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I sina böner och i offrandet av sina lidanden prioriterade den helige Francisco Marto avsikten att "trösta den fördolde Jesus", det vill säga den eukaristiske Herren. Syster Lucia återgav följande ord av Francisco, som han sade till henne: "När du kommer ut från skolan, gå och stanna en liten stund nära den fördolde Jesus, och kom sedan hem ensam." När Lucia frågade Francisco om hans lidanden, svarade han: "Jag lider för att trösta vår Herre. Först gör jag det för att trösta vår Herre och vår Fru, och sedan, därefter, för syndare och för den helige fadern. … Mer än något annat vill jag trösta honom." (Syster Lucias memoarer, s. 157; 163) Short Meditation Padre Pio sent many penitents to pray at the grotto of Saint Michael the Archangel on Mount Gargano, about 25 km from San Giovanni Rotondo, and he also asked some of them to pray for him. « Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen » Depose your Intentions: Click here to depose your prayer intentions. Conclude today with the prayer to St John Paul 2: Pray Du har skickat https://spirituallysmart.com/nazi.html
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aha da neko me ostavija u vrticu da triba mi hipnoze da iman traume
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aha hypnoza
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“Come and retreat with me!” Orchard at Benedikt Beuren Monastery, Germany. (c) A Furchert
Dear fellow traveler,
Some of you might be expecting the essay on toxic religion and harassment I promised last week. But it still lies in growing pains and needs some more labor to be pushed into the world.
Also I felt there is so much pain and anxiety going around given the state of the world and the election panic here in the US which just cumulated last week, that I did not want to add another difficult to face topic to the overload.
So, I ventured into our archives looking for some monastic wisdom to offer to you instead. I found a piece on the significance of gardens for a healthy and wholesome body and intellect that I wrote in the thick of the pandemic. It fits well into our current time and offers its consolation against fear. It also covers another promise of mine to share more on Hildegard of Bingen (and the paper I am currently finishing) who was not only a master gardener but has praised the garden in many vivid metaphors from God’s dwelling place to our inner life.
But see for yourself. Get yourself some tea or something stronger and retreat for a bit into the garden
And may peace and wisdom cast out contempt and fear, Almut with Chuck and little one
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ovaj prestavlja mi ovako nesto ambijent da iden u cloister
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SV FRANCISCO SANTO najpametniji on bi samo tijesija plac GOSPODINA GOSPE I svoje nesritnike
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tko rece da ni ok sve to normalno ili nenormalno tko kaze da 1 ili 2 prjedlozenje ni ispravno samo BOG ?
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