hozana Pray on Hozana Father, I am your child In The Eucharistic fast: an offering of your life Post image Jesus, rest your gaze upon me, prepare my soul to receive the kiss of your union, cleanse me. May we live this prayer together, united in every way, in body, in soul, in love and in free will. May this encounter between love created and Love uncreated be a source of Life for all. In this way, hidden in your Love, all the created dissolves in the ardent fire of Love uncreated. Amen. FIAT. "Pray then like this: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors; And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil." (Mt 6:9-13) Passage from “Book of Heaven” by Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will – (date not found) She who lives in our Will knows us and, as soon as she enters in herself, she kisses and hugs her Father, surrounds us with her little love, embraces all of Heaven and we give her our seas of love; we can say that the festivities begin for her and for us, between Heaven and earth, and, by naming her beloved, we tell her: “You are the happiest and luckiest creature because you live in our Will, you know us and love us and we keep you hidden in our Love, covered in our arms, under a shower of graces.” Let us pray Today, Lord, I give you my will, may your Will be done in me. Please hide me in the eyes of the world, so that we can live in special union throughout my actions today. Together, Jesus in me, let's bring you joy, praise, comfort and reparations. Knowing your infinite Love for my sisters and brothers, images of you, this exchange will give You, Mercy, the change to offer joy and comfort to your poor children who are going through so many trails. In order to do this, with your Will acting in me, I say with my sisters and brothers: (the community prayer by clicking “Pray”) Act of Spiritual Communion (by Mgr Raymond Centène) Lord Jesus, I firmly believe that You are present in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I love You more than anything and I desire You with all my soul. “My body longs for you, like a dry, weary land without water.” (Psalm 62) I want to receive You today with all the love of the Virgin Mary, with the joy and the fervor of the Saints. Since I am prevented from receiving You sacramentally, come at least spiritually to visit my soul. In this time of absence, may this Eucharistic fast to which I am subjected bring me in communion with Your sufferings, especially with the feeling of abandon that You felt on the Cross when You cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” May this sacramental fast bring me in communion with the sentiments of Your Most Holy Mother and of St Joseph when they lost You in the temple of Jerusalem; with the sentiments of Your Holy Mother when she received You, lifeless, at the foot of the Cross. May this Eucharistic fast bring me in communion with the suffering of Your mystical Body, the Church, throughout the world where persecution, or the absence of priests, are obstacles to sacramental life. May this Eucharistic fast bring me to understand that the Eucharist is an over-abundant gift of Your love and not a given for my spiritual comfort. May this Eucharistic fast be a reparation for all the times when I received you with a heart that was badly prepared, cold, indifferent, without love nor thanksgiving. May this Eucharistic fast ever increase my hunger to receive You truly and substantially in Your body, Your blood, Your soul and Your divinity when the circumstances will allow me. And until then, Lord Jesus, come to visit us spiritually through Your grace to strengthen us in our trials. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus. Prayed Invite your friends to discover this publication 🙏🏻 John Paul entrusts you with the following prayer intention. Would you like to pray for his intention? I give thanks to God. Still more miracles required for Roisin, Anita, Martin, James, Thomas, Jota Pay, May, Jessica, Brian et al,; + my family. I pray for this intention


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