och sade till varandra där de stod i templet: »Vad tror ni, kommer han verkligen inte till högtiden?«

Så lyder Herrens evangelium.

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Hidden in the Healer

5 mars 2023  · 

“He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive. 

They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive. After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive. 

They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.

He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since. 

On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming.

No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone. What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?

Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.

He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step. But look up, because Sunday is coming.”

I do not know who wrote this, but it is POWERFUL!


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Hidden in the Healer

5 mars 2023  · 

“He received 39 stripes because 40 was known to kill a man. They wanted him alive. They held handfuls of his beard, and hair and pulled it out by the roots. They wanted him alive. They kicked, punched, and spit on him for hours. Until there wasn't a single spot on his body not covered in blood. They wanted him alive. 

They shoved a crown of thorns down on his head so harshly it stuck in his skin. They wanted him alive. After hours of being beaten, mocked, whipped, flogged, and tortured they made him walk with a cross. They made him carry it. A rough piece of wood with splinters digging into fresh wounds. They wanted him alive. 

They wanted him to feel every ounce of pain they could bring. He had to feel it in order to heal us. Crucifixion was historically one of the cruelest most tortured deaths a human could face. Hours upon hours of torture. Torture most of us can not mentally think of because the cruelty isn't normal. It isn't something our minds can comprehend. We celebrate Easter with pastel colors, happy children hunting eggs, and chocolate. Truth is there was absolutely nothing happy about the day Jesus died. It was cruel, bloody, and nasty.

He could have stopped all of it. He could have called every angel in heaven to demolish every person standing and shouting "Crucify Him!" He didn't. He knew in order to have a Sunday you have to have a Friday. He knew in order to have joy you have to carry your cross. He felt everything that day. He felt how your heart broke wide open when you had to watch your baby die. He felt how heavy your life was when you were staring down the barrel of a gun wondering if the man you called husband was going to shoot you. He carried the weight of the burden you have felt since your spouse died and life just doesn't seem right since. 

On that cross he held the rapist and murderers, the sinner and the saint. He leveled every playing field and said ALL of you are worth it. He knew he had to carry the cross. He never promised the cross you carry in this life would not be heavy. His wasn't. His promise is that Sunday is coming.

No matter how heavy Friday is. Financially, emotionally, mentally, or physically. Friday is heavy. That cross is weighing you down and you are about to crumble under its weight. His promise was simply this. He won't make you carry it alone. What kind of king would step down from his throne for this?

Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God did. For you.

He did every bit of it for you and me. Oh yes it is heavy. So heavy sometimes you do not think you can take one more step. But look up, because Sunday is coming.”

I do not know who wrote this, but it is POWERFUL!O Lord Jesus son of the living God You always take pleasure in pouring out Your mercy and your graces. For this reason, I will never cease to ask You to look at the poor souls of those you have called from this world especially my deceased parents, grandparents, godparents, siblings, friends, enemies ancestors and those who I remember the most (mention names_______). 

       Do not leave them at the mercy of the enemy and never forget them. Through each holy sacrifice of the mass let thy precious blood contained in the eucharistic chalice of redemption fall on their defiled souls to remove the unsightly blemishes of character defects caused due to their  consequence of  sins, erase their remaining debt and order your angels to take them and lead them to their heavenly home, so that they do not suffer from the pains of purgatory, but let them enjoy eternal rest and everlasting happiness and peace in the house of your father. Amen🕯️Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

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“ASK and it will be given to you; SEEK and you will find; KNOCK and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

When you think of the number 3 in the Bible, you likely think of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

But there are many other events in the Bible that has to do with No. 3

✔️Jesus falls 3 times

✔️Peter denied Jesus 3 times 

✔️Jesus was crucified together with 2 thieves

✔️Jesus died at 3pm

✔️Jesus rose on the third day

✔️Jonah spent 3 days in the belly of a giant fish to foreshadow Jesus’s crucifixion:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40).

✅God says things 3 times

If God or Jesus repeats something 3 times in the Bible, it’s especially important. This happens several times in scripture, with the most notable being:

✔️Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane 3 times (Matthew 36)

✔️God calling to Samuel 3 times (1 Samuel 3:8).

✔️Jesus telling Peter to “feed my sheep” 3 times (John 21:15).

✅Repetition is extremely symbolic in the Bible. This draws attention to the given passage, highlighting an overall importance or divine message.

✔️Jeremiah says “land” 3 times to emphasize God’s message (Jeremiah 22:29).

✔️Isaiah says “holy” 3 times to express his devotion and love for the Lord (Isaiah 6:3)

✔️Jesus was brought 3 gifts

Jesus was given 3 gifts by the Magi or Three Wise Men: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

These gifts symbolize Jesus’s life story:

✅Gold shows Jesus’s kingship

✅Frankincense represents his deity, and ✅Myrrh symbolizes his death.

There are 3 angels in Revelation

✔️In Revelation 14:6-16, 3 angels appear to deliver messages.

✅The first tells the world to worship and believe in God.

✅The second announces the fall of Babylon. ✅The third declares that those who receive the Mark of the Beast will be a victim of God’s wrath. Those who worship the beast wear a mark on their head, showing disloyalty to the Lord.

✔️There are 3 patriarchs.

In Judaism and Christianity, there are 3 patriarchs or fathers of the Israelite nation: ✅Abraham

✅Isaac, and


These 3 important figures go through trials and tribulations but prove that following the Lord’s word will help you prevail.

What should Christians remember about the number 3?

✅Christians can remember the number 3 as a sign that God is everywhere. His power is everywhere, He built the world you live in.

✅The Holy Trinity shows that God is all powerful. He doesn’t need us, He has the weight of the world in His hands, yet He still loves us unconditionally. God may not be dependent on us, but He still cherishes our love as shown through the Trinity’s trials and tribulations.

✅God always set number 3 as the 3 areas of situations, just like low-mid-high, God always set in place, a middle ground for everything, between Heaven and Hell, there must also be a Purgatory to provide second chances.

✅God set balance in everything and He emphasized in the many occasions in the Bible that number 3 is a hard to ignore number that has something to do with God's divinity. 

👑Number 3 tells us that God is a Holy Trinity.Holy Week

24 March

Holy Week is the final week of Lent and the most solemn period in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. It begins with Palm Sunday, commemorating Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and culminates in the Easter Triduum, which includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

During Holy Week, Catholics reflect on the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. It is a time of intense prayer, fasting, and penance, as believers journey with Jesus through His passion, death, and resurrection. Holy Week invites us to enter into the mysteries of our faith and deepen our relationship with God.

Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood. It is also when He washed the feet of His disciples, teaching us the importance of humble service and love for one another.

Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence, as we remember Jesus' crucifixion and death on the cross. It is a day of solemn reflection on His sacrifice for our sins and the immense love He showed us. Many churches hold the Stations of the Cross, a devotional practice that allows believers to meditate on the various stages of Jesus' journey to Calvary.

Holy Saturday is a day of anticipation and waiting. It commemorates Jesus' body lying in the tomb and marks the transition between His death and resurrection. It is a time of quiet reflection and preparation for the Easter Vigil, the most important liturgical celebration of the year.

The Easter Triduum concludes with the Easter Vigil, which takes place on Holy Saturday night. It is a celebration of Jesus' resurrection, the triumph of life over death. The vigil includes the lighting of the Easter fire, the blessing of the Paschal candle, and the proclamation of the Easter Gospel. It is a joyous occasion, as believers rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of eternal life.

In summary, Holy Week is a sacred time of prayer and reflection, where Catholics journey with Jesus through His passion, death, and resurrection. It is a time to meditate on the immense love and sacrifice of Jesus, and to prepare our hearts for the joy of Easter.

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Iv 11,45-56

Da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno.

Čitanje svetog evanđelja po Ivanu

U ono vrijeme:

Mnogi Židovi koji bijahu došli k Mariji, kad vidješe što Isus učini, povjerovaše u nj. A neki od njih odu farizejima i pripovjede im što Isus učini. Stoga glavari svećenički i farizeji sazvaše Vijeće. Govorili su: »Što da radimo? Ovaj čovjek čini mnoga znamenja. Ako ga pustimo tako, svi će povjerovati u nj pa će doći Rimljani i oduzeti nam ovo mjesto i narod! « A jedan od njih - Kajfa, veliki svećenik one godine – reče im: »Vi ništa ne znate. I ne mislite kako je za vas bolje da jedan čovjek umre za narod, nego da sav narod propadne! « To ne reče sam od sebe, nego kao veliki svećenik one godine prorokova da Isus ima umrijeti za narod; ali ne samo za narod nego i zato da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno. Toga dana dakle odluče da ga ubiju.

Zbog toga se Isus više nije javno kretao među Židovima, nego je odatle otišao u kraj blizu pustinje, u grad koji se zove Efrajim. Tu se zadržavao s učenicima.

Bijaše blizu židovska Pasha i mnogi iz toga kraja uziđoše prije Pashe u Jeruzalem da se očiste. Iskahu, dakle Isusa te se stojeći u Hramu zapitkivahu: »Što vam se čini? Zar on ne kani doći na Blagdan? «

Riječ Gospodnja.

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slusaj tako i za generala su rekli haagsudija teodore  merote zidov u moje dane


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da su dali dozvolu zupa da pobiju sve zeceve da sve roze u trädgårdsföreningen pojeli zecevi

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Iv 11,45-56

Riječ Gospodnja

U ono vrijeme mnogi Židovi koji bijahu došli k Mariji, kad vidješe što Isus učini, povjerovaše u nj. A neki od njih odu farizejima i pripovjede im što Isus učini. Stoga glavari svećenički i farizeji sazvaše Vijeće. Govorili su: "Što da radimo? Ovaj čovjek čini mnoga znamenja. Ako ga pustimo tako, svi će povjerovati u nj pa će doći Rimljani i oduzeti nam ovo mjesto i narod!" A jedan od njih - Kajfa, veliki svećenik one godine – reče im: "Vi ništa ne znate. I ne mislite kako je za vas bolje da jedan čovjek umre za narod, nego da sav narod propadne!" To ne reče sam od sebe, nego kao veliki svećenik one godine prorokova da Isus ima umrijeti za narod; ali ne samo za narod nego i zato da raspršene sinove Božje skupi u jedno. Toga dana dakle odluče da ga ubiju.

Zbog toga se Isus više nije javno kretao među Židovima, nego je odatle otišao u kraj blizu pustinje, u grad koji se zove Efrajim. Tu se zadržavao s učenicima.

Bijaše blizu židovska Pasha i mnogi iz toga kraja uziđoše prije Pashe u Jeruzalem da se očiste. Iskahu, dakle, Isusa te se stojeći u Hramu zapitkivahu: "Što vam se čini? Zar on ne kani doći na Blagdan?"

Iv 11,45-56

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

S dramatičnom ironijom Kajfa, veliki svećenik, ciničan i pragmatičan saducej, govorio je mudrije nego što je znao. Kao pripadnik vladajuće elite bojao se da će Isus poremetiti status quo pa je morao biti eliminiran.

Pasha je bila blizu, ali Isus se spremao započeti novu Pashu. Bilo je doista ''potrebno'' da on bude ''uklonjen'' za naše dobro. Razmišljam o nevjerojatnoj tajni ovog događaja. Gospodine, Kajfino proročanstvo i mene dira kao jedno od raspršene djece Božje za koje si umro.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Kajfa se boji da će Isusova popularnost navući gnjev Rima i uništiti i Hram - sveto mjesto - i naciju. U svojoj sljepoći on ne može vidjeti da je židovski narod sam hram. Cijenim li činjenicu da sam i ja hram Boga živoga? Gospodine, ukloni moju sljepoću da mogu vidjeti sebe samoga kako me Ti vidiš.

Glavari svećenički i pismoznanci - najučeniji ljudi u Izraelu - nisu prepoznali Isusa. Zaslijepljeni predrasudama odlučuju ga ubiti. Gajim li ikada želje za smrću za drugoga, čak možda podsvjesno?

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Religiozni ljudi se lako odupiru promjenama. Želja odati počast u području gdje se Bog iskusio može zatupiti prepoznavanje novih načina na koje je Bog aktivan. Molim za velikodušan um i otvoreno srce da mogu prepoznati i slaviti tamo gdje je Božji Duh živ - čak i ako to nije moj način!

Mogli bismo se zapitati zašto se Isus često povlačio ostavljajući prepuna mjesta da bi bio blizu pustinje. Provodim neko vrijeme s njim u tišini kako bih mu dopustio da mi otkrije što pokreće njegovo srce.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Razmišljam o trajanju moći zla na ljudska srca: reakcija farizeja i glavara svećeničkih na uskrsnuće Lazarovo je tako neobična. ''Ako ga pustimo tako svi će povjerovati u nj pa će doći Rimljani i oduzeti nam ovo mjesto i narod… Toga dana dakle odluče da ga ubiju.'' Dozivam u svijest i drugo poremećeno mišljenje vjerskih vođa. Molim Boga da mi obasja srce i srca naših vođa kako bi postali svjesni zamki zloga.

Zamišljam napetost koja je vladala između Isusa i skupine: nekoliko dana nakon slavnog ulaska u Jeruzalem nisu javno mogli hodati po gradu, a da se ne izlože ozbiljnom riziku. A sve to zbog mene.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Kajfa je bio Saducej, okrutni političar, odlučan poduprijeti ''status quo'' i povlastice svoje bogate klase. Navodi razlog moćnika u svakome vremenu: za opće dobro trebamo odstraniti čudnog izgrednika - a to znači nastavak udobnosti za Saduceje. Ali je govorio mudrije nego li je toga bio svjestan.

Jedan čovjek, Isus, trebao je umrijeti za narod i za mene.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Caiaphas was a Saducee, ruthless, political, determined to buttress the status quo and the privileges of his wealthy class. He uses the argument of the powerful in every age: we must eliminate the awkward trouble-maker in the name of the common good – meaning the comfort of the Sadducees. But he spoke wiser than he knew. One man, Jesus, was to die for the people, and for me.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Caiaphas is afraid that the popularity of Jesus will draw down the wrath of Rome and destroy both the temple – the holy place - and the nation. In his blindness he cannot see that the Jewish people are themselves the temple. Do I appreciate that I too am a temple of the living God? Lord, take away my blindness to that I can see myself as you see me.

Nastavi s molitvom

Resume Prayer

Nekoliko misli o današnjem odlomku iz Svetog pisma:

Kako se Isus približava posljednjem tjednu ovozemaljskog života, današnje nam evanđelje donosi ironično, dvostruko značenje izjave Velikoga svećenika Kajfe koji kaže da je bolje da jedan čovjek umre za narod. On je to mislio kako bi spasio židovski narod od rimske tlake. No Ivan na umu ima proročki vid ove izjave vidjevši Isusa kako umire za sve, što je pravo značenje Isusova života i smrti.

Moli Gospodina da vodi i upravlja tvojom kontemplacijom nadolazeće muke, smrti i uskrsnuća Gospodinova kako bi tvoje prijateljstvo s njim i zahvalnost prema njemu rasli i sazrijevali.

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ja mislim na sve zrtve nepravde od ISUSA KRISTA do generala parljaka u moje vrime tu casu otrova ca podiga tesko je zaboraviti

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znas ja  tvrdim da i mi nebudemo oslijepljena do to facit R

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to je meni pasha krizni put ISUSA KRISTA i taj krizni put je i moj

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ako zelim uskrsnuciti sa KRISTOM 1 dana sa svima mojima dragima !

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moras imati cisto srce da dobrodoslicu  nekomu cestitas !

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slusaj na tvoj rodendan zoves ciste osobe koje znas ti zelu dobro

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kada umres takoder zelis samo  dobrozelijitelje da dolazu

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kada uskrsnuces takoder zelis sa svojima dobrozelijetelju  !

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i KRIST zeli takve oko sebe ne one koje nisu dobrozelitelju ti ocisteni

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i sada idemo na te farizeji topclasse i oni su obrnuto isto takvi samo drustvo sa tima istomisljenima ne ?

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svaki mora cisti svoj  krug

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naravno zelim svima da su lojalni svojima ako nisu svojima lojalni NIKADA NEMORU BITI DRAGOM BOGU  !

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ako ima 1 u obitelji ca je X stime padnu svi ca od BOGA jer ako ti nekoga X ti stime nisi dobrom u ocice DRAGOM BOGU !

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znas mi idemo van friday for future to je falso demon nas osljepava takve akcije mi bismo tribali slaviti da smo zdravi i zivi i da smo zadovljni stime dragom BOGU to je palma nedelja ili cjetnaca

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da svi idemo na ulice svi su dobrodosli i slavimo zivot i zdravlje to bi tribalo biti nas UM

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namisto slavimo poganske festivale  a ne zdravlje i zivot !

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Our Lady of Sorrows ~ For a while there were two feasts in honor of the Sorrowful Mother: one going back to the 15th century, the other to the 17th century. For a while both were celebrated by the universal Church: one on the Friday before Palm Sunday, the other in September.

The principal biblical references to Mary's sorrows are in Luke 2:35 and John 19:26-27. The Lucan passage is Simeon's prediction about a sword piercing Mary's soul; the Johannine passage relates Jesus' words to Mary and to the beloved disciple.

Many early Church writers interpret the sword as Mary's sorrows, especially as she saw Jesus die on the cross. Thus, the two passages are brought together as prediction and fulfillment.

St. Ambrose (December7) in particular sees Mary as a sorrowful yet powerful figure at the cross. Mary stood fearlessly at the cross while others fled. Mary looked on her Son's wounds with pity, but saw in them the salvation of the world. As Jesus hung on the cross, Mary did not fear to be killed but offered herself to her persecutors.


John's account of Jesus' death is highly symbolic. When Jesus gives the beloved disciple to Mary, we are invited to appreciate Mary's role in the Church: She symbolizes the Church; the beloved disciple represents all believers. As Mary mothered Jesus, she is now mother to all his followers. Furthermore, as Jesus died, he handed over his Spirit. Mary and the Spirit cooperate in begetting new children of God—almost an echo of Luke's account of Jesus' conception. Christians can trust that they will continue to experience the caring presence of Mary and Jesus' Spirit throughout their lives and throughout history.


"At the cross her station keeping,

Stood the mournful mother weeping,

Close to Jesus to the last.

Through her heart, his sorrow sharing,

All his bitter anguish bearing,

Now at length the sword has passed."

(Stabat Mater)

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Jeste li ubrali svijeće za sutra i jel se još držite naših starih običaja?

Ne zaboravimo običaj umivanja u  cvijeću. Ovaj običaj provodi se tako da se ubere cvijeće čije se latice potope u čistoj vodi, u kojoj onda ukućani obavljaju ranojutarnje umivanje. Običaj povezuje se s ljepotom, zdravljem i blagostanjem. Posuda se večer prije Cvjetnice blagoslovi i ostavi  je će se u noći u ovome cvijeću i vodi umiti najprije anđeli, a sutradan u Cvjetnom jutru i sva djeca i ostali ukućani.Jedna od poruka jest da valja oprati dušu u anđeoskoj vodi i cvijeću te slaviti Uskrs. Čovjek je cvijet što cvate na ovoj zemlji, ali mu je korijen u vječnosti. Za vrijeme umivanja, prema običaju, naglas se izgovara molitva:" Umivam se, dragi Bože, u cvijeću, i molim te za svoju sreću. Molim se svom anđelu čuvaru, koji se umi u cvjetnoj vodi, da me, Božja ljubav preporodi!” Nakon toga ide se crkvi i blagoslov maslinovih, lovorovih, palminih grančica...Nakon svete mise blagoslovljene grančice vjernici nose u svoje domove gdje ih najčešće postavljaju uz raspelo. U Dalmaciji je tradicija da se blagoslovljene grančice nose imena grobove svojih voljenih.

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Karmelićani - Split

Jeste li ubrali svijeće za sutra i jel se još držite naših starih običaja?

Ne zaboravimo običaj umivanja u  cvijeću. Ovaj običaj provodi se tako da se ubere cvijeće čije se latice potope u čistoj vodi, u kojoj onda ukućani obavljaju ranojutarnje umivanje. Običaj povezuje se s ljepotom, zdravljem i blagostanjem. Posuda se večer prije Cvjetnice blagoslovi i ostavi  je će se u noći u ovome cvijeću i vodi umiti najprije anđeli, a sutradan u Cvjetnom jutru i sva djeca i ostali ukućani.Jedna od poruka jest da valja oprati dušu u anđeoskoj vodi i cvijeću te slaviti Uskrs. Čovjek je cvijet što cvate na ovoj zemlji, ali mu je korijen u vječnosti. Za vrijeme umivanja, prema običaju, naglas se izgovara molitva:" Umivam se, dragi Bože, u cvijeću, i molim te za svoju sreću. Molim se svom anđelu čuvaru, koji se umi u cvjetnoj vodi, da me, Božja ljubav preporodi!” Nakon toga ide se crkvi i blagoslov maslinovih, lovorovih, palminih grančica...Nakon svete mise blagoslovljene grančice vjernici nose u svoje domove gdje ih najčešće postavljaju uz raspelo. U Dalmaciji je tradicija da se blagoslovljene grančice nose imena grobove svojih voljenih.



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SAINT OF THE DAY (March 22): ST. LEA OF ROME(d.384), religious.

Saint Lea is a fourth-century saint in the Roman Catholic Church based on the authority of Jerome.

The name Lea is likely a derivation of Leah coming from a Hebrew word meaning "weary"; or from a Chaldean name meaning "mistress" or "ruler" in Akkadian. In Genesis 29, Leah is seen as being Jacob's first wife and the mother of seven of his children.

Lea of Rome is known only through the testimony of her beloved friend, the learned Saint Jerome. Jerome, a scholarly monk best known for his Latin translation of the Bible (the Vulgate), is the Church's only source of information on St. Lea, whose biographical details are unknown. A noblewoman of Rome, born into wealth and privilege, she was a contemporary of Jerome. However, soon after her marriage she was widowed and left very sound financially. Instead of retiring as a wealthy widow, however, she joined a convent of consecrated virgins in the city—shedding all the money and social standing she possessed. In later years she was named the prioress of the convent. Saint Lea supported the house run by Saint Marcella, working as a menial servant, and later served as the group's superior.

It appears that she died in 384 while St. Jerome and St. Marcella were reading and working on Psalm 73. In a letter relaying her death to others within the city of Rome, St. Jerome writes to St. Marcella that St. Lea, a woman of austerity, obedience and remarkable penances had died. He described her as “blessed,” emphasizing the woman's virtues as being worthy of heaven. Jerome provides no biography for Lea, for he assumes that Marcella knows Lea, and concentrates instead upon her virtues.

St. Lea, patron saint of widows, pray for us!

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aleksandra charles rekla da ona je oslijepila sva jako malo vidi i zato da moli BOGU za muza koji je dosa na stare dane jer triba puno pomoci  zato kada se stariji par vincaju po stare dane nemoj  biti protiv ako BOG nije

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secer tip 2 staracki diabetes kako moj pok dragi otac


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