kratko i jasno loza te suradiva sa pasminom ako nese racunas krstena . idolatry is go to grave of diana maradona or elvis presley send children instead to mass OVI DVA SU HAAG DOMSTOLEN

Suzana Monika
"When we pick up the phone, we say 'Hello' But what is 'Hello'?
It is not a greeting but rather the name of a person.
It is 'Margaret Hello,' the fiancée of the telephone inventor 'Graham Bell.'
It was the first word he said in the initial test of his invention,
and it has been used since then as the opening of any phone call worldwide."
1 min
Suzana Monika
It is tiring trying to counter all the hate and misjudgement out there
It is discouraging to see all the denial of the Lord
It is concerning to see more individuals placing greater importance of the things of this earthly life over the opportunity for eternal salvation
It is alarming to see more and more persons indulging in the occult and false idolatry knowingly or unknowingly of possessions, money, selfishness, prominence, success, power, authority, etc.
But we must not give up doing the right thing for ourselves while also bringing others to the promises of the Lord by treating others with love
BE the change
BE the light
START today
NEVER stop
Love you all and remember Jesus loves you too!
A LETTER FROM SAINT PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS 2 CORINTHIANS 4:6 Detta är den viktigaste delen av massan. Marcus Aurelius
Thus says the Lord: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practice steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, says the Lord.
-Jeremiah 9:23-24
När tog du senast emot Kristus av hela ditt hjärta?
1 min
Billy Hale
LOL 'Graham Bell.' It's Alexander Graham Bell and his wife Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, he never had a fiancée named Margaret anything. The first words he spoke were "Mr. Watson come here I want you."Catholic United
Job J. Jamili · ·
Certainly many non-Catholics especially Protestants will again disagree with my post because this story in the Bible is the most significant basis for their salvation, on how the good thief was saved at the nick of time. However, they did not consider the other elements on how the good thief was saved except for his short request to Jesus to take him to paradise. At their final moment, the good thief confessed his sin by saying to the other thief they're condemned justly for their sins, with his confession comes repentance and conversion. But why only Dismas had a change of heart, it was because the Blessed Mother prayed and interceded for him.
After the bad thief mocks Christ, this good thief sticks up for Him, saying, "Have you no fear of God, for you are subject to the same condemnation? And indeed, we have been condemned justly, for the sentence we received corresponds to our crimes, but this man has done nothing criminal".
Saint Faustina speaks of the good thief in her Diary: See what grace and reflection made out of the greatest criminal. He who is dying has much love: "Remember me when You are in paradise." Heartfelt repentance immediately transforms the soul. The good thief admits his sin, accepts his suffering, and thus, opens his heart to the transformative power of Christ. He doesn't ask Jesus to take him down from the cross. He knows that the life he lived on earth deserves death.
The Good Thief, who acknowledged Christ on the Cross, and from Him deserved to hear the words: 'This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.' The sudden change and conversion for Dismas from a sinner became a penitent and Saint has been rightly attributed to the prayers of our Blessed Lady. Mary, say the holy Fathers, had obtained the soul of the malefactor, as a recompense of her sorrows, and the price of her compassion. Saint Peter Damien assures us, that Mary prayed for the thief who was on the right side of the Cross, on which side she also stood, and exhorted him to hope in Jesus, and to do penance. Saint Anselm, in a treatise on the youth of Jesus, relates the following pathetic incident about the early years of Saint Dismas:
One legend says that Dismas and his fellow thief held up Joseph and Mary when they were fleeing to Egypt with the child Jesus.But he was at once so charmed with the supernatural beauty and grace which shone on the countenance of Jesus, that instead of doing them harm, he gave them hospitality in the cave which he inhabited, and made ready for them everything of which they stood in need. Mary was grateful for the tenderness and care which the robber bestowed on her Beloved Son, and warmly thanking him, she assured him that he would be rewarded before his death. This promise was fulfilled later, when Dismas was crucified with the Saviour of the World, and obtained the grace of repentance in his last hour, openly confessing Jesus Christ's Divinity. When the Apostles had fled, he had the happiness to receive the first fruits of the Redeemer's Sacrifice, and soon after, entered the Heavenly Kingdom with his Saviour.'An Introduction to Kolbe Publications.
While familiar with the account of his martyrdom, many of us are unaware that
St Maximilian Kolbe published his first issue of a monthly bulletin using the funds collected by begging. The humble material was called “Knight of the Immaculatae”. This was in 1922. For six years, he was humbly stationed, with his little printing press, in a convent in the city of Grodno. Because of the throngs of vocations and the successful expansion of his press apostolate into a major religious publishing centre, the good Saint left Grodno and founded the Niepokalanow monastery: the “City of the Immaculatae”. It was touted as the largest monastery in the world before World War Il. His press and radio apostolate flourished here.
Today, Kolbe Publications continues the work of St Maximilian Kolbe throughout the world. At an era where people are in dire need of solutions to their tepid prayer life, when books on the Immaculatae are being discontinued, when major religious book stores deem books about the Mother of God irrelevant and stale, Kolbe Publications has successfully continued to produce books befitting the passion and reverence
St Maximilian had for our Blessed Virgin.
Kolbe Publications has now become the epoch in disseminating true and credible guidance and information through books, leaflets, prayer cards, sacramental items, and magazines.
Visit (link in bio) to view our range of books and sacramentals.Maria Angela Grow
Novena to St. Nicholas of Tolentino.
Sept. 1 - 9
O brightly shining star of sanctity! splendour and boast of the Augustinian Order; our powerful protector, St. Nicholas, hear from heaven the prayers of thy devoted clients. Teach us to imitate the example thou gavest here below of heroic virtue, to curb our passions and restrain our unruly appetites, that we may ever live in the light of divine grace, and escape the foul contagion of habitual sin. Procure for us a love of Jesus like that which filled thy own sinless heart, and a tender devotion to Mary His Mother, that we may be more like thee in childlike love of her. Fortify us in efforts to reach heaven, that we may be ever faithful to Jesus and Mary; and strengthen us by thy prayers, to merit a share in the bright and endless joys thou now enjoyest, and that for eternity. Amen. SAINT OF TODAY
Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
St. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus were very prominent Jews and were members of the supreme Jewish Council called Sanhedrin.
Mathew called Joseph as a rich man and Luke called him as a good and upright man. Even though Joseph was a very important Jewish leader, he believed in the coming kingdom of God and started believing that Jesus might be the Messiah. Luke calls him a “good and upright man”. After the death of Jesus on the cross at Golgotha, Joseph courageously met Pilate, the Procurator of Judea, in person and asked him the body of Jesus. Pilate also ordered to handover the body of Jesus to Joseph, after confirming from the guards that Jesus died on the cross. Joseph then wrapped the body of Jesus with 100 pounds of myrrh and aloes brought by Nicodemus, in fine linen and buried in a cave tomb hewn for him. Nicodemus helped Joseph in all these activities and he only brought the myrrh and aloes to anoint Jesus. Joseph and Nicodemus have given an honorable burial to Jesus following the Jewish burial procedure. Nicodemus was a secret disciple of Jesus and he came to Jesus one night to listen to His teachings and praised Jesus “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles you have done” (John 3: 2). When the Chief priest sent guards to arrest Jesus, they did not brought Jesus. When the Chief Priests and the Pharisees condemned the officers who have said “no one talked like Him (Jesus)”, they cursed them. But Nicodemus told them “whether our laws judge anyone before hearing what had happened” (John-7:45-51). Nicodemus made this comment naturally in support of Jesus.
St. Joseph of Arimathea is the patron saint of Funeral Directors and Pallbearers.
PRAYER: God, You alone are holy and without You no one is good. Through the intercession of Sts. Joseph and Nicodemus, grant that we may so live as not to be deprived of Your glory. Amen.*💫Our Daily Spiritual Booster🧎🏻‍♂️*
"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." (Ps.23:5)
*🙏"My God, in you I trust"*
_*In front of your enemies!!* Don't be surprise to find enemies where you are making progress in life; office, work or business places. God says he has prepared good things for you in the presence, not necessarily of your loved ones, but of your enemies. Hence, your enemies would always be found around your territory of progress. The more you prosper the more bitter and uncomfortable they become. Fear not! Their presence is to make you stronger and God will protect you against their malice. Hence, focus on your business and keep rising in their presence._
Chika With Catholic Teachings Forum @topfans


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