Adoración Eucarística, Congreso Nacional

Maria Angela Grow
Prayer for August : Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
O Heart of Mary, Mother of God and our Mother; Heart most worthy of love, in which the adorable Trinity is ever well-pleased, worthy of the veneration and love of all the Angels and men;
Heart most like to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of which thou art the perfect image; Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate toward our miseries;
Deign to melt our icy hearts and grant that they may be wholly changed into the likeness of the Heart of Jesus, our Divine Savior.
Pour into them the love of thy virtues, kindle in them that divine fire with which thou thyself did ever burn. In thee, let Holy Church find a safe shelter; Protect her and be her dearest refuge, her tower of strength, impregnable against every assault of her enemies.
Be thou the way which leads to Jesus and the channel through which we receive all the graces needful for our salvation.
Be our refuge in time of trouble, our solace in the midst of trial, our strength against temptation, our haven in persecution, our present help in every danger, and especially in the hour of death, when all hell shall let loose against us its legions to snatch away our souls, at that dread moment, that hour so full of fear whereon our eternity depends.
Ah, then, most tender Virgin, make us to feel the sweetness of thy motherly heart and the might of thine intercession with Jesus, and open to us a safe refuge in that very fountain of mercy, whence we may come to praise Him with thee in paradise, world without end.
Amen Maria Angela Grow
13 tim ·
Novena to St. Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney 1
July 31 - August 8
V. In the Name (✠) of the Father... R. Amen.
Litany to St. John Marie Vianney (Private Use)
V. Lord, have mercy on us.
R. Christ have mercy on us.
V. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
R. Christ graciously hear us.
V. God the Father of Heaven, R. ☧
V. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, R. ☧
V. God the Holy Ghost, R. ☧
V. Holy Trinity, One God, R. ☧
V. Holy Mary, Mother of God, R. *
V. Saint John Marie Vianney, R. *
V. ♱, Endowed with grace from thy infancy, R. *
V. ♱, Model of filial piety, R. *
V. ♱, Devoted servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, *
V. ♱, Spotless lily of purity, R. *
V. ♱, Faithful imitator of the sufferings of Christ, R. *
V. ♱, Abyss of humility, R. *
V. ♱, Seraph of prayer, R. *
V. ♱, Faithful adorer of the Most Blessed Sacrament *
V. ♱, Ardent lover of holy poverty, R. *
V. ♱, True son of St. Francis of Assisi, R. *
V. ♱, Exemplary Franciscan tertiary, R. *
V. ♱, Tender friend of the poor, R. *
V. ♱, Filled with the holy fear of God’s perfect justice, *
V. ♱, Fortified by divine visions, R. *
V. ♱, who was tormented by the evil spirit, R. *
V. Perfect model of priestly virtue, R. *
V. ♱, Firm and prudent pastor, R. *
V. ♱, inflamed with zeal, R. *
V. ♱, Faithful attendant of the sick, R. *
V. ♱, Untiring teacher, R. *
V. ♱, who preached with words of fire, R. *
V. ♱, Wise director of souls, R. *
V. ♱, Specially gifted with the spirit of counsel, R. *
V. ♱, Enlightened by the light from Heaven, R. *
V. ♱, Formidable to Satan, R. *
V. ♱, Compassionate with every misery, R. *
V. ♱, Helper of the orphans, R. *
V. ♱, Favored with the gift of miracles, R. *
V. ♱, Mighty confessor, R. *
V. ♱, who reconciled so many sinners to God, R. *
V. ♱, Who led so many down the path of virtue, R. *
V. ♱, Who shows us the path to Heaven, R. *
V. ♱, Who now rejoices in the glory of Heaven, R. *
V. ♱, Whose incorruptible body awaits the final
judgement and resurrection of the dead, R. *
V. ♱, Who gives joy to those who call upon thee, R. *
V. ♱, heavenly patron of parish priests, R. *
V. ♱, model and patron of director of souls, R. *
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
V. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O holy St. John Marie Vianney,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
V. Let us pray.
Almighty and merciful God, Who
bestowed upon St. John Marie Vianney wonderful
pastoral zeal and a great fervor for prayer and
penance, grant, we beseech Thee, that by his
example and intercession we may be able to win the
souls of many for Christ, and with them reach our
everlasting joy, through the same Jesus (☨) Christ,
Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee and the
Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.
R. Amen.
V. ❑♱ St. John Vianney
R. ☧Have Mercy on Us
R. * Pray for us
Novena Prayer
V. O Holy Curè of Ars, St. John Marie Vianney,
R. We have confidence in thy intercession. * We
recommend this present affair to thy special
protection. * We beg thee to lay it before the
throne of Our Lord, * so that He may bring it to a
happy issue. * And cease not to intercede for us
until our request is granted.
(Pause and state your intentions)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be
Invocation of Saints:
R. * Pray for us.
V. St. Ignatius of Loyola, R. *
V. The Holy Maccabeeans, R. *
V. Sts. Alphonsus Liguori and Stephen I, R. *
V. St. Dominic, R. *
V. Our Lady of the Snows, R. *
V. Sts. Sixtus II, Felicissimus & Agapitus, R. *
V. Sts. Cajetan and Donatus, R. *
V. St. John Marie Vianney, R. *
V. St. Philomena, R. *
V. In the Name (✠) of the Father...
R. Amen.

The Raccolta


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